ISSN 1023-6198
Global structure of positive solutions for superlinear discrete boundary value problems
Ruyun Ma & Huili Ma
pages 1219-1228
q-Difference linear control systems
Gaspard Bangerezako
pages 1229-1249
Bifurcation interval for positive solutions to discrete second-order boundary value problems
Ruyun Ma, Chenghua Gao & Youji Xu
pages 1251-1265
Heteroclinic orbits for a discrete pendulum equation
Huafeng Xiao & Jianshe Yu
pages 1267-1280
Vimal Singh
pages 1281-1290
On the asymptotics of some systems of difference equations
Lothar Berg & Stevo Stević
pages 1291-1301
On the general cubic decomposition of polynomial sequences
P. Maroni, T. A. Mesquita & Z. da Rocha
pages 1303-1332
Oscillation for a nonlinear dynamic system on time scales
Lynn Erbe & Raziye Mert
pages 1333-1350
Critical higher order Sturm–Liouville difference operators
Ondřej Došlý & Petr Hasil
pages 1351-1363
Finite difference approach to trigonometry
Adel F. Antippa
pages 1365-1400