서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Tellus A, v.63, n.2, 2011

seoulfric 2011. 3. 9. 17:29

▶ The 2010 Crafoord Prize awarded to Walter Munk (page 189)
Johan Nilsson and Harald Lejens Abstract

Original Articles

 The sound of climate change (pages 190–197)  WALTER MUNK
 Piecewise potential vorticity diagnosis of the development of a polar low  over the Sea of Japan (pages 198–211) LONGTAO WU, JONATHAN E. MARTIN and GRANT W. PETTY  Abstract

 The relationship of winter season North Atlantic blocking frequencies to extreme cold or dry spells in the ERA-40 (pages 212–222)  TANIA BUEHLER, CHRISTOPH C. RAIBLE and THOMAS F. STOCKER   Abstract

 Modelling of spatial variability and topographic effects over Arctic fjords in Svalbard (pages 223–237), TIINA KILPELÄINEN, TIMO VIHMA and HARALDUR ÓLAFSSON  Abstract

 Linear solutions for the frequency and amplitude modulation of ENSO by the annual cycle (pages 238–243)  SOON-IL AN and FEI-FEI JIN,  Abstract

 A new localization implementation scheme for ensemble data assimilation of non-local observations (pages 244–255), JIANG ZHU, FEI ZHENG and XICHEN LI  Abstract

 An evaluation study of the DRP-4-DVar approach with the Lorenz-96 model (pages 256–262) JUANJUAN LIU, BIN WANG and QINGNONG XIAO  Abstract

 Operational assimilation of GPS slant path delay measurements into the MM5 4DVAR system (pages 263–282), HANS-STEFAN BAUER, VOLKER WULFMEYER, THOMAS SCHWITALLA, FLORIAN ZUS and MATTHIAS GRZESCHIK  Abstract

 Seasonal predictions of precipitation over Africa using coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models: skill of the ENSEMBLES project multimodel ensemble forecasts (pages 283–299), L. BATTÉ and M. DÉQUÉ Abstract

 Description of the sedimentation scheme used operationally in all Météo-France NWP models (pages 300–311), Y. BOUTELOUP, Y. SEITY and E. BAZILE  Abstract

 Sea-ice anomalies in the Sea of Okhotsk and the relationship with storm tracks in the Northern Hemisphere during winter (pages 312–323) MICHEL D. S. MESQUITA, KEVIN I. HODGES, DAVID E. ATKINSON and JÜRGEN BADER  Abstract

 Sensitivity of summer 2-m temperature to sea ice conditions (pages 324–337) R. E. BENESTAD, R. SENAN, M. BALMASEDA, L. FERRANTI, Y. ORSOLINI and A. MELSOM  Abstract

 A practical indicator for surface ocean heat and freshwater buoyancy fluxes and its application to the NCEP reanalysis data (pages 338–347)JOHANNES KARSTENSEN and KATJA LORBACHER  Abstract

 Zonally propagating wave solutions of Laplace Tidal Equations in a baroclinic ocean of an aqua-planet (pages 348–353), YAIR DE-LEON and NATHAN PALDOR  Abstract

 Scaling of the strength of the meridional overturning with vertical diffusivity in an idealized global geometry (pages 354–370) MATTHIJS DEN TOOM and HENK A. DIJKSTRA  Abstract