서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)는 국내 모든 연구자에게 자연과학 분야 원문복사 서비스를 무료로 제공하고 있습니다.

외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)/서비스 목록

2012 자연과학분야 무료 복사서비스 대상 목록

seoulfric 2012. 5. 21. 10:31

2012 자연과학분야 무료 복사서비스 대상 목록

순서 TITLE 출판사 ISSN 2012구독
1 經濟部中央地質調査所特刊 台灣台北本所    
2 經濟部中央地質調査所彙刊 台北本所 1012-6821  
3 高等學校化學學報 = Chemical journal of Chinese universities 高等敎育出版社 0251-0790  
4 高分子 高分子學會 0454-1138  
5 高分子論文集 高分子學會 0386-2186  
6 科技、醫療與社會 國立科學工藝博物館 1680-5585  
7 科學 岩波書店    
8 科學敎育 中國自然科學促進會    
9 科學文化 科學文化協會    
10 科學發展 行政院國家科學委員會 0250-1651  
11 科學史硏究 日本科學史學會 0022-7692 2012년 구독
12 科學史硏究 岩波文庫 0022-7692  
13 科學世紀 科學世界社    
14 科學月刊 科學月刊社 0250-331X  
15 科學朝日 朝日新聞社    
16 科學知識 科學知識普及會    
17 科學彙報 中華科學協進會    
18 科學と思想 新日本出版社 0287-7384  
19 鑛山地質 日本鑛山地質學會    
20 國家科學委員會硏究彙刊 行政院國家科學委員會 1018-4473  
21 國立科學博物館硏究報告 國立科學博物館    
22 國立科學博物館專報 國立科學博物館 0082-4755  
23 極域地學シンポジウムプログラム·講演要旨 = Symposium on Polar geosciences programme and abstracts 國立極地硏究所    
24 氣象 日本氣象協會 0450-3325  
25 氣象年鑑 大藏省印刷局    
26 氣象硏究ノ-ト 日本氣象學會 0387-5369  
27 氣象集誌 日本氣象學會    
28 技術報告 東京大學地震硏究所 1342-6486  
29 技術硏究報告 東京大學地震硏究所 1342-6486  
30 技術硏究報告 東京大學地震硏究所 1342-6486  
31 南海硏紀要 鹿兒島大學南方海城硏究センタ- 0389-5351  
32 年報 行政院國家科學委員會    
33 年次硏究報告 東京大學理學部物理學敎室 0910-0709  
34 蛋百質核酸酵素 共立出版    
35 大陸科學院硏究報告 滿洲帝國國務院大陸科學院    
36 大陸科學院彙報 滿洲帝國國務院大陸科學院    
37 東京大學地震硏究所彙報 東京大學地震硏究所 0040-8972  
38 東京大學海洋硏究所 国際沿岸海洋研究センタ-硏究報告 東京大學海洋硏究所 国際沿岸海洋研究センタ- 1349-2993  
39 東京大學海洋硏究所大槌臨海硏究センタ-報告 東京大學海洋硏究所大槌臨海硏究センタ- 0388-5747  
40 東京大學海洋硏究所業績集 = The Ocean Research Institute University oBuf Tokyo Collected Reprints 東京大學海洋硏究所    
41 東京帝國大學地震硏究所彙報 東京帝國大學地震硏究所    
42 東京化學會志 日本化學會 0369-4577  
43 東京化學會誌 [東京化學會]    
44 東北地理 東北地理學會    
45 東海科學 東海大學 1023-8719  
46 東海區水産硏究所業績集 東海區水産硏究所 0495-7490  
47 東海大學海洋硏究所硏究報告 東海大學海洋硏究所 0289-680X  
48 東海大學海洋硏究所年譜 東海大學海洋硏究所 0287-1467  
49 東海大學海洋硏究所資料 東海大學海洋硏究所 0287-1475  
50 東海大學海洋學部業績集 東海大學海洋學部 0389-2050  
51 明治大學 科學技術硏究所 年報 明治大學 科學技術硏究所 0543-3916  
52 明治大學科學技術硏究所紀要 明治大學科學技術硏究所 0386-4944  
53 明治大學科學技術硏究所報告 明治大學科學技術硏究所 0285-8258  
54 物理探鑛 物理探鑛技術協會    
55 物理探査 物理探査學會 0912-7984 2012년 구독
56 物理學報 科学出版社 1000-3290 2012년 구독
57 物理化學の進步 日本物理化學硏究會    
58 物理教育 日本物理教育学会 0385-6992 2012년 구독
59 物性 槙書店    
60 物性硏だより Bussei Kenkyūjo 0385-9843  
61 바다 : 한국해양학회지 = The sea : the journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography 한국해양학회 1226-2978  
62 百年潮  Pai nien ch'ao tsa chih she 1007-4295  
63 分析化學 日本分析化學會 0525-1931  
64 分析化學 = Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 中國化學會·中國科學院 分析化學編輯委員會] 0253-3820  
65 産業氣象調査報告 中央氣象臺    
66 上海自然科學硏究所彙報 上海自然科學硏究所    
67 聲學學報 科學出版社 0371-0025 2012년 구독
68 素粒子論硏究 日本物理學會    
69 水路部硏究報告 海上保安廳 水路部 0373-3602  
70 數學 日本數學會 0039-470X  
71 數學敎室 國土社 0287-3508  
72 數學史硏究 日本數學史學會    
73 數學セミナ- 日本評論社 0386-4960  
74 數學のたのしみ 日本評論社    
75 植物檢疫情報 농림수산부 국립식물검역소    
76 神戶大學大學院自然科學硏究科紀要 神戶大學大學院自然科學硏究科 0287-6515  
77 神戶海洋氣象臺彙報 神戶海洋氣象 0368-5969  
78 岩鑛 日本岩石鑛物鑛床學會 0914-9783  
79 岩石鑛物鑛床學 日本岩石鑛物鑛床學會    
80 岩石鑛物鑛床學會誌 日本岩石鑛物鑛床學會 0021-4825  
81 硏究時報 - 氣象廳 氣象廳 0368-5942  
82 延邊大學學報 延邊大學學報編輯部 1004-4353  
83 有機合成化學協會誌 有機合成化學協會 0037-9980  
84 陸水學雜誌 日本陸水學會    
85 應用氣象學報 中國氣象硏究院 1001-7313  
86 應用物理 丸善 0369-8009 2012년 구독
87 應用物理 應用物理學會    
88 理工學報 國立中興大學理工學院    
89 理科年表 丸善社    
90 理學協會雜誌 理學協會事務所    
91 理化學硏究所硏究年報 理化學硏究所 0557-0220  
92 理化學硏究所硏究論文集 理化學硏究所    
93 理化學硏究所彙報 理化學硏究所    
94 日本結晶學會誌 日本結晶學會 0369-4585  
95 日本物理學會誌 日本物理學會    
96 日本數學敎育學會誌 日本數學敎育學會 0021-471X 2012년 구독
97 日本原子力學會誌 日本原子力學會 0004-7120  
98 日本海水學會誌 日本海水學會 0369-4550 2012년 구독
99 日本海域硏究 金澤大學日本海域硏究所 0287-623X  
100 日本化學雜誌 日本化學會    
101 日本化學總覽 日本化學硏究會    
102 日本化學會誌 日本化學會 0369-4577  
103 日本の科學者 水曜社 0029-0335  
104 自然 中央公論社    
105 自然科學史硏究 科學出版社 1000-0224 2012년 구독
106 自然科學世界 여명빛 1738-3293  
107 在獨韓國科學技術者協會論文集 = The Korean scientists and engineers association in FRG 재독한국과학기술자협회    
108 低温科学 北海道大学低温科学研究所 1880-7593  
109 電氣化學 電氣化學協會    
110 電氣化學および工業物理化學 電氣化學協會    
111 電氣化學の進步 電氣化學協會    
112 靜岡大學地球科學硏究報告 東海大學地球科學敎室 0388-6298  
113 靜電氣學會誌 靜電氣學會 0386-2550  
114 朝鮮鑛床調査要報 朝鮮總督府地質調査所    
115 朝鮮氣象要報 朝鮮總督府氣象臺    
116 朝鮮氣象月報 朝鮮總督府觀測所    
117 朝鮮博物學會雜誌 朝鮮博物學會    
118 朝鮮博物學會雜誌 朝鮮博物學會    
119 朝鮮地質調査要報 朝鮮總督府地質調査所    
120 朝鮮總督府地質調査所雜報 [s.n.]    
