ISSN 1752-0894
Find faults and funds p345
Seismic risk is poorly known in many places on Earth. To save lives it is necessary — but by no means sufficient — to map the faults that pose a threat more accurately.
Not just family matters p346
Helena L. Filipsson
Reply to 'Not just family matters' p346
LuAnne Thompson, Renellys C. Perez & Amelia E. Shevenell
Biogenicity of Apex Chert microstructures pp346 - 347
J. William Schopf & Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev
Uncharted seismic risk pp348 - 349
Philip England & James Jackson
Research Highlights
Our choice from the recent literature p350
News and Views
Ocean science: If Gaia could talk pp351 - 352
Maurice Levasseur
Atmospheric science: Asia under a high-level brown cloud pp352 - 353
Mark G. Lawrence
Palaeontology: Breathing room for early animals pp354 - 355
Jake Bailey
Geography: Strabo's Greece p355
Alicia Newton
Planetary science: Titan's nitrogenesis pp356 - 357
Catherine Neish
Tectonics: Unexpected Andean earthquakes pp357 - 358
Nadine McQuarrie
Replacement and late formation of atmospheric N2 on undifferentiated Titan by impacts pp359 - 362
Yasuhito Sekine, Hidenori Genda, Seiji Sugita, Toshihiko Kadono & Takafumi Matsui
Seasonal and spatial variations of Southern Ocean diapycnal mixing from Argo profiling floats pp363 - 366
Lixin Wu, Zhao Jing, Steve Riser & Martin Visbeck
Hydrothermal vents as a kinetically stable source of iron-sulphide-bearing nanoparticles to the ocean pp367 - 371
Mustafa Yücel, Amy Gartman, Clara S. Chan & George W. Luther III
Possible evolution of mobile animals in association with microbial mats pp372 - 375
Murray Gingras, James W. Hagadorn, Adolf Seilacher, Stefan V. Lalonde, Ernesto Pecoits, Daniel Petrash & Kurt O. Konhauser
Young poorly crystalline graphite in the >3.8-Gyr-old Nuvvuagittuq banded iron formation pp376 - 379
D. Papineau, B. T. De Gregorio, G. D. Cody, J. O’Neil, A. Steele, R. M. Stroud & M. L. Fogel
Orogenic-wedge deformation and potential for great earthquakes in the central Andean backarc pp380 - 383
Benjamin A. Brooks, Michael Bevis, Kelin Whipple, J Ramon Arrowsmith, James Foster, Tomas Zapata, Eric Kendrick, Estella Minaya, Arturo Echalar, Mauro Blanco, Pablo Euillades, Mario Sandoval & Robert J. Smalley Jr
Triggered creep as a possible mechanism for delayed dynamic triggering of tremor and earthquakes pp384 - 388
David R. Shelly, Zhigang Peng, David P. Hill & Chastity Aiken
Characteristic slip for five great earthquakes along the Fuyun fault in China pp389 - 392
Y. Klinger, M. Etchebes, P. Tapponnier & C. Narteau
Recycled gabbro signature in hotspot magmas unveiled by plume–ridge interactions pp393 - 397
N. A. Stroncik & C. W. Devey
Winter warming in West Antarctica caused by central tropical Pacific warming pp398 - 403
Qinghua Ding, Eric J. Steig, David S. Battisti & Marcel Küttel
Rapid tremor reversals in Cascadia generated by a weakened plate interface pp404 - 409
Heidi Houston, Brent G. Delbridge, Aaron G. Wech & Kenneth C. Creager