서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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CLAY MINERALS v.46 n.2 2011

seoulfric 2011. 8. 5. 17:53

ISSN 0009-8558

Zeolite 2010 
pp. 177-178(2) 
Authors: Petrov, Ognyan E.; Bish, David L.


Ammonium exchange capacity of the Xerovouni zeolitic tuffs, Avdella area, Evros Prefecture, Greece 
pp. 179-187(9) 
Authors: Tzamos, E.; Kantiranis, N.; Papastergios, G.; Vogiatzis, D.; Filippidis, A.; Sikalidis, C


Natural zeolites for styrene oligomerization 
pp. 189-195(7) 
Authors: Kowalak, S.; Jankowska, A.


Preparation of Maya Blue analogues using natural zeolites 
pp. 197-204(8) 
Authors: Kowalak, S.; Zywert, A.


Preparation and Rietveld refinement of Ag-exchanged clinoptilolite 
pp. 205-212(8) 
Authors: Dimova, L.; Petrov, O.; Kadiyski, M.; Lihareva, N.; Stoyanova-Ivanova, A.; Mikli, V.


Physical and mechanical characteristics of cement mortars and concretes with addition of clinoptilolite from Beli Plast deposit (Bulgaria), silica fume and fly ash 
pp. 213-223(11) 
Authors: Lilkov, V.; Rostovsky, I.; Petrov, O.


Rheological, porosimetric, and SEM studies of cements with additions of natural zeolites 
pp. 225-232(8) 
Authors: Lilkov, V.; Petrov, O.; Tzvetanova, Y.


Mathematical modelling of the sorption dynamics of radionuclides by natural clinoptilolite in permeable reactive barriers 
pp. 233-240(8) 
Authors: Nikashina, V.A.; Serova, I.B.; Kats, E.M.; Tikhonov, N.A.; Tokmachev, M.G.; Novgorodov, P.G.


Study of the pozzolanic activity and hydration products of cement pastes with addition of natural zeolites 
pp. 241-250(10) 
Authors: Lilkov, V.; Petrov, O.; Petkova, V.; Petrova, N.; Tzvetanova, Y.


Binary cation exchange in clinoptilolite involving K+, Na+, Ba2+ and Ca2+ at 30 and 95°C: a calorimetric study 
pp. 251-259(9) 
Authors: Petrova, N.; Filizova, L.; Kirov, G.


Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechniques to improve soil resilience against the impact of treatment by municipal sewage: balance of nutrient and noxious cations 
pp. 261-278(18) 
Authors: Capra, G.F.; Buondonno, A.; Coppola, E.; Duras, M.G.; Vacca, S.; Colella, C.


Alteration processes and products of acid pyroclastic rocks in Bulgaria and Slovakia 
pp. 279-294(16) 
Authors: Kirov, G.; Šamajova, E.; Nedialkov, R.; Stanimirova, T.s.


A critical reconsideration of biomedical and veterinary applications of natural zeolites 
pp. 295-309(15) 
Author: Colella, C.


Modelling pedogenization of zeolitized tuff: effects of water and phenolic substances on weathering rates of the Campanian Ignimbrite (yellow facies) 
pp. 311-327(17) 
Authors: Grilli, E.; Colella, A.; oppola, E.; Langella, A.; Buondonno, A.


Properties of mechanically activated natural clinoptilolite and chabazite 
pp. 329-337(9) 
Authors: Nikashina, V.A.; Streletsky, A.N.; Kolbanev, I.V.; Meshkova, I.N.; Grinev, V.G.; Serova, I.B.; Yusupov, T.S.; Shumskaya, L.G.