121 朝鮮學術通報 在日本朝鮮人科學者協會 0577-9774  
122 中國科技史雜誌 中国科学技術出版社 1673-1441 2012년 구독
123 中國科學. A輯 : 數學, 物理學, 天文學 = Science in China 中國科學雜誌社 1006-9232  
124 中國科學. D輯 : 地球科學 = Science in China 中國科學雜誌社 1006-9267  
125 中國醫學科學院學報 中國醫學科學院 1000503X  
126 中央大學理工學硏究所 論文集 中央大學理工學硏究所 1343-0068  
127 中藥新藥與臨床藥理 廣州中醫藥大學 10039783  
128 中華科學畵報 中國科學公司    
129 中華醫史雜誌 : Chinese journal of medical history 中華醫學會 02557053  
130 地球 京都帝國大學內地球學團    
131 地震硏究所硏究速報 東京大學地震硏究所    
132 地質調査報告 通商産業省工業技術院地質調査所    
133 地質調査所月報 通商産業省工業技術院地質調査所    
134 地質學古生物學敎室硏究邦文報告 東北大學 0082-4658  
135 地質學雜誌 日本地質学会 0016-7630 2012년 구독
136 地質學雜誌 東京地質學會    
137 地質ニュ-ス 地質調査所 0009-4854  
138 地學雜誌 敬業社 0022-135X 2012년 구독
139 札幌博物學會會報 札幌博物學會    
140 天氣 日本氣象學會 0546-0921  
141 天氣圖 氣象廳    
142 天文月報 日本天文學會    
143 天文通訊 臺北市立天文臺    
144 天然物の全合成 : 今日, 明日, そして未来へ 学会出版センター    
145 天然産物研究与開发 = Natural product research and development   10016880  
146 觸媒 觸媒懇談會    
147 华南理工大学学报 华南理工大学学报编辑委员会 1000-565x  
148 學術月報 科學技術社 0387-2440  
149 韓國氣象表 中央氣象臺    
150 海上氣象觀測速報 長岐海洋氣象臺    
151 海象と氣象= Oceanography and Meteorology 長岐海洋氣象臺 0472-4666  
152 海洋科學技術センタ-試驗硏究報告 海洋科學技術センタ- 0387-382X  
153 海洋速報 舞鶴海洋氣象臺 0022-7811  
154 海洋調査報告一覽 日本海洋デ-タセンタ-    
155 海洋地質與第四紀地質 地質광嚴海洋地質硏究所 0256-1492  
156 海外高分子硏究 高分子學會    
157 海の硏究 日本海洋學會 0916-8362  
158 核能天地 行政院原子能委員會    
159 核子科學 中華民國原子能委員會    
160 現代のエスプリ 至文堂 0435-2165  
161 華岡理科學報 中國文化大學理學院    
162 華中理工大學學報 華中理工大學出版社 1000-8616  
163 化學 化學同人 0451-1964  
164 化學硏究所講演集 京都帝國大學化學硏究所    
165 化學通報 = Chemistry 科學出版社 0441-3776  
166 化學學報 = Acta chimica sinica 科學出版社 0567-7351  
167 化學と藥學の敎室 廣川書店 0289-1700  
168 化學の領域 南江堂    
169 化學の領域 南江堂 0022-2070  
170 彙報 - 理化學硏究所 理化學硏究所    
171 彙報 - 中央氣象臺 中央氣象臺    
172 A categorical approach to imprimitivity theorems for Ç-dynamical systems , no. 850 American Mathematical Society    
173 A geometric mechanism for diffusion in Hamiltonian systems overcoming the large gap problem : heuristics and rigorous verification on a model , no. 844 American Mathematical Society    
174 A short textbook of medical statistics Edward arnold    
175 AAPG bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists 0149-1423 2012년 구독
176 AAS photo-bulletin Working Group on Photographic Materials, American Astronomical Society 0065-7433  
177 Abstract and applied analysis Mancorp Pub 1085-3375 2012년 구독
178 Abstracts with programs - Geological Society of America Geological Society of America] 0016-7592 2012년 구독
179 Accounts of chemical research American Chemical Society 0001-4842 2012년 구독
180 Accounts of chemical research American Chemical Society 0001-4842  
181 Acoustical holography Plenum Press 0065-0870  
182 Acoustical holography Plenum Press 0065-0870  
183 Acoustical imaging Plenum Press 0270-5117  
184 Acoustics today Acoustical Society of America 1557-0215  
185 Acta acustica S. Hirzel 1610-1928  
186 Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia G. Bosse 0515-2712  
187 Acta arithmetica Seminarjum Matematyczne Uniwersytetu 0065-1036  
188 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard 0001-5393  
189 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard 0904-213X  
190 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard 0302-4369  
191 Acta chemica Scandinavica Munksgaard 0302-4377  
192 Acta crystallographica Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Society of Crystallography 0108-7673  
193 Acta crystallographica Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 0108-7681  
194 Acta crystallographica Published for International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 0108-2701  
195 Acta crystallographica Blackwell Publishing 0907-4449  
196 Acta crystallographica Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard [etc.] 0365-110X  
197 Acta crystallographica Munksgaard    
198 Acta crystallographica Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 0567-7408  
199 Acta crystallographica Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 0567-7394  
200 Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online International Union of Crystallography 1600-5368  
201 Acta geologica Sinica Geological Publishing House 1000-9515 2012년 구독
202 Acta geologica taiwanica National Taiwan University 0065-1265  
203 Acta mathematica Almqvist & Wiksell, [etc.] 0001-5962  
204 Acta meteorologica Sinica China Meteorological Press 0894-0525  
205 Acta numerica Cambridge University Press 0922-4929  
206 Acta oceanographica Taiwanica Institute of Oceanography, College of Science, National Taiwan University 0379-7481  
207 Acta oceanologica Sinica China Ocean Press 0253-505X  
208 Acta palaeontologica Polonica Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe 0567-7920 2012년 구독
209 Acta physica Polonica Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 0587-4246 2012년 구독
210 Acta polymerica Akademie-Verlag 0323-7648  
211 Acta scientiarum mathematicarum Institutum Bolyaianum Universitatis Szegediensis 0001-6969  
212 Activity report Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo    
213 Activity Report University of Tokyo 0910-0709  
214 Activity report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo    
215 Acustica S. Hirzel 0001-7884  
216 Adsorption Springer 0929-5607  
217 Adsorption science & technology Blackwell Scientific Publications 0263-6174  
218 Advanced battery technology Scientific Reports, Inc 0001-8627 2012년 구독
219 Advanced fuel cell technology Seven Mountains Scientific 1095-1415 2012년 구독
220 Advanced functional materials Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH 1616-301X  
221 Advanced nonlinear studies UTHSCSA Press 1536-1365 2012년 구독
222 Advanced studies in contemporary mathematics Jangjun Mathematical Soceity 1229-3067  
223 Advanced technology optical telescopes SPIE    
224 Advances in analytical geochemistry JAI Press 1080-5354  
225 Advances in applied mathematics Academic Press 0196-8858  
226 Advances in applied mathematics and mechanics in China International Academic Publishers    
227 Advances in applied probability Applied Probability Trust] 0001-8678 2012년 구독
228 Advances in astronomy and astrophysics Academic Press 0065-2180  
229 Advances in atomic and molecular physics Academic Press 0065-2199  
230 Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics Academic Press 1049-250X  
231 Advances in carbanion chemistry JAI Press 1068-7394  
232 Advances in carbene chemistry JAI Press 1079-350X  
233 Advances in carbocation chemistry JAI Press 1047-3645  
234 Advances in carbohydrate analysis JAI Press 1062-0044  
235 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry Academic Press 0096-5332  
236 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry Academic Press 0065-2318  
237 Advances in catalysis Academic Press 0360-0564  
238 Advances in catalysis and related subjects Academic Press 0065-2342  
239 Advances in chemical kinetics and dynamics JAI Press 1074-7559  
240 Advances in chemical physics Wiley [etc.] 0065-2385  
241 Advances in chromatography M. Dekker 0065-2415  
242 Advances in complex systems World Scientific Pub. Co 0219-5259 2012년 구독
243 Advances in computational mathematics J.C. Baltzer AG 1019-7168  
244 Advances in cycloaddition JAI Press 1052-2077  
245 Advances in dendritic macromolecules JAI Press    
246 Advances in detailed reaction mechanisms JAI Press 1063-0619  
247 Advances in difference equations Hindawi Pub. Corp 1687-1839 2012년 구독
248 Advances in differential equations Khayyam Publishing 1079-9389  
249 Advances in electrochemical science and engineering VCH 0938-5193  
250 Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering Wiley 0567-9907  
251 Advances in electron transfer chemistry JAI Press 1061-8937  
252 Advances in electrophoresis VCH 0932-3031  
253 Advances in free radical chemistry JAI Press    
254 Advances in gas phase ion chemistry JAI Press 1071-9687  
255 Advances in geophysical data processing : a research annual JAI Press 0882-6129  
256 Advances in geophysics Academic Press 0065-2687  
257 Advances in heat transfer Academic Press 0065-2717  
258 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry Academic Press 0065-2725  
259 Advances in high pressure research Academic Press 0065-2733  
260 Advances in hydroscience Academic Press 0065-2768  
261 Advances in infrared and Raman spectroscopy Heyden 0309-426X  
262 Advances in inorganic and bioinorganic mechanisms Academic Press 0736-9093  
263 Advances in inorganic chemistry Academic Press 0898-8838  
264 Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry Academic Press 0065-2792  
265 Advances in lipid methodology Oily Press    
266 Advances in liquid crystals Academic Press 0360-2486  
267 Advances in low-temperature plasma chemistry, technology, applications Technomic Pub. Co    
268 Advances in magnetic and optical resonance Academic Press 1057-2732  
269 Advances in magnetic resonance Academic Press 0065-2873  
270 Advances in mass spectrometry Wiley 0887-2430  
271 Advances in mathematics Academic Press 0001-8708  
