On Heat Conduction in Domains Containing Noncoaxial Cylinders
Dag Lukkassen and Annette Meidell
A Note on Some Identities of Frobenius-Euler Numbers and Polynomials
J. Choi, D. S. Kim, T. Kim, and Y. H. Kim
Multiple Positive Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic System Involving Concave-Convex Nonlinearities and Sign-Changing Weight Functions
Tsing-San Hsu
Potential Symmetry Studies on a Rotating Fluid System
S. Y. Lou, Man Jia, F. Huang, and X. Y. Tang
Two-Point Boundary Value Problems for a Class of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
Indranil SenGupta and Maria C. Mariani
The Theory of Falling Shadows Applied to d-Ideals in d-Algebras
Young Bae Jun and Sun Shin Ahn
Cusp Forms in S4(Γ0(47)) and the Number of Representations of Positive Integers by Some Direct Sum of Binary Quadratic Forms with Discriminant −47
Barış Kendirli
Generalizations of the Simpson-Like Type Inequalities for Co-Ordinated s-Convex Mappings in the Second Sense
Jaekeun Park
Axisymmetric Vibration of Piezo-Lemv Composite Hollow Multilayer Cylinder
E. S. Nehru
On Geometry of Submanifolds of (LCS)n-Manifolds
Mehmet Atceken
Control Systems and Number Theory
Fuhuo Li
Some Coding Theorems for Nonadditive Generalized Mean-Value Entropies
Satish Kumar, Gurdas Ram, and Vishal Gupta
Generalized Derivations in Semiprime Gamma Rings
Kalyan Kumar Dey, Akhil Chandra Paul, and Isamiddin S. Rakhimov
Graph of BCI-Algebras
Omid Zahiri and Rajab Ali Borzooei
New Trends in Geometric Function Theory 2011
Teodor Bulboacă, Nak Eun Cho, and Stanisława R. Kanas
Discrete Mixed Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Method for a Fourth-Order Two-Point Boundary Value Problem
L. Jones Tarcius Doss and A. P. Nandini
Approximation of the pth Roots of a Matrix by Using Trapezoid Rule
Amir Sadeghi and Ahmad Izani Md. Ismail
The Real and Complex Hermitian Solutions to a System of Quaternion Matrix Equations with Applications
Shao-Wen Yu
Hermite-Hadamard and Simpson-Like Type Inequalities for Differentiable (α,m)-Convex Mappings
Jaekeun Park
Toeplitz Operators with Essentially Radial Symbols
Roberto C. Raimondo
Transfer of the GPIT Property in Pullbacks
David E. Dobbs and Jay Shapiro
Pseudovaluations on WFI Algebras
Young Bae Jun, Min Su Kang, and Eun Hwan Roh