서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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radiocarbon v.53 n.1 2011

seoulfric 2011. 4. 18. 11:25

ISSN 0033-8222

Table of Contents
n/a p. i-ii

Editorial Board
n/a p. iii-iii

Radiocarbon Evidence from the Middle Bronze Age Settlement at Portella (Aeolian Islands, Italy): Chronological and Archaeological Implications
Alberti, Gianmarco p. 1-12

Chronological Distribution of Brazilian Glyptodon sp. Remains: A Direct 14C Date for a Specimen from Iporanga, São Paulo, Brazil
Hubbe, Alex; Vasconcelos, André G; Vilaboim, Luciano; Karmann, Ivo; Neves, Walter p. 13-19

14C Dating of a Final Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Transition Period Settlement at Aghios Ioannis on Thassos (North Aegean)
Maniatis, Y; Papadopoulos, S p. 21-37

High-Resolution Age Model Based on AMS Radiocarbon Ages for Kettle Lake, North Dakota, USA
Grimm, Eric C p. 39-53

Radiocarbon Anomalies from Old CO2 in the Soil and Canopy Air
Soter, Steven p. 55-69

Radiocarbon and Stable Carbon Analysis of Dissolved Methane and Carbon Dioxide from the Profile of a Raised Peat Bog
Garnett, M H; Hardie, S M L; Murray, C p. 71-83

Radiocarbon-Dated Paleoenvironmental Changes on a Lake and Peat Sediment Sequence from the Central Great Hungarian Plain (Central Europe) During the Last 25,000 Years
Sümegi, Pál; Molnár, Mihály; Jakab, Gusztáv; Persaits, Gergo; Majkut, Péter; Páll, Dávid G; Gulyás, Sándor; Jull, A J Timothy; Törcsik, Tünde p. 85-97

The Influence of Soil Organic Matter Age Spectrum on the Reconstruction of Atmospheric 14C Levels via Stalagmites
Fohlmeister, J; Kromer, B; Mangini, A p. 99-115

Radiocarbon Concentrations of Wood Ash Calcite: Potential for Dating
Regev, Lior; Eckmeier, Eileen; Mintz, Eugenia; Weiner, Steve; Boaretto, Elisabetta p. 117-127

Development of Radiocarbon Dating Method for Degraded Bone Samples from Korean Archaeological Sites
Kim, K J; Hong, W; Park, J H; Woo, H J; Hodgins, G; Jull, A J T; Lee, Y J; Kim, J Y p. 129-135

Dating of Groundwater Recharge in Two Small Adjacent Aquifers in Israel and Their Initial 14C Activities
Guttman, J; Kronfeld, J; Carmi, I p. 137-149

Sampling Iron for Radiocarbon Dating: Influence of Modern Steel Tools on 14C Dating of Ancient Iron Artifacts
Hüls, Matthias; Grootes, Pieter M; Nadeau, Marie-Josée p. 151-160

Antarctic Radiocarbon Reservoir: The Case of the Mummified Crabeater Seals (Lobodon carcinophaga) in Bodman Cape, Seymour Island, Antarctica
Negrete, Javier; Soibelzon, Esteban; Tonni, Eduardo P; Carlini, Alejandro; Soibelzon, Leopoldo H; Polja, Sebastián; Huarte, Roberto A; Carbonari, Jorge E p. 161-166

IFAN Radiocarbon Laboratory Measurements I
Ndeye, Maurice; Sène, Matar; Diallo, Alpha Oumar p. 167-173

AMS Radiocarbon Dates from Three Shellmounds in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
Schneider, Tsim D p. 175-178

Iron Age Mediterranean Chronology: A Rejoinder
Fantalkin, Alexander; Finkelstein, Israel; Piasetzky, Eli p. 179-198

Iron Age Mediterranean Chronology: A Reply
Bruins, Hendrik J; Nijboer, Albert J; van der Plicht, Johannes p. 199-220