272 Advances in mathematics of communications American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1930-5346 2012년 구독
273 Advances in metal and semiconductor clusters JAI Press 1075-1629  
274 Advances in metal-organic chemistry JAI Press 1045-0688  
275 Advances in molecular modeling JAI Press    
276 Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes Elsevier 0378-4487  
277 Advances in molecular relaxation processes Elsevier Pub. Co 0001-8716  
278 Advances in molecular vibrations and collision dynamics JAI Press 1063-5467  
279 Advances in nitrogen heterocycles JAI Press    
280 Advances in nuclear physics Plenum Press 0065-2970  
281 Advances in organometallic chemistry Academic Press 0065-3055  
282 Advances in photochemistry Wiley-Interscience [etc.] 0065-3152  
283 Advances in physical organic chemistry Academic Press 0065-3160  
284 Advances in physics Taylor & Francis 0001-8732 2012년 구독
285 Advances in planetary geology National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch    
286 Advances in plasma physics Wiley [etc 0065-3187  
287 Advances in protein chemistry Academic Press 0065-3233  
288 Advances in quantum chemistry Academic Press 0065-3276  
289 Advances in quantum electronics Academic Press 0065-3284  
290 Advances in silicon chemistry JAI Press 1059-4256  
291 Advances in solid-state chemistry JAI Press 1046-5723  
292 Advances in sonochemistry JAI Press    
293 Advances in space research Elsevier 0273-1177  
294 Advances in statistical analysis and statistical computing JAI Press 1045-6821  
295 Advances in strain in organic chemistry JAI Press 1061-8902  
296 Advances in sulfur chemistry JAI Press    
297 Advances in supramolecular chemistry JAI Press 1068-7459  
298 Advances in Synchrotron Radiation  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 1793-6179 2012년 구독
299 Advances in the synthesis and reactivity of solids JAI Press 1078-9855  
300 Advances in the use of synthons in organic chemistry JAI Press 1075-2099  
301 Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics International Press 1095-0761 2012년 구독
302 Advances in theoretically interesting molecules JAI Press, Inc 1046-5766  
303 Advances in transition metal coordination chemistry JAI Press    
304 Advances in transport processes J. Wiley 0271-2334  
305 Advances in x-ray analysis Plenum Press 0376-0308  
306 Adventures in experimental physics World Science Communications [etc.] 0044-6386  
307 Aequationes mathematicae Birkhaser 0001-9054  
308 Aerosol science and technology Elsevier 0278-6826  
309 Agricultural and forest meteorology Elsevier 0168-1923  
310 Agricultural meteorology Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0002-1571  
311 AIChEMI modular instruction. Series E, Kinetics American Institute of Chemical Engineers 0270-7659  
313 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Report Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research 0940-4546  
314 Algebra & number theory Mathematical Sciences Publishers 1937-0652 2012년 구독
315 Algebra and logic Consultants Bureau 0002-5232  
316 Algebra and logic Consultants Bureau 0002-5232  
317 Algebra colloquium Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1005-3867 2012년 구독
318 Algebra universalis Birkhauser Verlag 0002-5240  
319 Algebraic & geometric topology Geometry & Topology Publications 1472-2747 2012년 구독
320 Algebras, groups, and geometries Hadronic Press 0741-9937  
321 Algorithmica Springer-Verlag 0178-4617  
322 Aliphatic and related natural product chemistry Chemical Society 0142-7318  
323 Ambix Taylor and Francis 0002-6980  
324 American journal of criminal law University of Texas School of Law 0092-2315  
325 American journal of mathematics Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.] 0002-9327 2012년 구독
326 American journal of mathematics Johns Hopkins University 0002-9327   
327 American journal of physics Published for the American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics] 0002-9505 2012년 구독
328 American Museum novitates American Museum of Natural History 0003-0082  
329 American nature writing Sierra Club Books 1072-4273  
330 American scientist American Scientist 0003-0996 2012년 구독
331 Amino acids and peptides Royal Society of Chemistry 0269-7521  
332 Amino-acids, peptides, and proteins Chemical Society 0306-0004  
333 AMS newsletter American Meteorological Society 0730-2029  
334 Analysis :international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 0174-4747 2012년 구독
335 Analysis and applications World Scientific 0219-5305 2012년 구독
336 Analysis mathematica Akademiai Kiado [Distributor: Kultura] 0133-3852  
337 Analytica chimica acta Elsevier Pub. Co 0003-2670  
338 Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Springer-Verlag 1618-2642  
339 Analytical chemistry American Chemical Society 0003-2700 2012년 구독
340 Analytical electron microscopy San Francisco Press 0738-2014  
341 Analytical instrumentation Marcel Dekker 0743-5797  
342 Analytical letters M. Dekker 0003-2719 2012년 구독
343 Analytical sciences Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 0910-6340 2012년 구독
344 Angewandte Chemie Verlag Chemie 1433-7851  
345 Angewandte Chemie Verlag Chemie 0044-8249  
346 Annalen der Physik J. Barth 0003-3804  
347 Annalen der Physik J. Barth 0003-3804  
348 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia 1239-629X 2012년 구독
349 Annales d'astrophysique Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique 0365-0499  
350 Annales de chimie Masson et cie 0151-9107  
351 Annales de chimie Masson et cie 0151-9107  
352 Annales de chimie--science des materiaux Masson 0151-9107  
353 Annales de geophysique Centre national de la recherche scientifique [etc.] 0003-4029  
354 Annales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles [Societe scientifique de Bruxelles] 0037-959X  
355 Annales de l'I.H.P Gauthier-Villars 0246-0203 2012년 구독
356 Annales de l'Institut Fourier Impr. Durand 0373-0956  
357 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Gauthier-Villars 0294-1449  
358 Annales de l'Universite de Lyon Univ. de Lyon Press    
359 Annales de l'Universite de Lyon Univ. de Lyon Press    
360 Annales Henri Poincare Birkhauser 1424-0637  
361 Annales Polonici mathematici Instytut Matematyczny Polska Akademia Nauk 0066-2216 2012년 구독
362 Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale superieure Gauthier-Villars 0012-9593 2012년 구독
363 Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa, Classe di scienze [Scuola normale superiore di Pisa] 0391-173X 2012년 구독
364 Annali di matematica pura ed applicata Nicola Zanichelli 0373-3114  
365 Annals of global analysis and geometry VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften 0232-704X  
366 Annals of mathematics Princeton University Press, etc.] 0003-486X 2012년 구독
367 Annals of mathematics Princeton University Press, etc 0003-486X   
368 Annals of nuclear energy Pergamon Press 0306-4549  
369 Annals of numerical mathematics Baltzer Science Publishers 1021-2655  
370 Annals of physics Academic Press 0003-4916  
371 Annals of pure and applied logic North-Holland 0168-0072  
372 Annals of science Taylor & Francis 0003-3790  
373 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Kluwer Academic Publishers    
374 Annual report Univ. of Tokyo Press    
375 Annual report American Museum of Natural History    
376 Annual report IGS Central Bureau    
377 Annual report 한국해양연구원 1225-5831  
378 Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution    
379 Annual report of the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN 0071-2973  
380 Annual report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba The Institute 0285-3175  
381 Annual report on Alaska's mineral resources U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey 8755-0709  
382 Annual reports in organic synthesis Academic Press 0066-409X  
383 Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy Academic Press 0066-4103  
384 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Chemical Society    
385 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry The Society 0069-3030  
386 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry Chemical Society 0308-6003  
387 Annual review in automatic programming , v. 3 Pergamon Press 0066-4138  
388 Annual review of analytical chemistry Annual Reviews 0732-0582  
389 Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics Annual Reviews 0066-4146  
390 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences Annual Reviews Inc 0084-6597  
391 Annual review of fluid mechanics Annual Reviews, Inc 0066-4189  
392 Annual review of NMR spectroscopy Academic Press    
393 Annual review of nuclear and particle science Annual Reviews 0163-8998  
394 Annual review of nuclear science Annual Reviews 0066-4243  
395 Annual review of physical chemistry Annual Reviews, Inc 0066-426X  
396 Annual review of the Korean National Committee for IUGG Korean National Committee for IUGG 0304-8411  
397 Apparent places of fundamental stars H.M.S.O 0174-254X  
