서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Marine and Freshwater Research v.62 n.11 2011

seoulfric 2011. 11. 16. 14:47

ISSN 1323-1650 

Bomb radiocarbon dating of three important reef-fish species using Indo-Pacific Δ14C chronologies 

Allen H. Andrews, John M. Kalish, Stephen J. Newman and Justine M. Johnston 

pp. 1259-1269

Life history and population dynamics of invasive common carp, Cyprinus carpio, within a large turbid African impoundment 

Henning Winker, Olaf L. F. Weyl, Anthony J. Booth and Bruce R. Ellender 

pp. 1270-1280

The hyporheic refuge hypothesis reconsidered: a review of hydrological aspects 

Marie-José Dole-Olivier 

pp. 1281-1302

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA clarifies the taxonomy and distribution of the Australian snubfin dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni) in northern Australian waters 

Carol Palmer, Stephen A. Murphy, Deborah Thiele, Guido J. Parra, Kelly M. Robertson, Isabel Beasley and Chris M. Austin

pp. 1303-1307

Divergence of the growth characteristics and longevity of coexisting Platycephalidae (Pisces) 

L. M. Barnes, C. A. Gray and J. E. Williamson 

pp. 1308-1317

Evidence of large, local variations in recruitment and mortality in the small giant clam,Tridacna maxima, at Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia 

Robert Black, Michael S. Johnson, Jane Prince, Anne Brearley and Todd Bond 

pp. 1318-1326

Predicting patterns of richness, occurrence and abundance of small fish in New Zealand estuaries 

Malcolm P. Francis, Mark A. Morrison, John Leathwick and Cameron Walsh 

pp. 1327-1341

Distribution and movement of a stocked freshwater fish: implications of a variable habitat volume for stocking programs 

James A. Smith, Lee J. Baumgartner, Iain M. Suthers and Matthew D. Taylor 

pp. 1342-1353