Stochastic analysis of field-scale heat advection in heterogeneous aquifers
C.-M. Chang and H.-D. Yeh
Transient flow between aquifers and surface water: analytically derived field-scale hydraulic heads and fluxes
G. H. de Rooij
Multiplicative cascade models for fine spatial downscaling of rainfall: parameterization with rain gauge data
D. E. Rupp, P. Licznar, W. Adamowski, and M. Leśniewski
Soil weathering rates in 21 catchments of the Canadian Shield
D. Houle, P. Lamoureux, N. Bélanger, M. Bouchard, C. Gagnon, S. Couture, and A. Bouffard
Land use effect and hydrological control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watersheds
J.-C. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Kao, S.-C. Hsu, H.-J. Lin, and T.-R. Peng
Potentials and limits of urban rainwater harvesting in the Middle East
J. Lange, S. Husary, A. Gunkel, D. Bastian, and T. Grodek
Thermodynamic constraints on effective energy and mass transfer and catchment function
C. Rasmussen
A combined field and modeling study of groundwater flow in a tidal marsh
Y. Q. Xia and H. L. Li
Characterization of deep aquifer dynamics using principal component analysis of sequential multilevel data
D. Kurtzman, L. Netzer, N. Weisbrod, A. Nasser, E. R. Graber, and D. Ronen
Accounting for seasonality in a soil moisture change detection algorithm for ASAR Wide Swath time series
J. Van doninck, J. Peters, H. Lievens, B. De Baets, and N. E. C. Verhoest
Untangling hydrological pathways and nitrate sources by chemical appraisal in a stream network of a reservoir catchment
M. A. Yevenes and C. M. Mannaerts