서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Journal of Synchrotron Radiation v.18 n.3 2011

seoulfric 2011. 3. 23. 15:36

ISSN 0909-0495

Experimental procedure for the characterization of radiation damage in macromolecular crystals

R. M. F. Leal, G. P. Bourenkov, O. Svensson, D. Spruce, M. Guijarro and A. N. Popov

Additional phase information from UV damage of selenomethionine labelled proteins

D. de Sanctis, P. A. Tucker and S. Panjikar

Energy dependence of site-specific radiation damage in protein crystals

C. Homer, L. Cooper and A. Gonzalez

Correlated single-crystal electronic absorption spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography at NSLS beamline X26-C

A. M. Orville, R. Buono, M. Cowan, A. Héroux, G. Shea-McCarthy, D. K. Schneider, J. M. Skinner, M. J. Skinner, D. Stoner-Ma and R. M. Sweet

Revealing low-dose radiation damage using single-crystal spectroscopy

R. L. Owen, B. A. Yorke, J. A. Gowdy and A. R. Pearson

Quantitative local structure determination in mica crystals: ab initio simulations of polarization XANES at the potassium K-edge

W. Xu, D. Chen, W. Chu, Z. Wu, A. Marcelli, A. Mottana, A. Soldatov and M. F. Brigatti

High-efficiency Fresnel zone plates for hard X-rays by 100 keV e-beam lithography and electroplating

S. Gorelick, J. Vila-Comamala, V. A. Guzenko, R. Barrett, M. Salomé and C. David

New developments in fabrication of high-energy-resolution analyzers for inelastic X-ray spectroscopy

A. H. Said, H. Sinn and R. Divan

Reconstruction of electron beam distribution using phase-retrieval algorithm

Y. W. Parc, C. Kim, J. Y. Huang and I. S. Ko

In situ powder diffraction study of belite sulfoaluminate clinkering

Á. G. De la Torre, A. J. M. Cuberos, G. Álvarez-Pinazo, A. Cuesta and M. A. G. Aranda

Three-dimensional diffraction mapping by tuning the X-ray energy

T. W. Cornelius, D. Carbone, V. L. R. Jacques, T. U. Schülli and T. H. Metzger

Fast X-ray microdiffraction techniques for studying irreversible transformations in materials

S. T. Kelly, J. C. Trenkle, L. J. Koerner, S. C. Barron, N. Walker, P. O. Pouliquen, M. W. Tate, S. M. Gruner,E. M. Dufresne, T. P. Weihs and T. Hufnagel

ANKAphase: software for single-distance phase retrieval from inline X-ray phase-contrast radiographs

T. Weitkamp, D. Haas, D. Wegrzynek and A. Rack

Development of a hard X-ray delay line for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and jitter-free pump-probe experiments at X-ray free-electron laser sources

W. Roseker, H. Franz, H. Schulte-Schrepping, A. Ehnes, O. Leupold, F. Zontone, S. Lee, A. Robert and G. Grübel

Geometrical layout and optics modelling of the surface science beamline station at the SESAME synchrotron radiation facility

W. Salah and M. Sanchez del Rio


Synchrotron-radiation-induced oxidation of selenite to selenate in coal-derived fly ash

F. E. Huggins and H. Sanei

Use of Soller slits to remove reference foil fluorescence from transmission spectra

J. J. Tse, G. N. George and I. J. Pickering