ISSN 1472-2747
Computation-free presentation of the fundamental group of generic (p,q)–torus curves 1265 Enrique Artal Bartolo, José Ignacio Cogolludo Agustín and Jorge Ortigas-Galindo |
1273 Danielle O'Donnol and Elena Pavelescu |
A Jørgensen–Thurston theorem for homomorphisms 1301 Yi Liu |
Obstructions for constructing equivariant fibrations 1313 Aslı Güçlükan İlhan |
Exponential growth of torsion in abelian coverings 1331 Jean Raimbault |
1373 Charles Rezk |
Quadratic forms classify products on quotient ring spectra 1405 Alain Jeanneret and Samuel Wüthrich |
1443 Vincent Blanlœ il and Osamu Saeki |
Spectral rigidity of automorphic orbits in free groups 1457 Mathieu Carette, Stefano Francaviglia, Ilya Kapovich and Armando Martino |
Cyclic A∞ structures and Deligne's conjecture 1487 Benjamin C Ward |
Finiteness of outer automorphism groups of random right-angled Artin groups 1553 Matthew B Day |
Homology cylinders of higher-order 1585 Takahiro Kitayama |
1607 Valery G Bardakov, Roman Mikhailov, Vladimir V Vershinin and Jie Wu |
The link volumes of some prism manifolds 1649 Jair Remigio-Juárez and Yo'av Rieck |