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Geology vol.40 no.5 2012

seoulfric 2012. 10. 2. 14:54

"Melting under the Colorado Plateau, USA
"Mary R. Reid, Romain A. Bouchet, Janne Blichert-Toft, Alan Levander, Kaijian Liu, Meghan S. Miller, and Frank C. Ramos

Widespread weathered glass on the surface of Mars
"Briony Horgan andJames F. Bell III

The oldest evidence of bioturbation on Earth
"Vladimir Rogov, Vasiliy Marusin, Natalia Bykova, Yuriy Goy, Konstantin Nagovitsin, Boris Kochnev, Galina Karlova, and Dmitriy Grazhdankin

"Impact of Indus River discharge on productivity and preservation of organic carbon in the Arabian Sea over the twentieth century
"Andreas Lückge, Gaudenz Deplazes, Hartmut Schulz, Georg Scheeder, Axel Suckow, Sabine Kasten, and Gerald H. Haug

"The Sa'al volcano-sedimentary complex (Sinai, Egypt): A latest Mesoproterozoic volcanic arc in the northern Arabian Nubian Shield
"Yaron Be'eri-Shlevin, Moshe Eyal, Yehuda Eyal, Martin J. Whitehouse, and Boris Litvinovsky

High tide of the warm Pliocene: Implications of global sea level for Antarctic deglaciation
"Kenneth G. Miller, James D. Wright, James V. Browning, Andrew Kulpecz, Michelle Kominz, Tim R. Naish, Benjamin S. Cramer, Yair Rosenthal, W. Richard Peltier, and Sindia Sosdian

"Picrites in central Hokkaido: Evidence of extremely high temperature magmatism in the Late Jurassic ocean recorded in an accreted oceanic plateau
"Yuji Ichiyama, Akira Ishiwatari, Jun-Ichi Kimura, Ryoko Senda, Hiroshi Kawabata, and Yoshiyuki Tatsumi

Estimating the volume of tephra deposits: A new simple strategy
"C. Bonadonna andA. Costa

"Atmospheric origin of Martian interior layered deposits: Links to climate change and the global sulfur cycle
"Joseph Michalski andPaul B. Niles

Spatter-dike reveals subterranean magma diversions: Consequences for small multivent basaltic eruptions
"N.S. Lefebvre, J.D.L. White, and B.A. Kjarsgaard

"Rapid response of Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, to early Holocene climate warming
"Anna L.C. Hughes, Eleanor Rainsley, Tavi Murray, Christopher J. Fogwill, Christoph Schnabel, and Sheng Xu

High-pressure granulites at the dawn of the Proterozoic
"Select this articleJade R. Anderson, Justin L. Payne, David E. Kelsey, Martin Hand, Alan S. Collins, and M. Santosh

Disequilibrium melting during crustal anatexis and implications for modeling open magmatic systems
"Claire L. McLeod, Jon P. Davidson, Geoff M. Nowell, and Shanaka L. de Silva

"Evidence for widespread creep on the flanks of the Sea of Marmara transform basin from marine geophysical data
"D.J. Shillington, L. Seeber, C.C. Sorlien, M.S. Steckler, H. Kurt, D. Dondurur, G. Çifçi, C. İmren, M.-H. Cormier, C.M.G. McHugh, S. Gürçay, D. Poyraz, S. Okay, O. Atgın, and J.B. Diebold

"Timing of Iapetus Ocean rifting from Ar geochronology of pseudotachylytes in the St. Lawrence rift system of southern Quebec
"Tim M. O'Brien andBen A. van der Pluijm

Crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity beneath the Yellowstone Hotspot Track
"A. Kelbert, G. D. Egbert, and C. deGroot-Hedlin

"Short-term episodicity of Archaean plate tectonics
"Jean-François Moyen andJeroen van Hunen

"Lithologic and glacially conditioned controls on regional debris-flow sediment dynamics
"Francesco Brardinoni, Michael Church, Alessandro Simoni, and Pierpaolo Macconi

Transverse instability of megaripples
Hezi Yizhaq, Itzhak Katra, Jasper F. Kok, and Ori Isenberg

Vertical injectites of detachment carbonate ultracataclasite at White Mountain, Heart Mountain detachment, Wyoming
"John P. Craddock, Jesse Geary, and David H. Malone

"World's largest extrusive body of sand?
"Helge Løseth, Nuno Rodrigues, and Peter R. Cobbold

"From crucible to graben in 2.3 Ma: A high-resolution geochronological study of porphyry life cycles, Boyongan-Bayugo copper-gold deposits, Philippines
"David P. Braxton, David R. Cooke, Jim Dunlap, Marc Norman, Peter Reiners, Holly Stein, and Patrick Waters

"Energy growth in laharic mass flows
"Gert Lube, Shane J. Cronin, Vernon Manville, Jonathan N. Procter, Susan E. Cole, and Armin Freundt

"ERRATUM: The origin of intracellular structures in Ediacaran metazoan embryos
"James D. Schiffbauer, Shuhai Xiao, Kriti Sen Sharma, and Ge Wang

"The Yellowstone Hotspot: Plume or Not?
"Matthew J. Fouch

"Did the great dying of life take 700 k.y.? Evidence from global astronomical correlation of the Permian-Triassic boundary interval: COMMENT
"Michael R. Rampino andKunio Kaiho

"Did the great dying of life take 700 k.y.? Evidence from global astronomical correlation of the Permian-Triassic boundary interval: REPLY
"Chunju Huang, Jinnan Tong, Linda Hinnov, and Zhong Qiang Chen