서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Astronomische Nachrichten v.332 n.5 2011

seoulfric 2011. 6. 27. 09:53

ISSN 0004-6337

The road to Earth twins – Karl Schwarzschild Award Lecture 2010 (pages 429–433)

M. Mayor, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, D. Ségransan and S. Udry

Stellar forensics with the supernova-GRB connection – Ludwig Biermann Award Lecture 2010 (pages 434–447)

M. Modjaz

Accretion, jets and winds: High-energy emission from young stellar objects – Doctoral Thesis Award Lecture 2010 (pages 448–460)

H.M. Günther

The Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy (BeSSeL) survey: Mapping the Milky Way with VLBI astrometry (pages 461–466)

A. Brunthaler, M.J. Reid, K.M. Menten, X.-W. Zheng, A. Bartkiewicz, Y.K. Choi, T. Dame, K. Hachisuka, K. Immer, G. Moellenbrock, L. Moscadelli, K.L.J. Rygl, A. Sanna, M. Sato, Y. Wu, Y. Xu and B. Zhang

Light-element abundance variations in globular clusters (pages 467–474)

S.L. Martell

Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (pages 475–481)

L.E. Kristensen and E.F. van Dishoeck

Magnetic instability in a rotating layer at highly eccentric positions of the critical level (pages 482–495)

A. Marsenić and S. Ševčík

Alleviation of catastrophic quenching in solar dynamo model with nonlocal alpha-effect (pages 496–501)

L.L. Kitchatinov and S.V. Olemskoy

The new IRSOL solar telescope control system (pages 502–507)

G. Küveler, V.D. Dao and R. Ramelli

Speckle observations with PISCO in Merate: X. Astrometric measurements of visual binaries in 2009 (pages 508–523)

M. Scardia, J.-L. Prieur, L. Pansecchi, R.W. Argyle and M. Sala

Modeling the total and polarized emission in evolving galaxies: “Spotty” magnetic structures (pages 524–536)

T.G. Arshakian, R. Stepanov, R. Beck, M. Krause and D. Sokoloff

Dynamic evolution of nearby galaxy clusters (pages 537–544)

M. Biernacka and P. Flin