Precipitation of barite by marine bacteria: A possible mechanism for marine barite formation
M.T. Gonzalez-Mu?oz, F. Martinez-Ruiz, F. Morcillo, J.D. Martin-Ramos, and A. Paytan
A theory of glacial quarrying for landscape evolution models
Neal R. Iverson
Hydrous melting of the martian mantle produced both depleted and enriched shergottites
Francis M. McCubbin, Erik H. Hauri, Stephen M. Elardo, Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden, Jianhua Wang, and Charles K. Shearer, Jr.
Bowers Ridge (Bering Sea): An Oligocene?Early Miocene island arc
Maren Wanke, Maxim Portnyagin, Kaj Hoernle, Reinhard Werner, Folkmar Hauff, Paul van den Bogaard, and Dieter Garbe-Sch?nberg
The dawn of animal skeletogenesis: Ultrastructural analysis of the Ediacaran metazoan Corumbella werneri
L.V. Warren, M.L.A.F. Pacheco, T.R. Fairchild, M.G. Sim?es, C. Riccomini, P.C. Boggiani, and A.A. C?ceres
Relationship between dike and volcanic conduit distribution in a highly eroded monogenetic volcanic field: San Rafael, Utah, USA
Koji Kiyosugi, Charles B. Connor, Paul H. Wetmore, Brian P. Ferwerda, Aur?lie M. Germa, Laura J. Connor, and Amanda R. Hintz
Bubble geobarometry: A record of pressure changes, degassing, and regassing at Mono Craters, California
James M. Watkins, Michael Manga, and Donald J. DePaolo
Subsidence of the West Siberian Basin: Effects of a mantle plume impact
Peter J. Holt, Jeroen van Hunen, and Mark B. Allen
Eclogite breccias in a subducted ophiolite: A record of intermediate-depth earthquakes?
S. Angiboust, P. Agard, P. Yamato, and H. Raimbourg
The relationship between surface kinematics and deformation of the whole lithosphere
L. Flesch and R. Bendick
Paleoecology and geochemistry of Early Triassic (Spathian) microbial mounds and implications for anoxia following the end-Permian mass extinction
Pedro J. Marenco, Julie M. Griffin, Margaret L. Fraiser, and Matthew E. Clapham
Evidence of very rapid reef accretion and reef growth under high turbidity and terrigenous sedimentation
C.T. Perry, S.G. Smithers, P. Gulliver, and N.K. Browne
Tristan da Cunha: Constraining eruptive behavior using the 40Ar/39Ar dating technique
Anna Hicks, Jenni Barclay, Darren F. Mark, and Sue Loughlin
Variability in the length of the sea ice season in the Middle Eocene Arctic
Catherine E. Stickley, Nal?n Ko?, Richard B. Pearce, Alan E.S. Kemp, Richard W. Jordan, Francesca Sangiorgi, and Kristen St. John
Long-term origination rates are reset only at mass extinctions
Andrew Z. Krug and David Jablonski
Hydrologic forcing of ice stream flow promotes rapid transport of sediment in basal ice
M. Bougamont and P. Christoffersen
The influence of a mantle plume head on the dynamics of a retreating subduction zone
Peter G. Betts, Wendy G. Mason, and Louis Moresi
Evidence for end-Permian ocean acidification from calcium isotopes in biogenic apatite
Jessica L. Hinojosa, Shaun T. Brown, Jun Chen, Donald J. DePaolo, Adina Paytan, Shu-zhong Shen, and Jonathan L. Payne
Biosignatures link microorganisms to iron mineralization in a paleoaquifer
Karrie A. Weber, Trisha L. Spanbauer, David Wacey, Matthew R. Kilburn, David B. Loope, and Richard M. Kettler
Heavy metal, sex and granites: Crustal differentiation and bioavailability in the mid-Proterozoic
John Parnell, Malcolm Hole, Adrian J. Boyce, Samuel Spinks, and Stephen Bowden
Oldest known mosses discovered in Mississippian (late Visean) strata of Germany
Maren H?bers and Hans Kerp
Frictional properties and sliding stability of the San Andreas fault from deep drill core
B.M. Carpenter, D.M. Saffer, and C. Marone
A detailed record of shallow hydrothermal fluid flow in the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc from low-δ18O skarn garnets
Megan E. D’Errico, Jade Star Lackey, Benjamin E. Surpless, Staci L. Loewy, Joseph L. Wooden, Jaime D. Barnes, Ariel Strickland, and John W. Valley
Paleozoic mosses: Small, but no longer inconspicuous
Edith L. Taylor and Thomas N. Taylor
The fluorine link between a supergiant ore deposit and a silicic large igneous province: COMMENT
David A.C. Manning
The fluorine link between a supergiant ore deposit and a silicic large igneous province: REPLY
Jocelyn McPhie, Vadim Kamenetsky, Sharon Allen, Kathy Ehrig, Andrea Agangi, and Adam Bath