ISSN 0246-0203
Giant vacant component left by a random walk in a random d-regular graph
Jiří Černý, Augusto Teixeira and David Windisch; 929-968
Ageing in the parabolic Anderson model
Peter Mörters, Marcel Ortgiese and Nadia Sidorova; 969-1000
Green functions for killed random walks in the Weyl chamber of Sp(4)
Kilian Raschel; 1001-1019
Mixing time for the Ising model: A uniform lower bound for all graphs
Jian Ding and Yuval Peres; 1020-1028
Multiparameter multifractional Brownian motion: Local nondeterminism and joint continuity of the local times
Antoine Ayache, Narn-Rueih Shieh and Yimin Xiao; 1029-1054
Strong solutions for stochastic differential equations with jumps
Zenghu Li and Leonid Mytnik; 1055-1067
Invariant random fields in vector bundles and application to cosmology
Anatoliy Malyarenko; 1068-1095
Exponential functionals of Brownian motion and class-one Whittaker functions
Fabrice Baudoin and Neil O’Connell; 1096-1120
Invariant measures and a stability theorem for locally Lipschitz stochastic delay equations
I. Stojkovic and O. van Gaans; 1121-1146
On the coupling property of Lévy processes
René L. Schilling and Jian Wang; 1147-1159
The monotone cumulants
Takahiro Hasebe and Hayato Saigo; 1160-1170
F. Comte, S. Gaïffas and A. Guilloux; 1171-1196
Irregular sampling and central limit theorems for power variations: The continuous case
Takaki Hayashi, Jean Jacod and Nakahiro Yoshida; 1197-1218
Testing stationary processes for independence
Gusztáv Morvai and Benjamin Weiss; 1219-1225