서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Journal of Convex Analysis vol.19 no.3 2012

seoulfric 2012. 9. 28. 10:41

Convex Solids with Hyperplanar Shadow-Boundaries
V. Soltan

A Duality Principle for the Legendre Transform
G. Peskir

Geometric Conditions for Regularity in a Time-Minimum Problem with Constant Dynamics
V. V. Goncharov, F. F. Pereira

On Some Properties of Pettis Integrable Multifunctions
N. D. Chakraborty, T. Choudhury

M-Structures in Vector-Valued Polynomial Spaces
V. Dimant, S. Lassalle

Approaching the Maximal Monotonicity of Bifunctions via Representative Functions
R. I. Bot, S.-M. Grad

Optimal Sets for a Class of Minimization Problems with Convex Constraints
C. Bianchini, A. Henrot

Relaxation and 3d-2d Passage Theorems in Hyperelasticity
O. Anza Hafsa, J.-P. Mandallena

Existence Results for a Non Coercive Homogeneous Nonlinear Elliptic Equation
C. Mariconda

Duality of Non-Exposed Faces
S. Weis

Convex Integrals on Sobolev Spaces
V. Barbu, Y. Guo, M. A. Rammaha, D. Toundykov

Fixed Point Theorems for Monotone Generalized Contractions in Partially Ordered Metric Spaces and Applications to Integral Equations
J. Harjani, K. Sadarangani

Approximation of Bodies of Constant Width and Reduced Bodies in a Normed Plane
M. Lassak

The Daugavet Property and Weak Neighborhoods in Banach Lattices
M. D. Acosta, A. Kaminska, M. Mastylo