Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire
C. R. Stoof, R. W. Vervoort, J. Iwema, E. van den Elsen, A. J. D. Ferreira, and C. J. Ritsema
Estimating geostatistical parameters and spatially-variable hydraulic conductivity within a catchment system using an ensemble smoother
R. T. Bailey and D. Baù
Effects of climate model radiation, humidity and wind estimates on hydrological simulations
I. Haddeland, J. Heinke, F. Voß, S. Eisner, C. Chen, S. Hagemann, and F. Ludwig
Skewness as measure of the invariance of instantaneous renormalized drop diameter distributions – Part 1: Convective vs. stratiform precipitation
M. Ignaccolo and C. De Michele
Skewness as measure of the invariance of instantaneous renormalized drop diameter distributions – Part 2: Orographic precipitation
M. Ignaccolo and C. De Michele
Technical Note: How image processing facilitates the rising bubble technique for discharge measurement
K. P. Hilgersom and W. M. J. Luxemburg
Physically-based modeling of topographic effects on spatial evapotranspiration and soil moisture patterns through radiation and wind
M. Liu, A. Bárdossy, J. Li, and Y. Jiang
The importance of parameter resampling for soil moisture data assimilation into hydrologic models using the particle filter
D. A. Plaza, R. De Keyser, G. J. M. De Lannoy, L. Giustarini, P. Matgen, and V. R. N. Pauwels
Sensitivity of SWAT simulated streamflow to climatic changes within the Eastern Nile River basin
D. T. Mengistu and A. Sorteberg
Analysis of projected hydrological behavior of catchments based on signature indices
M. C. Casper, G. Grigoryan, O. Gronz, O. Gutjahr, G. Heinemann, R. Ley, and A. Rock
Comparing soil moisture retrievals from SMOS and ASCAT over France
M. Parrens, E. Zakharova, S. Lafont, J.-C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, W. Wagner, and J.-P. Wigneron
Transient drawdown solution for a constant pumping test in finite two-zone confined aquifers
C.-T. Wang, H.-D. Yeh, and C.-S. Tsai
Technical Note: Analytical sensitivity analysis of a two parameter recursive digital baseflow separation filter
K. Eckhardt
Promoting interdisciplinary education − the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems
G. Blöschl, G. Carr, C. Bucher, A. H. Farnleitner, H. Rechberger, W. Wagner, and M. Zessner
Investigating riparian groundwater flow close to a losing river using diurnal temperature oscillations at high vertical resolution
T. Vogt, M. Schirmer, and O. A. Cirpka
Comparison and evaluation of satellite derived precipitation products for hydrological modeling of the Zambezi River Basin
T. Cohen Liechti, J. P. Matos, J.-L. Boillat, and A. J. Schleiss
Effects of freezing on soil temperature, freezing front propagation and moisture redistribution in peat: laboratory investigations
R. M. Nagare, R. A. Schincariol, W. L. Quinton, and M. Hayashi
Estimation of soil redistribution rates due to snow cover related processes in a mountainous area (Valle d'Aosta, NW Italy)
E. Ceaglio, K. Meusburger, M. Freppaz, E. Zanini, and C. Alewell
Hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of an alkaline volcanic area: the NE Mt. Meru slope (East African Rift – Northern Tanzania)
G. Ghiglieri, D. Pittalis, G. Cerri, and G. Oggiano