of the ITER program and prospect for the next-step fusion DEMO reactors:
status of the fusion energy R&D as ultimate source of energy |
Shinzaburo Matsuda & Kenji
Tobita |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.321-345 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Water chemistry technology ?
one of the key technologies for safe and reliable nuclear power plant
operation |
Shunsuke Uchida & Yosuke
Katsumura |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.346-362 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Effect of gamma-ray
irradiation on the deoxygenation of salt-containing water using
hydrazineFukushima NPP Accident Related |
Takafumi Motookaa, Tomonori
Satoa & Masahiro Yamamotoa |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.363-368 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Adsorption behavior of
radioactive cesium by non-mica minerals |
Toshihiko Ohnuki & Naofumi
Kozai |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.369-375 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Energy-resolved computed
tomography measurements of iron solution and adipose as a simulation for
estimating the iron concentration in the human liver |
Yoshiki Yamashita, Hironobu
Shimazaki, Kazunari Shima, Ikuo Kanno, Masahiko Ohtaka, Makoto Hashimoto,
Kuniaki Ara & Hideaki Onabe |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.376-380 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
A new unfolding code combining
maximum entropy and maximum likelihood for neutron spectrum measurement |
Shigetaka Maeda & Tetsuo
Iguchi |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.381-386 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
ODS cladding fuel pins
irradiation tests using the BOR-60 reactor |
Takeji Kaito, Yasuhide Yano,
Satoshi Ohtsuka, Masaki Inoue, Kenya Tanaka, Alexander E. Fedoseev, Alexander
V. Povstyanko & Andrey Novoselov |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.387-399 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Experimental study on heat
transfer and pressure drop in mercury flow system for spallation neutron
source |
Hidetaka Kinoshita, Masanori
Kaminaga, Katsuhiro Haga, Atsuhiko Terada & Ryutaro Hino |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.400-408 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Extension of a nuclear
reaction calculation code CCONE toward higher incident energies ? multiple
preequilibrium emission, and spectrum in laboratory system |
Osamu Iwamoto |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.409-418 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Investigation of thermal
neutron scattering data for BeF2 and LiF crystals |
Longwei Mei, Xiangzhou Cai,
Dazhen Jiang, Jingen Chen, Wei Guo & Wengang Xiong |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.419-424 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Demonstration test on
decontamination of contaminated pool water using liquid?solid settling
technology with flocculants |
Masanori Aritomi, Akihiro
Tagawa, Toshihiro Adachi, Shigeki Hosobuchi, Noriyuki Watanabe & Junko
Takanashi |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.425-432 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Development of unfolding
method to obtain pin-wise source strength distribution from PWR spent fuel
assembly measurement |
Yos Panagaman Sitompul,
Hee-Sung Shin, Se-Hwan Park, Jong Myeong Oh, Hee Seo & Ho Dong Kim |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.433-441 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |
Development of an improved
method for calculating the effective delayed neutron fraction of a core using
a structure with only a few collapsed energy groups |
Yuji Fukaya |
Journal of nuclear science and
technology (0022-3131) |
2013 |
vol.50 no.4 pp.442-448 |
http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tnst20/50/4 |