서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Osaka Journal of Mathematics v.48 n.2 2011

seoulfric 2011. 9. 8. 17:43

ISSN 0030-6126

Extensions of the Genocchi polynomials and their Fourier expansions and integral representations

Qiu-Ming Luo; 291-309


Stochastic evolution equations driven by Lévy processes

Zhen-Qing Chen and Tusheng Zhang; 311-327


Modularly irreducible characters and normal subgroups

Gabriel Navarro; 329-332


A refined Jones polynomial for symmetric unions

Michael Eisermann and Christoph Lamm; 333-370


Whitehead double and Milnor invariants

Jean-Baptiste Meilhan and Akira Yasuhara; 371-381


The moduli space of transverse Calabi--Yau structures on foliated manifolds

Takayuki Moriyama; 383-413


Local inverses of shift maps along orbits of flows

Sergiy Maksymenko; 415-455


The hyperbolic region for hyperbolic boundary value problems

Jean-François Coulombel; 457-469


Boundary of the Rauzy fractal sets in $\mathbb {R} \times \mathbb {C}$ generated by $P(x) = x^{4} - x^{3} - x^{2} - x - 1$

Fabien Durand and Ali Messaoudi; 471-496


On generalized Kähler--Ricci solitons

Yasuhiro Nakagawa; 497-513


Families of finite coverings of the Riemann sphere

Takashi Masuda; 515-540


On the non-existence of L-space surgery structure

Motoo Tange; 541-547


Buchstaber invariants of skeleta of a simplex

Yukiko Fukukawa and Mikiya Masuda; 549-582


Complement to explicit description of Hopf surfaces and their automorphism groups

Takao Matumoto and Noriaki Nakagawa; 583-588