398 Applicable analysis Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0003-6811  
399 Applications of Fibonacci numbers : proceedings of the ... International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications Kluwer Academic Publishers    
400 Applied and computational harmonic analysis Academic Press 1063-5203  
401 Applied clay science Elsevier 0169-1317  
402 Applied geochemistry Pergamon Press 0883-2927  
403 Applied mathematical finance Chapman & Hall 1350-486X  
404 Applied mathematics and computation Elsevier [etc.] 0096-3003  
405 Applied mathematics and optimization Springer 0095-4616  
406 Applied mathematics letters Elsevier Science Ltd 0893-9659  
407 Applied numerical mathematics North-Holland 0168-9274  
408 Applied ocean research Elsevier Science 0141-1187  
409 Applied optics Optical Society of America] 0003-6935 2012년 구독
410 Applied organometallic chemistry Longman Scientific & Technical 0268-2605 2012년 구독
411 Applied physics Springer-Verlag 0340-3793  
412 Applied physics express The Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physics 1882-0778  
413 Applied physics letters American Institute of Physics 0003-6951  
414 Applied physics letters American Institute of Physics 0003-6951  
415 Applied radiation and isotopes Pergamon Press 0969-8043  
416 Applied spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy 0003-7028  
417 Applied spectroscopy reviews M. Dekker] 0570-4928  
418 Applied stochastic models in business and industry John Wiley & Sons 1524-1904 2012년 구독
419 Approximation theory and its applications Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press 1000-9221  
420 Aquatic geochemistry Springer 1380-6165  
421 Archaeoastronomy Science History Publications 0142-7253  
422 Archiv der Mathematik Boston [etc.] 0003-889X  
423 Archive for history of exact sciences Springer-Verlag 0003-9519  
424 Archive for mathematical logic Springer International 0933-5846  
425 Archive for rational mechanics and analysis Springer-Verlag 0003-9527  
426 Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences Istituto della'Enciclopedia Italiana 0003-9810  
427 Arctic and alpine research Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, University of Colorado 0004-0851  
428 Argos seminar on intersections of modular correspondences , 312 Societe mathematique de France    
429 Arkhimedes Suomen Fyysikkoseura; Suomen Matemaattinen Yhdistys 0004-1920  
430 Arkiv for fysik Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri 0365-2440  
431 Arkiv for matematik Almqvist & Wiksells boktr 0004-2080  
432 Ars combinatoria Dept. of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo 0381-7032 2012년 구독
433 Asian-European journal of mathematics World Scientific 1793-5571 2012년 구독
434 Asterisque Societe mathematique de France 0303-1179  
435 Astronomical and astrophysical transactions Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1055-6796  
436 Astronomische Nachrichten s.n.] 0004-6337 2012년 구독
437 Astronomy AstroMedia Corp 0091-6358 2012년 구독
438 Astronomy & astrophysics EDP Sciences [etc.] 0365-0138  
439 Astronomy & geophysics produced for the Royal Astronomical Society by Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd 1366-8781 2012년 구독
440 Astronomy & Space Astronomy Ireland 0791-8062 2012년 구독
441 Astronomy and astrophysics Springer International 0004-6361 2012년 구독
442 Astronomy and astrophysics EDP Sciences 0004-6361  
443 Astronomy letters American Institute of Physics 1063-7737  
444 Astronomy now Pole Star Publications Ltd 0951-9726 2012년 구독
445 Astronomy reports American Institute of Physics 1063-7729  
446 Astronotes Ottawa Centre, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 0048-8682  
447 Astroparticle physics North-Holland 0927-6505  
448 Astrophysical letters Gordon and Breach 0004-6388  
449 Astrophysical letters & communications Gordon and Breach 0888-6512  
450 Astrophysics Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0571-7256  
451 Astrophysics and space science Springer 0004-640X  
452 Asymptotic analysis North-Holland 0921-7134  
453 Asymptotic expansions for infinite weighted convolutions of heavy tail distributions and applications , no. 922 American Mathematical Society    
454 Atlas of protein sequence and structure National Biomedical Research Foundation 0572-435X  
455 Atmosphere-ocean Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 0705-5900 2012년 구독
456 Atmospheric chemistry and physics European Geosciences Union 1680-7316 2012년 구독
457 Atmospheric research Elsevier Science Publishers 0169-8095  
458 Atoll research bulletin [Smithsonian Press 0077-5630  
459 Atomic data and nuclear data tables Academic Press 0092-640X  
460 Atomic energy in Australia Australian Atomic Energy Commission 0004-7090  
461 Atomic energy review International Atomic Energy Agency 0004-7112  
462 Atomic energy review International Atomic Energy Agency 0587-3797  
463 Australasian science USQ Press 1036-0875  
464 Australian journal of astronomy Astral Press 0814-5628  
465 Australian journal of chemistry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0004-9425  
466 Australian journal of chemistry Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0004-9425   
467 Australian journal of earth sciences Published for the Geological Society of Australia by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0812-0099  
468 Australian journal of marine and freshwater research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0067-1940  
469 Australian journal of physics Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0004-9506  
470 Australian meteorological magazine Bureau of Meteorology 0004-9743  
471 Australian senior mathematics journal Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers 0819-4564 2012년 구독
472 Author index of mathematical reviews American Mathematical Society    
473 Automatic documentation and mathematical linguistics Allerton Press [etc.] 0005-1055  
474 Automatik R. v. Decker [etc.] 0005-1136  
475 Average monthly weather outlook U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, [Climate Analysis Center 0090-0613  
476 Baltic astronomy Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy 1392-0049 2012년 구독
477 Basin research Blackwell Scientific Publications 0950-091X 2012년 구독
478 Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphare Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft    
479 Bergman kernels and symplectic reduction , 318 Societe Mathematique de France    
480 Berichte aus dem Institut fur Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat.Kiel Institut fur Meereskunde Abteilung maritime Meteorologie 0341-8561  
481 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft Chemie    
482 Berichte zur Polarforschung Reports on Polar Research Alfred Wegener Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung 0176-5027  
483 Bernoulli Chapman & Hall 1350-7265 2012년 구독
484 Biogeosciences Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union 1726-4170 2012년 구독
485 Bioinorganic chemistry and applications Freund Pub. House 1565-3633 2012년 구독
486 Biological oceanography Crane, Russak 0196-5581  
487 Biomacromolecules American Chemical Society 1525-7797  
488 Biomaterials IPC Science and Technology Press 0142-9612  
489 Biomedical chromatography Heyden & Son 0269-3879 2012년 구독
490 Bioorganic chemistry Academic Press 0045-2068  
491 Biophysical chemistry of dioxygen reactions in respiration and photosynthesis : proceedings of the Nobel Conference held at Fiskebaeckskil, Sweden, 1-4 July 1987 , v. 28A Cambridge University Press    
492 Biophysical reviews and letters World Scientific 1793-0480 2012년 구독
493 Biopolymers John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 0006-3525  
494 Biopolymers: peptide science John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1069-2630  
495 BMR journal of Australian geology and geophysics Australian Govt. Pub. Service 0312-9608  
496 Boletim de Geociencias da Petrobras Geociencias da Petrobras 0102-9304  
497 Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico Instituto Oceanográfico    
498 Boletin del Instituto Oceanografico Instituto Oceanografico, Universidad de Oriente    
499 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana N. Zanichelli 0392-4033  
500 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana N. Zanichelli 0392-4041  
501 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. A, Matematica nella società e nella cultura Nicola Zanichelli    
502 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. Supplemento, Algebra e geometria N. Zanichelli    
503 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. Supplemento, Analisi funzionale e applicazioni N. Zanichelli    
504 Bollettino Della Unione Mathematica Italiana Nicola Zanichelli 1972-6724 2012년 구독
505 Bollettino di geodesia e scienze affini Instituto geografico militare 0006-6710  
506 Boreas Universitetsforlaget 0300-9483 2012년 구독
507 Boundary value problems Hindawi Pub. Corp 1687-2762 2012년 구독
