ISSN 1930-5311
Shimura and Teichmüller curves
Martin Möller
Pages : 1 - 32
Perfect retroreflectors and billiard dynamics
Pavel Bachurin, Konstantin Khanin, Jens Marklof and Alexander Plakhov
Pages : 33 - 48
Boundary unitary representations-irreducibility and rigidity
Uri Bader and Roman Muchnik
Pages : 49 - 69
Counting closed geodesics in moduli space
Alex Eskin and Maryam Mirzakhani
Pages : 71 - 105
Integrability and Lyapunov exponents
Andy Hammerlindl
Pages : 107 - 122
The Khinchin Theorem for interval-exchange transformations
Luca Marchese
Pages : 123 - 183
Tori with hyperbolic dynamics in 3-manifolds
Federico Rodriguez Hertz, María Alejandra Rodriguez Hertz and Raúl Ures
Pages : 185 - 202