bX(ExLibris 용통계기반 학술논문추천서비스)
2017년 6월 Hot Articles(science)
LeCun, Yann
Deep learning.
Nature; 2015; vol 521; iss 7553 |
Spinney, Laura
How Facebook, fake news and friends are warping your memory
Nature; 2017; vol 543; iss 7644 |
Piaget, Jean
Part I: Cognitive Development in Children--Piaget Development
and Learning
Journal of research in science teaching; 2003; vol 40; iss 1 |
Hardin, Garrett
The Tragedy of the Commons
Science; 1968; vol 162; iss 3859 |
Hanahan, Douglas
Hallmarks of cancer: The next generation
Cell; 2011; vol 144; iss 5 |
Dahlsrud, Alexander
How corporate social responsibility is defined:
an analysis of 37 definitions
Corporate Social - Responsibility and Environmental Management;
2008; vol 15; iss 1 |
Rockström, Johan
A safe operating space for humanity
Nature; 2009; vol 461; iss 7263 |
Fake News: Science journalism can be evidence-based,
compelling — and wrong
Nature; 2017; vol 543; iss 7644 |
Costanza, Robert
The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital
Nature; 1997; vol 387; iss 6630 |
Root, Terry
Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants
Nature; 2002; vol 421; iss 6918 |