508 Boundary-layer meteorology D. Reidel Pub. Co 0006-8314  
509 Brennstoff-Warme-Kraft Deutscher Ingenieur-Verlag 0006-9612  
510 Britannica yearbook of science and the future Encyclopaedia Britannica    
511 British journal of applied physics Institute of Physics 0508-3443  
512 Bulletin Chinese Association for the Advancement of Science    
513 Bulletin Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications 0950-5628  
514 Bulletin The Observatory    
515 Bulletin The Council 0160-7782  
516 Bulletin - American Astronomical Society American Institute of Physics] 0002-7537  
517 Bulletin - Institute of Mathematical Statistics Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0146-3942  
518 Bulletin - Institute Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique    
519 Bulletin - Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, Utah Dept. of Natural Resources 0098-4825  
520 Bulletin - Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey 0098-4825  
521 Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society The Society 0273-0979  
522 Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathématique de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Petersbourg      
523 Bulletin de la Societe chimique de France Societe francaise de chimie 0037-8968  
524 Bulletin de la Societe geologique de France La Societe 0037-9409 2012년 구독
525 Bulletin de la Societe mathematique de Belgique La Societe 0771-1204  
526 Bulletin de la Societe mathematique de France La Societe 0037-9484  
527 Bulletin de l'Institut de geologie du bassin d'Aquitaine l'Institut 0524-0832  
528 Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique 0304-5722  
529 Bulletin des sciences mathematiques Gauthier-Villars 0007-4497  
530 Bulletin geodesique Association Internationale de Geodesie    
531 Bulletin geodesique Association internationale de geodesie. Union geodesique et geophysique internationale 0007-4632  
532 Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists 0007-4802  
533 Bulletin of geophysics The University 0253-4800  
534 Bulletin of marine science University of Miami Press 0007-4977  
535 Bulletin of Marine Science Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami 0077-4977  
536 Bulletin of Mathematical Society Univ. of Nanyang Press    
537 Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Sciences Consultants Bureau 0568-5230  
538 Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists The Association 0883-9247  
539 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society Published for the Society by Macmillan & Co 0002-9904  
540 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society 0003-0007 2012년 구독
541 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History [American Museum of Natural History] 0003-0090  
542 Bulletin of the American Physical Society Published by the American Institute of Physics for the American Physical Society [etc.] 0003-0503  
543 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of Czechoslovakia Academia 0004-6248  
544 Bulletin of the astronomical institutes of the Netherlands North-Holland Pub. Co 0365-8910  
545 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society University of Queensland Press 0004-9727  
546 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society Calcutta Mathematical Society 0008-0659  
547 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Chemical Society of Japan 0009-2673  
548 Bulletin of the College of Science University of the Ryukyus College of Science, University of the Ryukyus 0286-9640  
549 Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Allerton Press 0190-2717  
550 Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute Geographical Survey Institute 0373-7160  
551 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America [The Society] 1050-9747  
552 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark Geological Society of Denmark 0011-6297  
553 Bulletin of the Honam mathematical society The Cholla and Cheju (Honam) Mathematical Society 1225-2921  
554 Bulletin of the Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica Institute of Chemistry Academia Sinica 0366-0370  
555 Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications The Institute 11831278  
556 Bulletin of the Institute of Geophysics, National Central University Institute of Geophysics    
557 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 0304-9825  
558 Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre The Centre 0020-8671  
559 Bulletin of the International Society of Biometeorology International Society of Biometeorology 0309-2826  
560 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society The Society 0253-2964  
561 Bulletin of the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo 0564-6898  
562 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, Dział Czasopism 0239-7269 2012년 구독
563 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Division of Chemical Science Consultants Bureau 1063-5211  
564 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America [Seismological Society of America, etc.] 0037-1106 2012년 구독
565 Bulletin of the Special Astrophysical Observatory--North Caucasus Allerton Press 0190-2709  
566 Cahiers de topologie et geometrie differentielle s.n., etc.] 0008-0004  
567 Cahiers de topologie et geometrie differentielle categoriques [s.n.] 1245-530X 2012년 구독
568 Cahiers de topologie et geometrie differentielle categoriques [s.n.]    
569 Calcolo IAC [etc.] 0008-0624  
570 Calculus of variations and partial differential equations Springer International 0944-2669  
571 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations    
572 Canadian chemical news Chemcan Publishers Ltd 0823-5228 2012년 구독
573 Canadian geotechnical journal National Research Council Canada 0008-3674 2012년 구독
574 Canadian journal of chemistry National Research Council 0008-4042 2012년 구독
575 Canadian journal of earth sciences National Research Council Canada 0008-4077 2012년 구독
576 Canadian journal of mathematics Published for the Canadian Mathematical Society by the University of Toronto Press 0008-414X  
577 Canadian journal of physics National Research Council 0008-4204 2012년 구독
578 Canadian journal of physics Micromedia 0008-4204  
579 Canadian journal of research National Research Council 0366-7391  
580 Canadian mathematical bulletin Canadian Mathematical Society 0008-4395  
581 Carbohydrate chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry 0951-8428  
582 Carbohydrate polymers Applied Science Publishers 0144-8617  
583 Carbohydrate research Elsevier Scientific Pub 0008-6215  
584 Carbon Pergamon Press 0008-6223  
585 Carleson measures and interpolating sequences for Besov spaces on complex balls , no. 859 American Mathematical Society    
586 Cartographic perspectives The Society 1048-9085 2012년 구독
587 Cartographica University of Toronto Press 0317-7173  
588 Cartography and geographic information science American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 1523-0406  
589 Cartography and geographic information systems American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 1050-9844  
590 Catalogue of accessioned publications. Supplement The Center 0162-0827  
591 Catalogue of data and report of data exchange World Data Center A--Oceanography    
592 Catalogue of publications in World Data Center A: Oceanography World Data Center A, Oceanography 0162-0819  
593 Catalysis letters J.C. Baltzer 1011-372X  
594 Catalysis reviews: science and engineering M. Dekker 0161-4940  
595 Catalysis today Elsevier Science Publishers 0920-5861  
596 Catalysis. v. 1-8 Chemical Society 0140-0568  
597 Catena Catena Verlag 0341-8162  
598 Cave and karst science The Association    
599 CCAMLR science Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 1023-4063 2012년 구독
600 Celestial mechanics D. Reidel Pub. Co 0008-8714  
601 Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy Springer 0923-2958  
602 Cellular and molecular life sciences Birkhauser 1420-682X  
603 Centaurus Munksgaard 0008-8994  
604 Chemical and engineering news The Society 0009-2347  
605 Chemical communications The Society 0577-6058  
606 Chemical communications Royal Society of Chemistry 1359-7345  
607 Chemical geology Elsevier 0009-2541  
608 Chemical instrumentation M. Dekker] 0009-2592  
609 Chemical physics Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.] 0301-0104  
610 Chemical physics letters North Holland 0009-2614  
611 Chemical record Wiley 1527-8999 2012년 구독
612 Chemical reviews American Chemical Society [etc.] 0009-2665 2012년 구독
613 Chemical Society reviews Royal Society of Chemistry, etc.] 0306-0012  
614 Chemical vapor deposition VCH Verlagsgesellschaft 0948-1907  
615 Chemical, biomedical, and environmental instrumentation M. Dekker] 0190-4094  
616 Chemie in unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie 0009-2851  
617 Chemiker-Zeitung Verlag der Chemiker-Zeitung 0009-2894  
