algebras, finite general linear groups, and Heisenberg categorification |
Anthony Licata and Alistair
Savage |
Quantum Topology (1663-487X) |
2013 |
vol.4 no.2 pp.125-185 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=1663-487X&vol=4&iss=2 |
Dubois torsion, A-polynomial
and quantum invariants |
Charles D. Frohman and Joanna
Kania-Bartoszynska |
Quantum Topology (1663-487X) |
2013 |
vol.4 no.2 pp.187-227 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=1663-487X&vol=4&iss=2 |
On the Morse–Sard property and
level sets of Sobolev and BV functions |
Jean Bourgain, Mikhail V.
Korobkov and Jan Kristensen |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.1-23 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Well-posedness and large
deviation for degenerate SDEs with Sobolev coefficients |
Xicheng Zhang |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.25-52 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Regularizations of general
singular integral operators |
Constanze Liaw and Sergei
Treil |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.53-74 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Relating the Freiheitssatz to
the asymptotic behavior of a group |
Francisco F. Lasheras and
Ranja Roy |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.75-89 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Monotonicity and comparison
results for conformal invariants |
Albert Baernstein II and
Alexander Yu. Solynin |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.91-113 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Phase space localization of
Riesz bases for L2(Rd) |
Karlheinz Gröchenig and
Eugenia Malinnikova |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.115-134 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
On symplectic and
non-symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces |
Alice Garbagnati and
Alessandra Sarti |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.135-162 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Galois actions on regular
dessins of small genera |
Marston D. E. Conder, Gareth
A. Jones, Manfred Streit and Jürgen Wolfart |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.163-181 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Hardy spaces and regularity
for the inhomogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann problems |
Xuan Thinh Duong, Steve
Hofmann, Dorina Mitrea, Marius Mitrea and Lixin Yan |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.183-236 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
characterizations of Orlicz–Hardy spaces on strongly Lipschitz domains of Rn |
Dachun Yang and Sibei Yang |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.237-292 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Wavelet approach to
operator-valued Hardy spaces |
Guixiang Hong and Zhi Yin |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.293-313 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Revisiting the multifractal
analysis of measures |
Fathi Ben Nasr and Jacques
Peyrière |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.315-328 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
On genuine infinite algebraic
tensor products |
Chi-Keung Ng |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.329-356 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Boundary asymptotic expansions
of analytic self-maps of the unit disk |
Nahum Zobin and Vladimir
Bolotnikov |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.357-371 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |
Lowest uniformizations of
compact Klein surfaces |
Rubén A. Hidalgo |
Revista Matemática
Iberoamericana (0213-2230) |
2013 |
vol.29 no.1 pp.373-379 |
http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/show_issue.php?issn=0213-2230&vol=29&iss=1 |