"Microbial lipid records of highly alkaline deposits and enhanced aridity associated with significant uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in the Late Miocene
"Shucheng Xie, Richard D. Pancost, Lin Chen, Richard P. Evershed, Huan Yang, Kexin Zhang, Junhua Huang, and Yadong Xu
"Dynamic deviation of fluid pressure from hydrostatic pressure in turbidity currents
"Joris T. Eggenhuisen andWilliam D. McCaffrey
Stress-controlled fluid flow in fractures at the site of a potential nuclear waste repository, Finland
"Jussi Mattila andEveliina Tammisto
Origin and evolution of interdistributary delta plains; insights from Mekong River delta
"Toru Tamura, Yoshiki Saito, V. Lap Nguyen, T.K. Oanh Ta, Mark D. Bateman, Dan Matsumoto, and Shota Yamashita
The advent of hard-part structural support among the Ediacara biota: Ediacaran harbinger of a Cambrian mode of body construction
"Erica C. Clites, Mary L. Droser, and James G. Gehling
"How tough is tuff in the event of fire?
"M.J. Heap, Y. Lavallée, A. Laumann, K.-U. Hess, P.G. Meredith, and D.B. Dingwell
"Drought drove forest decline and dune building in eastern upper Michigan, USA, as the upper Great Lakes became closed basins
"Walter L. Loope, Henry M. Loope, Ronald J. Goble, Timothy G. Fisher, David E. Lytle, Robert J. Legg, Douglas A. Wysocki, Paul R. Hanson, and Aaron R. Young
A new technique for identifying rock avalanche–sourced sediment in moraines and some paleoclimatic implications
"Natalya V. Reznichenko, Timothy R.H. Davies, James Shulmeister, and Stuart H. Larsen
Regional moisture balance control of landslide motion: Implications for landslide forecasting in a changing climate
"Jeffrey A. Coe
Applying Benford's law to volcanology
"A. Geyer andJ. Martí
"Climate change and the formation of nickel laterite deposits
"Robert L. Thorne, Stephen Roberts, and Richard Herrington
Volcano- and climate-driven changes in atmospheric dust sources and fluxes since the Late Glacial in Central Europe
"Gaël Le Roux, Nathalie Fagel, Francois De Vleeschouwer, Michael Krachler, Vinciane Debaille, Peter Stille, Nadine Mattielli, W.O. van der Knaap, Jacqueline F.N. van Leeuwen, and William Shotyk
No gap in the Middle Permian record of terrestrial vertebrates
"Michael J. Benton
Rapid erosion beneath the Greenland ice sheet
"T. Cowton, P. Nienow, I. Bartholomew, A. Sole, and D. Mair
"Rapid reef island formation and stability over an emerging reef flat: Bewick Cay, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
"P.S. Kench, S.G. Smithers, and R.F. McLean
What makes a volcano tick—A first explanation of deep multiple seismic sources in ascending magma
"Mark E. Thomas andJurgen Neuberg
"Incipient melt segregation as preserved in subaqueous pyroclasts
"C. Ian Schipper, James D.L. White, Alexander R.L. Nichols, Alain Burgisser, Eric Hellebrand, and Rachel M. Murtagh
Constant cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sand supplied from the Nile River over the past 2.5 m.y.
"Michael Davis, Ari Matmon, Dylan H. Rood, and Simona Avnaim-Katav
"Hadean greenstones from the Nuvvuagittuq fold belt and the origin of the Earth's early continental crust
"John Adam, Tracy Rushmer, Jonathan O'Neil, and Don Francis
"Hydrothermal circulation and the dike-gabbro transition in the detachment mode of slow seafloor spreading
"Andrew M. McCaig andMichelle Harris
Kinematics of the New Madrid seismic zone, central United States, based on stepover models
"Thomas L. Pratt
Generation of Eoarchean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite series from thickened mafic arc crust
"Thorsten J. Nagel, J. Elis Hoffmann, and Carsten Münker
"Gas domes in soft cohesive sediments
"Mark A. Barry, Bernard P. Boudreau, and Bruce D. Johnson
Growth of Archean continental crust in oceanic island arcs
"Ali Polat
"Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: COMMENT
"Kenneth R. Ludwig
Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: COMMENT
"Paul R. Renne andMark B. Goodwin
Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: REPLY
"James E. Fassett, Larry M. Heaman, and Antonio Simonetti
Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: COMMENT
"Alan E. Koenig, Spencer G. Lucas, Leonid A. Neymark, Andrew B. Heckert, Robert M. Sullivan, Steven E. Jasinski, and Denver W. Fowler
Direct U-Pb dating of Cretaceous and Paleocene dinosaur bones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: REPLY
"James E. Fassett, Larry M. Heaman, and Antonio Simonetti
Condensation origin for Neoproterozoic cap carbonates during deglaciation: COMMENT
"Joseph Kula, James R. Metcalf, and Bruce H. Wilkinson
Condensation origin for Neoproterozoic cap carbonates during deglaciation: REPLY
"Martin J. Kennedy andNicholas Christie-Blick