618 Chemiker-Zeitung, chemische Apparatur A. Huthig 0375-8710  
619 Chemische Berichte VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 0009-2940  
620 Chemistry American Chemical Society, etc.] 0009-305X  
621 Chemistry VCH Verlagsgesellschaft/Verlag I 0947-6539  
622 Chemistry and biochemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteins M. Dekker 0069-3111  
623 Chemistry and physics of carbon M. Dekke 0069-3138  
624 Chemistry and physics of lipids North-Holland Pub. Co 0009-3084  
625 Chemistry express Kinki Chemical Society 0911-9566  
626 Chemistry in Asia Unesco    
627 Chemistry in Australia Royal Australian Chemical Institute 0314-4240  
628 Chemistry in Britain Chemical Education Trust Fund for the Chemical Society and the Royal Institute of Chemistry,-2003 0009-3106  
629 Chemistry in Canada Chemcan Publishers 0009-3114  
630 Chemistry international Blackwell Scientific Publications [etc.] 0193-6484 2012년 구독
631 Chemistry letters Chemical Society of Japan 0366-7022  
632 Chemistry world Royal Society of Chemistry 1473-7604  
633 Chemistry, an Asian journal Wiley-VCH 1861-4728 2012년 구독
634 Chemphyschem Wiley-VCH Verlag 1439-4235  
635 ChemSusChem Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1864-5631 2012년 구독
636 Chemtracts Data Trace Chemistry Publishers 1051-7227  
637 Chemtracts Springer-Verlag 1431-9268  
638 Chimia Schweizerischer Chemiker-Verband 0009-4293 2012년 구독
639 Chinese annals of mathematics Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Pub. House 0252-9599  
640 Chinese astronomy and astrophysics Pergamon 0275-1062  
641 Chinese journal of atmospheric sciences Allerton Press 0891-3862  
642 Chinese journal of contemporary mathematics Allerton Press 0898-5111  
643 Chinese journal of physics The Physical Society of the Republic of China 0577-9073  
644 Chinese science bulletin Chinese Academy of Sciences 1001-6538  
645 Christiana Albertina Christian Albrechts Universitat Zu Kiel, Presse- und Informationsstelle 0578-0160  
646 Chromatographia Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn 0009-5893  
647 Chronique de la recherche miniere Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres] 0182-564X  
648 Chronuque U.G.G.I I.U.G.G. Publications 0047-1259  
649 Ciencias marinas Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanol?gicas de la Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California 0185-3880 2012년 구독
650 Classical and quantum gravity Institute of Physics 0264-9381  
651 Clay minerals Mineralogical Society 0009-8558 2012년 구독
652 Clay research Clay Minerals Society of India, Division od Agricultural Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute 0255-7193 2012년 구독
653 Clays and clay minerals Pergamon Press 0009-8604 2012년 구독
654 Climate alert Climate Institute 1071-328X  
655 Climate assessment U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, National Meteorological Center    
656 Climate dynamics Springer-International 0930-7575  
657 Climate research Inter-Research 0936-577X  
658 Climatic change Reidel Pub. Co 0165-0009  
659 CMS notes Canadian Mathematical Society = Societe mathematique du Canada 1193-9273 2012년 구독
660 Coarse expanding conformal dynamics , 325 Soci?ete? mathe?matique de France    
661 Coastal management Taylor & Francis 0892-0753 2012년 구독
662 Coastal zone management journal Crane, Russak 0090-8339  
663 Collectanea mathematica Seminario Matema?tico de Barcelona 0010-0757  
664 Collected reprints - Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo Press    
665 Colloid and polymer science Springer 0303-402X  
666 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier 0927-7757  
667 Colloids and surfaces Elsevier 0927-7765  
668 Colloque de physique Les Editions de physique 0449-1947  
669 Colloquium mathematicum [s.n.] 0010-1354  
670 Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening Bentham Science Publishers 1386-2073 2012년 구독
671 Combinatorica Springer 0209-9683  
672 Combustion theory and modelling Institute of Physics Pub 1364-7830 2012년 구독
673 Combustion, explosion, and shock waves Springer 0010-5082  
674 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici European Mathematical Society 0010-2571 2012년 구독
675 Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli Kinokuniya Bookstore Co 0010-258X  
676 Commentationes mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae [Mathematical Institute of the Charles University] 0010-2628 2012년 구독
677 Comments on astrophysics Gordon and Breach] 0146-2970  
678 Comments on atomic and molecular physics Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers] 0010-2687  
679 Comments on modern chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0260-3594 2012년 구독
680 Comments on modern physics. Part B, Comments on condensed  matter physics Gordon & Breach    
681 Comments on nuclear and particle physics Gordon and Breach 0010-2709  
682 Comments on solid state physics Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers] 0308-1206  
683 Communications from the David Dunlap Observatory David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto 0070-2919  
684 Communications in algebra M. Dekker 0092-7872 2012년 구독
685 Communications in analysis and geometry International Press 1019-8385 2012년 구독
686 Communications in computational physics Global Science Press 1815-2406 2012년 구독
687 Communications in contemporary mathematics World Scientific 0219-1997 2012년 구독
688 Communications in information and systems International Press 1526-7555 2012년 구독
689 Communications in mathematical physics Springer-Verlag 0010-3616  
690 Communications in mathematical sciences International Press 1539-6746 2012년 구독
691 Communications in number theory and physics International Press 1931-4523 2012년 구독
692 Communications in numerical methods in engineering Wiley 1069-8299  
693 Communications in partial differential equations Marcel Dekker, Inc.] 0360-5302  
694 Communications in statistics Marcel Dekker, Inc.] 0361-0926 2012년 구독
695 Communications in statistics M. Dekker] 0090-3272  
696 Communications in statistics M. Dekker, Inc.] 0361-0918  
697 Communications in statistics Marcel Dekker 0882-0287  
698 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society = 대한수학회논문집 Korean Mathematical Society 1225-1763  
699 Communications on applied mathematics Interscience Publishers    
700 Communications on pure and applied analysis AIMS Press 1534-0392 2012년 구독
701 Communications on pure and applied mathematics Wiley Subscription Services 0010-3640  
702 Communications on pure and applied mathematics Wiley 0010-3640  
703 Communications on pure and applied mathematics Wiley Subscription Services    
704 Compactification des champs de chtoucas et theorie geometrique des invariants , 313 Societe Mathematique de France    
705 Compactification of the Drinfeld modular surfaces , no. 921 American Mathematical Society    
706 Complex systems Complex Systems Publications, Inc 0891-2513 2012년 구독
707 Complex variables theory and application Gordon & Breach Science Publishers 0278-1077  
708 Complexity Wiley & Sons 1076-2787  
709 Compositio mathematica Sijithoff & Noordhoff 0010-437X  
710 Comprehensive polymer science. / Supplement Pergamon Press    
711 Comptes rendus Elsevier 1631-073X  
712 Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences Gauthier-Villars 0764-4442  
713 Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences Gauthier-Villars 0249-6291  
714 Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences Gauthier-Villars    
715 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences publies avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique par MM. les secretaires perpetuels 0567-655X  
716 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences publies avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, par MM. les secretaires perpetuels 0997-4482  
717 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences publies avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique par MM. les secretaires perpetuels 0001-4036  
718 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences publies avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique par MM. les secretaires perpetuels 0567-6541  
719 Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences. A, Sciences mathématiques. B, sciences physiques Gauthier-Villars    
720 Comptes rendus mathematiques de l'Academie des sciences Royal Society of Canada = Societe royale du Canada 0706-1994  
721 Computational & theoretical chemistry Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2210-271x  
722 Computational chemistry : reviews of current trends World Scientific    
723 Computational geometry Elsevier 0925-7721  
724 Computational mathematics and modeling Consultants Bureau 1046-283X  
725 Computational seismology and geodynamics American Geophysical Union 0733-5792  
726 Computational statistics Physica-Verlag 0943-4062  
727 Computational statistics & data analysis North-Holland Pub. Co 0167-9473  
