Life-history reference points for management of an exploited tropical seahorse |
Si?n K. Morgan and Amanda C. J. Vincent |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.185-200 | |
Crinkles in connectivity: combining genetics and other types of biological data to estimate movement and interbreeding between populations |
Jennifer R. Ovenden |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.201-207 | |
Biophysical status of remnant freshwater floodplain lagoons in the Great Barrier Reef catchment: a challenge for assessment and monitoring |
R. G. Pearson, P. C. Godfrey, A. H. Arthington, J. Wallace, F. Karim and M. Ellison |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.208-222 | |
Population structure of sexually reproducing carp gudgeons: does a metapopulation offer refuge from sexual parasitism? |
Daniel J. Schmidt, Joel A. Huey, Nick R. Bond and Jane M. Hughes |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.223-232 | |
Feeding of twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lac?p?de, 1803), during the upstream spawning migration in the River Ulla (NW Spain) |
D. J. Nach?n, J. S?nchez-Hern?ndez, R. Vieira-Lanero and F. Cobo |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.233-236 | |
Seabird and marine-mammal attendance and by-catch in semi-industrial trawl fisheries in near-shore waters of northern Argentina |
Juan Pablo Seco Pon, Sof?a Copello, Ariel Moretinni, Hugo P. L?rtora, Ignacio Bruno, Juli?n Bastida, Laura Mauco and Marco Favero |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.237-248 | |
Comparative larval development of three amphidromous Rhinogobius species, making reference to their habitat preferences and migration biology |
Masashi Kondo, Ken Maeda, Kentarou Hirashima and Katsunori Tachihara |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.249-266 | |
Status of the Sydney rock oyster in a disease-afflicted estuary: persistence of wild populations despite severe impacts on cultured counterparts |
Emma M. Wilkie, Melanie J. Bishop, Wayne A. O'Connor and Ross G. McPherson |
Marine and Freshwater Research (1323-1650) |
2013 |
vol.64 no.3 pp.267-276 | |