The Homeomorphism Group on R with the Fine Topology and Semi-Box Product Spaces |
R. A. McCoy |
1-20 |
BPI Is Equivalent to Compactness-n, n ≥ 6, of Tychonoff Powers of 2 |
Eleftherios Tachtsis |
21-28 |
Some Compactness Properties Related to Pseudocompactness and Ultrafilter Convergence |
Paolo Lipparini |
29-51 |
Induced Mappings Between the Hyperspaces C(X) of Continua and Universal Mappings |
Antonio Peláez |
53-62 |
On Some Classes of Paratopological Groups |
Manuel Fernández |
63-72 |
An Upper Semi-Continuous Model for the Lorenz Attractor |
Benjamin Marlin |
73-81 |
Periodic Orientation Reversing Homeomorphisms of S² with an Invariant Pseudo-Circle |
J. P. Boroński |
83-90 |
Fernando Orozco-Zitli and Isabel Puga, Confluent Mappings of Fans That Do Not Preserve Selectibility and Nonselectibility |
Félix Capulín |
91-98 |
PFA(S)[S] and the Arhangel'skiĭ-Tall Problem |
Franklin D. Tall |
99-108 |
Homeomorphisms of Bagpipes |
David Gauld |
109-120 |
Characterizations of Quasi-Pseudo-Metrizable Spaces |
Kedian Li and Fucai Lin |
121-129 |
Continuous Itinerary Topologies in Higher Dimensions |
Stewart Baldwin |
131-153 |
Universal Classes of Continua |
Florencio Corona-Vázquez and Alejandro Ramírez-Páramo |
155-166 |
Connected Inverse Limits with a Set-Valued Function |
Van Nall |
167-177 |
A Lower Bound on the Width of Satellite Knots |
Alexander Zupan |
179-188 |
Characterizations of Terminal Subcontinua |
Benjamin Espinoza and Likin C. Simon Romero |
189-194 |
Retracts and Non-Normality Points |
Andrzej Szymanski |
195-201 |
Concerning Nonconnected Inverse Limits with Upper Semi-Continuous Set-Valued Functions |
W. T. Ingram |
203-214 |
Deformation Retracts and Hilbert Cubes in n-fold Hyperspaces |
Sergio Macías |
215-226 |
Antonyan and Natalia Jonard-Pérez, Equivariant Selections of Convex-Valued Maps |
Sergey A |
227-238 |
Group Homology and Ideal Fundamental Cycles |
Thilo Kuessner |
239-258 |
Fernando Orozco-Zitli, and Isabel Puga, Bend Intersection Property and Continua of Generalized Type N |
Félix Capulín |
259-270 |
Klein Bottles and Multidimensional Fixed Point Sets |
Allan L. Edmonds |
271-281 |
Connectedness in Spaces of Pseudoquotients |
Piotr Mikusińnski and Steven A. Purtee |
283-288 |
Elementary Submodel Arguments in Balogh's Dowker Spaces |
Haruto Ohta and Teruyuki Yorioka |
289-296 |
A Note on Functions in C(X) with Support Lying on an Ideal of Closed Subsets of X |
Sudip Kumar Acharyya and Swapan Kumar Ghosh |
297-301 |
Compactly Generated Quasitopological Homotopy Groups with Discontinuous Multiplication |
Paul Fabel |
303-309 |