728 Computer physics communications North-Holland Pub. Co 0010-4655  
729 Computers & chemistry Pergamon 0097-8485  
730 Computers in physics American Institute of Physics 0894-1866  
731 Computing in science & engineering AIP 1521-9615  
732 Concepts in magnetic resonance Wiley 1546-6086  
733 Concepts in magnetic resonance Wiley 1552-5031  
734 Condensed matter news Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1056-7046  
735 Condensed matter theories Plenum Press 0893-861X  
736 Conferences, meetings, training, courses in atomic energy International Atomic Energy Agency    
737 Confluentes mathematici World Scientific Pub. Co. Pte. Ltd 1793-7442 2012년 구독
738 Congressus numerantium Utilitas Mathematica Pub. Inc 0384-9864  
739 Constructive approximation Springer-Verlag 0176-4276  
740 Contemporary physics Taylor & Francis 0010-7514 2012년 구독
741 Continental shelf research Pergamon Press 0278-4343  
742 Contributions in Oceanography and Meteorology Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, A. & M. College of Texas    
743 Contributions of the Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University    
744 Contributions of the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics University of Hawaii    
745 Contributions to atmospheric physics [F. Vieweg Verlagsgesellschaft] 0303-4186  
746 Contributions to general algebra Verlag Johannes Heyn    
747 Contributions to geology University of Wyoming 0010-7980  
748 Contributions to mineralogy and petrology Springer-Verlag 0010-7999  
749 Contributions to plasma physics Akademie-Verlag 0863-1042  
750 Coordination chemistry reviews Elsevier Publishing Company 0010-8545  
751 Coordination chemistry reviews Elsevier Publishing Company 0010-8545  
752 Cosmic research Consultants Bureau 0010-9525  
753 Cosmos World Scientific 0219-6077 2012년 구독
754 Critical reviews in analytical chemistry CRC Press 1040-8347 2012년 구독
755 Critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences CRC Press 1040-8436 2012년 구독
756 Cryogenics Heywood & Co 0011-2275  
757 Crystal engineering Pergamon Press 1463-0184  
758 Crystalline cohomology of algebraic stacks and Hyodo-Kato cohomology , 316 Societe Mathematique de France    
759 Crystallography reports American Institute of Physics 1063-7745  
760 CST Communications [s.n.] 1025-9307  
761 Current analytical chemistry Bentham Science Publishers Ltd 1573-4110 2012년 구독
762 Current medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 0929-8673 2012년 구독
763 Current organic chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 1385-2728 2012년 구독
764 Current organic synthesis Bentham Science Publishers 1570-1794 2012년 구독
765 Current papers in physics Institution of Electrical Engineers in assn w/ Amer Inst of Physics 0011-3786 2012년 구독
766 Curricula in the atmospheric, oceanic, hydrologic, and related sciences American Meteorological Society    
767 Daedalus : proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Academy 0011-5266  
768 Dalton Royal Society of Chemistry 1470-479X  
769 Dalton transactions Royal Society of Chemistry 1477-9226  
770 Data catalogue - World Data Center C2 for Geomagnetism Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Spacemagnetism, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University    
771 Deep-sea research Pergamon Press 0146-6291  
772 Deep-sea research Pergamon Press 0198-0149  
773 Deep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers Pergamon Press 0198-0149  
774 Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography Pergamon Press 0967-0645  
775 Designs, codes, and cryptography Springer 0925-1022  
776 Developments in block copolymers Applied Science 0264-8393  
777 Developments in boundary element methods Applied Science Publishers    
778 Developments in ionic polymers Applied Science Publishers 0264-7982  
779 Developments in oriented polymers Applied Science Publishers 0264-3022  
780 Developments in polymer characterisation Applied Science Publishers    
781 Developments in statistics Academic Press 0163-3384  
782 Diamond and related materials Elsevier 0925-9635  
783 Die Geowissenschaften VCH Verlagsgesellschaft 0933-0704  
784 Die Grosswetterlagen Europas Deutscher Wetterdienst, Zentralamt 0017-4645  
785 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Huthig & Wepf 0258-0322  
786 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Huthig & Wepf Verlag 0173-2803  
787 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Huthig & Wepf 0253-5904  
788 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Huthig & Wepf 1018-5054  
789 Die Makromolekulare Chemie Huthig & Wepf 0025-116X  
790 Die Naturwissenschaften Springer-Verlag 0028-1042  
791 Differential and integral equations Differential and Integral Equations 0893-4983  
792 Differential equations Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0012-2661  
793 Differential geometry and its applications North-Holland 0926-2245  
794 Diffusion and defect data Trans Tech S. A 0377-6883  
795 Discover Time Inc 0274-7529 2012년 구독
796 Discrete & computational geometry Springer-Verlag 0179-5376  
797 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1078-0947 2012년 구독
798 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series S The American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1937-1632 2012년 구독
799 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems.Series B Dept. of Mathematics, Southwest Missouri State University 1531-3492 2012년 구독
800 Discrete applied mathematics North Holland 0166-218X  
801 Discrete mathematics Elsevier 0012-365X  
802 Discrete mathematics, algorithms, and applications World Scientific Pub. Co. Pte. Ltd 1793-8309 2012년 구독
803 Discussions of the Faraday Society Gurney and Jackson 0366-9033  
804 Documenta mathematica Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 1431-0635 2012년 구독
805 Doklady American Geological Institute    
806 Doklady American Mathematical Society 1064-5624  
807 Doklady Consultants Bureau 0012-5016  
808 Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R American Geological Institute 0012-494X  
809 Drying technology M.Dekker 0737-3937 2012년 구독
810 Dudley Observatory reports The Observatory 0070-7449  
811 Duke mathematical journal Duke University Press 0012-7094 2012년 구독
812 Dynamic systems and applications Dynamic Publishers 1056-2176 2012년 구독
813 Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0377-0265  
814 Dynamics of partial differential equations International Press 1548-159X 2012년 구독
815 E?quations diffe?rentielles et singularite?s : en l'honneur de J.M. Aroca , 323 Soci?ete? mathe?matique de France    
816 Earth American Geological Institute 1943-345X 2012년 구독
817 Earth and planetary science letters North-Holland Pub. Co 0012-821X  
818 Earth evolution scicnes University of Tsukuba University of Tsukuba 1881-8463  
819 Earth in space American Geophysical Union 1040-3124  
820 Earth science [American Geological Institute, etc.] 0012-8228  
821 Earth science bulletin Wyoming Geological Association] 0012-8236  
822 Earth surface processes J. Wiley 0360-1269  
823 Earth surface processes and landforms Wiley 0197-9337  
824 Earth system monitor NOAA Data and Information Management Program Office 1068-2678  
825 Earth, moon, and planets D. Reidel Pub. Co 0167-9295  
826 Earth, planets and space Published for the Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), the Seismological Society of Japan, the Volcanological Society of Japan, the Geodetic Society of Japan, the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences by Terra Scien 1343-8832  
827 Earthquake spectra Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 8755-2930 2012년 구독
828 Earth-science reviews Elsevier Pub. Co 0012-8252  
829 East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal Duke University Press 1875-2152 2012년 구독
830 East Asian science, technology, and medicine International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 1562-918X  
831 East-West journal of numerical mathematics VSP BV 0928-0200  
832 Ecohydrology John Wiley & Sons 1936-0584  
833 Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists Economic Geology Pub. Co 0361-0128 2012년 구독
834 Education in chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry, etc.] 0013-1350  
835 Education in science Association for Science Education 0013-1377  
836 Educational studies in mathematics D. Reidel Pub. Co 0013-1954  
837 Electroanalysis Wiley-VCH 1040-0397  
838 Electroanalytical chemistry Dekker 0070-9778  
839 Electrochemical and solid-state letters Electrochemical Society 1099-0062 2012년 구독
840 Electrochimica acta Pergamon Press 0013-4686  
841 Electrochimica acta Pergamon Press 0013-4686  
842 Electromagnetics Hemisphere Pub. Corp 0272-6343 2012년 구독
843 Electron spin resonance Royal Society of Chemistry 0305-9758  
844 Electrophoresis Verlag Chemie 0173-0835 2012년 구독
845 Elemente der Mathematik Birkhauser 0013-6018  
846 Elements Mineralogical Society of America 1811-5209 2012년 구독
