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Hydrology and Earth System Sciences v.15 n.4 2011

seoulfric 2011. 4. 25. 18:32

ISSN 1027-5606

The topographic signature of Quaternary tectonic uplift in the Ardennes massif (Western Europe)
N. Sougnez and V. Vanacker
Page(s) 1095-1107
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1496 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

Status of satellite precipitation retrievals
C. Kidd and V. Levizzani
Page(s) 1109-1116
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 275 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

Combined use of optical and radar satellite data for the monitoring of irrigation and soil moisture of wheat crops
R. Fieuzal, B. Duchemin, L. Jarlan, M. Zribi, F. Baup, O. Merlin, O. Hagolle, and J. Garatuza-Payan
Page(s) 1117-1129
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1839 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

South African Weather Service operational satellite based precipitation estimation technique: applications and improvements
E. de Coning and E. Poolman
Page(s) 1131-1145
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1196 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Assessment of satellite rainfall products for streamflow simulation in medium watersheds of the Ethiopian highlands
M. M. Bitew and M. Gebremichael
Page(s) 1147-1155
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 497 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

Robust assessment of future changes in extreme precipitation over the Rhine basin using a GCM
S. F. Kew, F. M. Selten, G. Lenderink, and W. Hazeleger
Page(s) 1157-1166
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 819 KB)   Supplement (2306 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Regionalisation for lake level simulation – the case of Lake Tana in the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
T. H. M. Rientjes, B. U. J. Perera, A. T. Haile, P. Reggiani, and L. P. Muthuwatta
Page(s) 1167-1183
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 1863 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

Rainfall-runoff modelling and palaeoflood hydrology applied to reconstruct centennial scale records of flooding and aquifer recharge in ungauged ephemeral rivers
G. Benito, B. A. Botero, V. R. Thorndycraft, M. Rico, Y. Sánchez-Moya, A. Sopeña, M. J. Machado, and O. Dahan
Page(s) 1185-1196
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 7244 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Modern comprehensive approach to monitor the morphodynamic evolution of a restored river corridor
N. Pasquale, P. Perona, P. Schneider, J. Shrestha, A. Wombacher, and P. Burlando
Page(s) 1197-1212
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2031 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)   Special Issue

Integration of vegetation indices into a water balance model to estimate evapotranspiration of wheat and corn
F. L. M. Padilla, M. P. González-Dugo, P. Gavilán, and J. Domínguez
Page(s) 1213-1225
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 713 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Integrating point glacier mass balance observations into hydrologic model identification
B. Schaefli and M. Huss
Page(s) 1227-1241
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2458 KB)   Supplement (491 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Raising the Dead without a Red Sea-Dead Sea project? Hydro-economics and governance
D. E. Rosenberg
Page(s) 1243-1255
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 2235 KB)   Supplement (50 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

Seasonal evaluation of the land surface scheme HTESSEL against remote sensing derived energy fluxes of the Transdanubian region in Hungary
E. L. Wipfler, K. Metselaar, J. C. van Dam, R. A. Feddes, E. van Meijgaard, L. H. van Ulft, B. van den Hurk, S. J. Zwart, and W. G. M. Bastiaanssen
Page(s) 1257-1271
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 710 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)

El Niño-Southern Oscillation and water resources in the headwaters region of the Yellow River: links and potential for forecasting
A. Lü, S. Jia, W. Zhu, H. Yan, S. Duan, and Z. Yao
Page(s) 1273-1281
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 886 KB)   Discussion Paper (HESSD)