서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics v.54 n.1 2011

seoulfric 2011. 4. 14. 11:27

ISSN 1286-0042

Semiconductors and Devices


In-plane strain states of standard and flip-chip GaN epilayers

Z. Y. Zuo, D. Liu, R. J. Wang, S. B. Qin, H. Liu and X. G. Xu

The European Physical Journal Applied Physics / Volume 54 / Issue 01, 10101


Extraction of equivalent circuit parameters of solar cell: influence of temperature

M. Khalis, Y. Mir, J. Hemine and M. Zazoui


Thermal lensing study based on the heat transfer of diode-pumped Yb3+:Y2SiO5 lasers

R. Niu, C. Lu, D. Wu, X. Fan, C. Liu, J. Liu, L. Zheng, L. Su and J. Xu


Physics of Organic Materials and Devices


Fourier-transform infrared and electrical properties of magnesium phthalocyanine thin films

M.M. El-Nahass, A.A. Atta and E.F.M. El-Zaidia


Thin Films


Angular distributions of flux and energy of the ions emitted during pulsed laser ablation of copper

A. H. Dogar, B. Ilyas, H. Qayyum, S. Ullah and A. Qayyum


Incomplete oxidation in back channel of GaInZnO thin-film transistor grown by rf sputtering

O. Seo, J. Chung and J. Jo


Low temperature Hall effect studies of InSb thin films grown by flash evaporation

C. K. Sumesh, K. D. Patel, G. K. Solanki, V. M. Pathak and R. Srivastav


Growth of single-phase Cu(In, Al)S2 thin films by thermal evaporation

F. Smaïli


Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies


Purification of single-walled carbon nanotubes

A. Yaya, C. P. Ewels, Ph. Wagner, I. Suarez-Martinez, A. Gebramariam Tekley and L. Rosgaard Jensen


Structural and magnetic properties of Cr+3 doped nano-structured γ-Fe2O3 synthesized by a modified solution combustion technique

A. Jawad and S.S.Z. Ashraf




Influence factors of polarization-independent focusing by octagonal photonic quasicrystal

K. Ren and X. B. Ren


Plasma, Discharges and Processes


Ionic collisions in metallic lattices under transient current pulses

C. D. Papageorgiou and T. E. Raptis


Theoretical model and experimental investigation of current density boundary condition for welding arc study

A. Boutaghane, K. Bouhadef, F. Valensi, S. Pellerin and Y. Benkedda


Instrumentation and Metrology


In vivo dosimetry for head and neck carcinoma: determination of target absorbed dose from entrance and exit absorbed dose measurements

L. Farhat, M. Besbes, A. Bridier and J. Daoud


Surfaces and Interfaces


Propagating optical phonons and their properties in GaN/AlN quantum wells

W. D. Huang, Y. J. Ren, J. F. Yan, Q. Wu and S. H. Zhang


Measurement and prediction of contact angles of Pb-free Sn-Ag solder alloys on Cu substrate

A. M. Erer, E. Candan, M. H. Güven and Y. Turen