In this issue
In this issue
We are one
We are one
Decomposing the 2010 global carbon dioxide emissions rebound
Frank Jotzo, Paul J. Burke, Peter J. Wood, Andrew Macintosh & David I. Stern
Psychological effectiveness of carbon labelling
Geoffrey Beattie
Cooking up fuel
Mason Inman
Arctic melt leads to weather extremes
Nicola Jones
A drop to drink
Nicola Jones
An unwinnable fight
Mike Hulme
On our bookshelf
On our bookshelf
Living in the doughnut
Living in the doughnut
Europe walks its talk
Europe walks its talk
Enumerating adaptation
Enumerating adaptation
Economics: China's export carbon tax
Economics: China's export carbon tax
Biodiversity: Rarity value
Biodiversity: Rarity value
Ecology: No escaping the heat
Ecology: No escaping the heat
Climate feedbacks: Open water and cloudy skies
Climate feedbacks: Open water and cloudy skies
Psychology: Moral dimension
Psychology: Moral dimension
Impacts: Climate and health
Impacts: Climate and health
Meterology: Skating on thin ice
Meterology: Skating on thin ice
Biogeochemistry: High Arctic carbon
Biogeochemistry: High Arctic carbon
Climate modelling: IPCC gazes into the future
Sarah Raper
Health: A new measure of health effects
Patrick L. Kinney
Soil science: Fungal friends against drought
Johan Six
Sociology: Shaping US climate opinion
Steven R. Brechin
Climate change-driven species' range shifts filtered by photoperiodism
Kari Saikkonen, Kari Taulavuori, Terho Hyvönen, Pedro E. Gundel, Cyd E. Hamilton
Climate change and moral judgement
Ezra M. Markowitz & Azim F. Shariff
Global warming under old and new scenarios using IPCC climate sensitivity range estimates
Joeri Rogelj, Malte Meinshausen & Reto Knutti
Limited forcing of glacier loss through land-cover change on Kilimanjaro
Thomas Mölg, Martin Großhauser, Andreas Hemp, Marlis Hofer & Ben Marzeion
Earlier wine-grape ripening driven by climatic warming and drying and management practices
L. B. Webb, P. H. Whetton, J. Bhend, R. Darbyshire, P. R. Briggs
The impact of temperature on years of life lost in Brisbane, Australia
Cunrui Huang, Adrian G. Barnett, Xiaoming Wang & Shilu Tong
Changes in marine dinoflagellate and diatom abundance under climate change
Stephanie L. Hinder, Graeme C. Hays, Martin Edwards, Emily C. Roberts, Anthony W. Walne
Land use alters the resistance and resilience of soil food webs to drought
Franciska T. de Vries, Mira E. Liiri, Lisa Bjørnlund, Matthew A. Bowker, Søren Christensen
Biotic carbon feedbacks in a materially closed soil–vegetation–atmosphere system
Alexandru Milcu, Martin Lukac, Jens-Arne Subke, Pete Manning, Andreas Heinemeyer
Climate-induced range contraction drives genetic erosion in an alpine mammal
Emily M. Rubidge, James L. Patton, Marisa Lim, A. Cole Burton, Justin S. Brashares
Global trends in tropical cyclone risk
P. Peduzzi, B. Chatenoux, H. Dao, A. De Bono, C. Herold
Increased estimates of air-pollution emissions from Brazilian sugar-cane ethanol
C-C. Tsao, J. E. Campbell, M. Mena-Carrasco, S. N. Spak, G. R. Carmichael
More than carbon price
More than carbon price