서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Hydrological Sciences Journal vol.57 no.2 2012

seoulfric 2012. 9. 28. 10:44

Comparison of a Multiple Interacting Pathways model with a classical kinematic wave subsurface flow solution
J. Davies & K. Beven

Time of concentration: a paradox in modern hydrology
S. Grimaldi, A. Petroselli, F. Tauro & M. Porfiri

Water and nutrient predictions in ungauged basins: set-up and evaluation of a model at the national scale
Johan Stromqvist, Berit Arheimer, Joel Dahne, Chantal Donnelly & Goran Lindstrom

Spatial disaggregation and intensity correction of TRMM-based rainfall time series for hydrological applications in dryland catchments
E. Tarnavsky, M. Mulligan & G. Husak

Regional spatial pattern of deep soil water content and its influencing factors
Yunqiang Wang, Ming'an Shao, Zhipeng Liu & David N. Warrington

Grid parameterization of a conceptual distributed hydrological model through integration of a sub-grid topographic index: necessity and practicability
Jintao Liu, Xi Chen, Jichun Wu, Xingnan Zhang, Dezeng Feng & Chong-Yu Xu

Rainfall?runoff-inundation analysis of the 2010 Pakistan flood in the Kabul River basin
Takahiro Sayama, Go Ozawa, Takahiro Kawakami, Seishi Nabesaka & Kazuhiko Fukami

Flood events and flood risk assessment in relation to climate and land-use changes: Saint-Francois River, southern Quebec, Canada
C. Ouellet, D. Saint-Laurent & F. Normand

Environmental flow requirements assessment in the Halda River, Bangladesh
Aysha Akter & Md. Hazrat Ali

Streamflow trends in Nepal
M. R. Gautam & K. Acharya

Analysis of trends of annual and seasonal precipitation from 1956 to 2000 in Guangdong Province, China
Dedi Liu, Shenglian Guo, Xiaohong Chen & Quanxi Shao

Etude geophysique et hydrogeologique du site minier abandonne de Kettara (region de Marrakech, Maroc): contribution au projet de rehabilitation
Meriem Lghoul, Azzouz Kchikach, Rachid Hakkou, Lahcen Zouhri, Roger Guerin, Hocine Bendjoudi, Tereza Teixido, Jose Antonio Pena, Luis Enrique, Mohamed Jaffal & Lahoucine Hanich