Experimental recruitment of the Brazilian endemic coral Mussismilia braziliensis and conditioning of settlement plates
B Segal, V Berenguer, CB Castro
Seasonal variability of copepods and cladocerans in Bahía de los Ángeles (Gulf of California) and importance of Acartia clausi as food for whale sharks
BE Lavaniegos, G Heckel, P Ladron de Guevara P
Abundance and distribution of the Panama brief squid, Lolliguncula panamensis (Teuthida: Loliginidae), in the Gulf of California
DI Arizmendi-Rodríguez, CA Salinas-Zavala, C Quiñonez-Velazquez, A Mejia-Rebollo
Effects of hurricanes on the stability of reef-associated landscapes
R Rioja-Nieto, X Chiappa-Carrara, C Sheppard
Antioxidant response of a common herbivorous fish species (Sarpa salpa): Seasonal variation
K Benllassoued, A Hamza, A Abdelmouleh, J van Pelt, A Elfeki
Diversity of migratory environmental history of the mullets Mugil cephalus and M. curema in Mexican coastal waters as indicated by otolith Sr:Ca ratios
AL Ibañez, CW Chang, CC Hsu, CH Wang, Y Iizuka, WN Tzeng
New phytoplankton production as a tool to estimate the vertical component of water exchange between the Gulf of California and the Pacific
S Alvarez-Borrego
Variations in growth and toxicity in Gymnodinium catenatum Graham from the Gulf of California under different ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus
J Bustillos-Guzman, C Band-Schmidt, D Lopez-Cortes, I Garate-Lizarraga, EJ Nuñez-Vazquez, FE Hernandez-Sandoval
Toxicity assays of marine sediments from western Venezuela
R Ramos, C Bastidas, E Garcia
Genetic characterization, based on microsatellite loci, of Solea senegalensis (Soleidae, Pleuronectiformes) in Atlantic coast populations of the SW Iberian Peninsula
E Diaz-Ferguson, I Cross, M Barrios, A Pino, J Castro, C Bouza, P Martinez, L Rebordinos