Transcending limitations |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.81- | |
New titles at a glance |
Three Dimensional Solar Cells Based on Optical Confinement Geometries by Yuan Li |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.83- | |
Optical physics: Magnetic appeal in strained lattice |
Thomas Lepetit |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.86-87 | |
Quantum optics: Receiver beats quantum limit |
Kenji Tsujino |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.87-89 | |
Photonic crystals: Turning data on a dime |
Peter Bermel |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.89-91 | |
Microscopy: Label-free nanoscopy of living cells |
Gary Brooker |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.91-92 | |
Miniature sources: Light boxes |
David Pile |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.92- | |
Advances in multiphoton microscopy technology |
Erich E. Hoover & Jeff A. Squier |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.93-101 | |
Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements |
K. Goda & B. Jalali |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.102-112 | |
Marker-free phase nanoscopy |
Yann Cotte, Fatih Toy, Pascal Jourdain, Nicolas Pavillon, Daniel Boss, Pierre Magistretti, Pierre Marquet & Christian Depeursinge |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.113-117 | |
Radiofrequency signal-generation system with over seven octaves of continuous tuning |
Garrett J. Schneider, Janusz A. Murakowski, Christopher A. Schuetz, Shouyuan Shi & Dennis W. Prather |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.118-122 | |
Experimental demonstration of optical transport, sorting and self-arrangement using a ‘tractor beam’ |
O. Brzobohat?, V. Kar?sek, M. ?iler, L. Chv?tal, T. ?i?m?r & P. Zem?nek |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.123-127 | |
Real-time observation of ultrafast Rabi oscillations between excitons and plasmons in metal nanostructures with J-aggregates |
Parinda Vasa, Wei Wang, Robert Pomraenke, Melanie Lammers, Margherita Maiuri, Cristian Manzoni, Giulio Cerullo & Christoph Lienau |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.128-132 | |
Realization of three-dimensional guiding of photons in photonic crystals |
Kenji Ishizaki, Masaki Koumura, Katsuyoshi Suzuki, Kou Gondaira & Susumu Noda |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.133-137 | |
Phase modulation at the few-photon level for weak-nonlinearity-based quantum computing |
Vivek Venkataraman, Kasturi Saha & Alexander L. Gaeta |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.138-141 | |
Limits on classical communication from quantum entropy power inequalities |
Robert K?nig & Graeme Smith |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.142-146 | |
Experimental demonstration of a receiver beating the standard quantum limit for multiple nonorthogonal state discrimination |
F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, G. Baumgartner, J. Goldhar, J. T. Kosloski & A. Migdall |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.147-152 | |
Strain-induced pseudomagnetic field and photonic Landau levels in dielectric structures |
Mikael C. Rechtsman, Julia M. Zeuner, Andreas T?nnermann, Stefan Nolte, Mordechai Segev & Alexander Szameit |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.153-158 | |
Can strain magnetize light? |
Interview with Mordechai Segev, Mikael Rechtsman, Alexander Szameit & Julia Zeuner |
NATURE PHOTONICS (1749-4885) |
2013 |
vol.7 no.2 pp.160- | |