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Mathematical Research Letters v.18 n.2 2011

seoulfric 2011. 4. 13. 13:57

ISSN 1073-2780

Generalized $d$-Koszul modules 
Ning Bian, Yu Ye, Pu Zhang 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 191-200 
Abstract, references and article information
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On rates in mean ergodic theorems 
Alexander Gomilko, Markus Haase, Yuri Tomilov 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 201-213 
Abstract, references and article information
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On mapping spaces of differential graded operads with the commutative operad as target 
Benoit Fresse 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 215-230 
Abstract, references and article information
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From oscillatory integrals to complete exponential sums 
James Wright 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 231-250 
Abstract, references and article information
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Existence of non-preperiodic algebraic points for a rational self-map of infinite order 
Ekaterina Amerik 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 251-256 
Abstract, references and article information
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Multi-parameter singular Radon transforms 
Elias M. Stein and Brian Street 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 257-277 
Abstract, references and article information
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The interior transmission problem and bounds on transmission eigenvalues 
Michael Hitrik, Katsiaryna Krupchyk, Petri Ola, and Lassi P\"aiv\"arinta 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 279-293 
Abstract, references and article information
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Proof of the Arnold chord conjecture in three dimensions I 
Michael Hutchings and Clifford Henry Taubes 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 295-313 
Abstract, references and article information
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Strongly liftable schemes and the Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing in positive characteristic II 
Qihong Xie 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 315-328 
Abstract, references and article information
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Linked Hom spaces 
Brian Osserman 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 329-335 
Abstract, references and article information
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A geometric covering lemma and nodal sets of eigenfunctions 
Xiaolong Han and Guozhen Lu 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 337-352 
Abstract, references and article information
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Remarks on $\aone$-homotopy groups of smooth toric models 
Aravind Asok 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 353-356 
Abstract, references and article information
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The supercritical generalized KdV equation: Global well-posedness in the energy space and below 
Luiz G. Farah, Felipe Linares, and Ademir Pastor 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 357-377 
Abstract, references and article information
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Exponential stabilization without geometric control 
Emmanuel Schenck 
Math. Research Letters
 pp. 379-388 
Abstract, references and article information
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