understanding of radiation-induced degradation in light water reactor
structural materials |
Koji Fukuyaa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.213-254 | |
Source term estimation of
atmospheric release due to the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
accident by atmospheric and oceanic dispersion simulations |
Takuya Kobayashia, Haruyasu
Nagaia, Masamichi Chinoa & Hideyuki Kawamuraa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.255-264 | |
Atomistic simulations on the
interfacial interaction of metallic fuel and structural materials in SFRs -
molecular dynamics model for Pu-Fe system |
Takahiro Itoa, Tatsumi Arimab,
Masashi Himic & Hiroaki Yugod |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.265-276 | |
Evaluation of neutron nuclear
data for gallium |
Keiichi Shibataa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.277-286 | |
Relation between oil–water
flow and extraction performance in liquid–liquid countercurrent centrifugal
extractors with Taylor vortices |
Masahiko Nakasea, Ryoji
Makabea & Kenji Takeshitaa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.287-295 | |
Evaluation of the
precautionary action zone using a probabilistic consequence analysis |
Masanori Kimuraa, Shogo
Takaharaa & Toshimitsu Hommaa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.296-303 | |
Theoretical and experimental
study on single-phase natural circulation under inclined conditions |
Hongye Zhua, Xingtuan Yanga,
Houjun Gonga & Shengyao Jianga |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.304-313 | |
Characterization of
recrystallization of 12Cr and 15Cr ODS ferritic steels |
Takeshi Naritaa, Shigeharu
Ukaia, Bin Lenga, Satoshi Ohtsukab & Takeji Kaitob |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.3 pp.314-320 | |