A Cohomological Obstruction to Weak Approximation for Homogeneous Spaces
M. Borovoi and T. Schlank
The Classes of the Quasihomogeneous Hilbert Schemes of Points on the Plane
A. Buryak
A Quaternionic Treatment of the Inhomogeneous div-rot System
F. Colombo, M. Luna-Elizarrarás, I. Sabadini, M. Shapiro, and D. Struppa
Orbifold Euler Characteristics for Dual Invertible Polynomials
W. Ebeling and S. Gusein-Zade
Tropical Varieties with Polynomial Weights and Corner Loci of Piecewise Polynomials
A. Esterov
Complete System of Analytic Invariants for Unfolded Differential Linear Systems with an Irregular Singularity of Poincaré Rank 1
C. Lambert and C. Rousseau
Fixed Points for One-Dimensional Particle System with Strong Interaction
V. Malyshev
Complex-Analytic Structures on Moment-Angle Manifolds
T. Panov and Yu. Ustinovsky
Extremal Spectral Properties of Lawson Tau-Surfaces and the Lamé Equation
A. Penskoi
Totally Nonfree Actions and the Infinite Symmetric Group
A. Vershik