서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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SKY & TELESCOPE vol.123 no.5 2012

seoulfric 2012. 10. 2. 15:26

Saturn's Raging Superstorm
Agustín Sánchez-Lavega

Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in National Parks
Tyler Nordgren

The Remarkable Case of Comet Lovejoy
John E. Bortle

Planetary Imaging with Your DSLR Camera
Jerry Lodriguss

Interview with Tyler Nordgren
Robert Naeye

National Parks Gallery
Tyler Nordgren

Saturn's Raging Superstorm: Gallery
The Editors of Sky & Telescope

Lunar Librations
The Editors of Sky & Telescope

The Coma Galaxy Cluster
Alan Whitman

The May 20th Annular Eclipse
Alan MacRobert

Table of Contents
Table of Contents