847 Endeavour Pergamon Press [etc.] 0160-9327  
848 Energy & environment Multi-Science Pub. Co 0958-305X 2012년 구독
849 Energy conversion Pergamon Press 0013-7480  
850 Energy conversion and management Pergamon 0196-8904  
851 Energy international Miller Freeman Publications, etc.] 0013-7529  
852 Environmental & engineering geoscience Geological Society of America 1078-7275 2012년 구독
853 Eos American Geophysical Union 0096-3941 2012년 구독
854 Eos American Geophysical Union 0096-3941  
855 Episodes International Union of Geological Sciences 0705-3797 2012년 구독
856 Equations aux dérivées partielles Le Centre    
857 Équations aux dérivées partielles et analyse fonctionnelle Le Centre    
858 Equivalences of classifying spaces completed at the prime two , no. 848 American Mathematical Society    
859 Erasmus speculum scientiarm Franz Steiner    
860 Ergodic theory and dynamical systems Cambridge University Press 0143-3857  
861 ESAIM EDP Sciences 1292-8119 2012년 구독
862 ESAIM EDP Sciences, SMAI 0764-583X 2012년 구독
863 Espaces L[superscript p] et applications radonifiantes Le Centre    
864 Espaces L[superscript p], applications radonifiantes et géométrie des espaces de Banach Le Centre    
865 Estuarine and coastal marine science Academic Press 0302-3524  
866 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science Academic Press in association with the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association 0272-7714  
867 Europa Chemie Handelsblatt GmbH] 0014-2484  
868 European journal of applied mathematics Cambridge University Press 0956-7925 2012년 구독
869 European journal of combinatorics Academic Press 0195-6698  
870 European journal of inorganic chemistry Wiley-VCH 1434-1948 2012년 구독
871 European journal of mineralogy E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nagele u. Obermiller) 0935-1221 2012년 구독
872 European journal of organic chemistry Wiley-VCH 1434-193X  
873 European journal of solid state and inorganic chemistry Gauthier-Villars 0992-4361  
874 European polymer journal Elsevier 0014-3057  
875 European Southern Observatory scientific preprint European Southern Observatory    
876 Europhysics letters Editions de Physique 0295-5075  
877 Experientia Verlag Birkhauser 0014-4754  
878 Experimental astronomy Springer 0922-6435  
879 Experimental heat transfer Hemisphere Pub 0891-6152 2012년 구독
880 Experimental mathematics Jones and Bartlett Publishers 1058-6458  
881 Experimental techniques Society for Experimental Stress Analysis 0732-8818  
882 Experiments in fluids Springer International 0723-4864  
883 Explorations Univesity of California    
884 Expositiones mathematicae Wissenschaftsverlag Bibliographisches Institut 0723-0869  
885 Facta universitatis University of Nis^ 0352-9665  
886 Families of Galois representations and Selmer groups , 324 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
887 Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society Faraday Division, Chemical Society 1359-6640  
888 Faraday symposia of the Chemical Society Chemical Society, Faraday Division [etc.] 0301-5696  
889 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach 0015-0193 2012년 구독
890 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach 0731-5171 2012년 구독
891 Ferroelectrics Gordon and Breach 0731-5171  
892 Finite fields and their applications Academic Press 1071-5797  
893 Fixed point theory and applications Hindawi Pub. Corp 1687-1820 2012년 구독
894 Fixed Point Theory and its Applications , v. 77 Polish Academy of Sciences    
895 Fixed point theory and trace for bicategories , 333 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
896 Flat level set regularity of p-Laplace phase transitions , no. 858 American Mathematical Society    
897 Fluctuation and noise letters World Scientific 0219-4775 2012년 구독
898 Fluid mechanics research Scripta Technica, Inc 1064-2277  
899 Fluid phase equilibria Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0378-3812  
900 Fluorine chemistry Academic Press 0428-7754  
901 Fluorine chemistry reviews M. Dekker 0430-8069  
902 Focus on catalysts Royal Society of Chemistry 1351-4180  
903 For the learning of mathematics FLM Pub. Co 0228-0671  
904 Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe Springer-Verlag 0071-7886  
905 Fortschritte der Physik Akademie Verlag 0015-8208 2012년 구독
906 Forum mathematicum de Gruyter 0933-7741 2012년 구독
907 Foundations of physics Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0015-9018  
908 Fractals World Scientific 0218-348X 2012년 구독
909 Fredholm operators and Einstein metrics on conformally compact manifolds , no. 864 American Mathematical Society    
910 Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry Springer International 0937-0633  
911 Fresenius' Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie Springer    
912 Fresenius' Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie J.F. Bergmann 0016-1152  
913 From probability to geometry : volume in honor of the 60th birthday of Jean-Michel Bismut , 327-328 Soci?ete? mathe?matique de France    
914 Fuction Spaces VIII , v. 79 Polish Academy of Sciences    
915 Functional analysis and its applications Consultants Bureau 0016-2663  
916 Functional materials letters World Scientific Pub. Co. Pte. Ltd 1793-6047 2012년 구독
917 Fundamenta mathematicae Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe 0016-2736 2012년 구독
918 Fundamenta mathematicae Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe   0016-2736  
919 Fundamentals of cosmic physics Gordon and Breach 0094-5846  
920 Funkcialaj ekvacioj Kyoritsu Shuppan Co 0532-8721  
921 Fusion engineering and design North-Holland 0920-3796  
922 Fuzzy sets and systems Elsevier 0165-0114  
923 Games and economic behavior Academic Press 0899-8256  
924 Gas kinetics and energy transfer Chemical Society 0305-7704  
925 Gazette - Australian Mathematical Society The Society 0311-0729 2012년 구독
926 Gems & gemology Gemological Institute of America 0016-626X 2012년 구독
927 General and synthetic methods Royal Society of Chemistry 0141-2140  
928 General physics advance abstracts American Institute of Physics 0749-4823  
929 General relativity and gravitation Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0001-7701  
930 General topology and its applications North-Holland Publishing Company 0016-660X  
931 Generalized bialgebras and triples of operads , 320 Societe Mathematique de France    
932 Geobiology Blackwell 1472-4677  
933 Geochemical journal [Geochemical Society of Japan] 0016-7002 2012년 구독
934 Geochemistry Geological Society Pub. House for the Geological Society, London, and the Association of Exploration Geochemists 1467-7873 2012년 구독
935 Geochemistry international Scripta Technica [etc.] 0016-7029  
936 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Pergamon Press 0016-7037  
937 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Pergamon 0046-564X  
938 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Pergamon Press 0016-7037   
939 Geodinamica acta Masson 0985-3111 2012년 구독
940 Geoforum Pergamon Press 0016-7185  
941 Geologi Suomen Geologinen Seura 0046-5720  
942 Geologica acta Institut de Cie?ncies de la Terra "Jaume Almera," CSIC 1695-6133 2012년 구독
943 Geologica Carpathica Veda 1335-0552 2012년 구독
944 Geological abstracts Elsevier/Geo Abstracts 0954-0512 2012년 구독
945 Geological correlation UNESCO 0302-069X  
946 Geological journal Liverpool Geological Society and Manchester Geological Association 0072-1050 2012년 구독
947 Geological magazine Cambridge University Press 0016-7568  
948 Geological Society of America bulletin Geological Society of America 0016-7606 2012년 구독
949 Geology Geological Society of America 0091-7613 2012년 구독
950 Geology studies Dept. of Geology, Brigham Young University 0068-1016  
951 Geology today Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd 0266-6979  
952 GEOMATICA Canadian Institute of Geomatics 1195-1036  
953 Geometriae dedicata D. Reidel Publishing Company 0046-5755  
954 Geometric and functional analysis Birkhauser 1016-443X  
955 Geometrie differentielle, physique mathematique, mathematiques et societe : volume en l'honneur de Jean Pierre Bourguignon , 321-322 Societe mathematique de France    
956 Geometry Springer-Verlag 0720-2598  
957 Geometry & topology Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick 1465-3060 2012년 구독
958 Geometry and Topology of Manifolds , v. 76 Polish Academy of Sciences    
959 Geometry and topology of submanifolds World Scientific    
960 Geomorphology Elsevier 0169-555X  
961 Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0309-1929 2012년 구독
962 Geophysical journal international Published for the Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, and the European Geophysical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0956-540X 2012년 구독
963 Geophysical observatory report [Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics] 0433-5015  
964 Geophysical research letters American Geophysical Union 0094-8276 2012년 구독
965 Geophysics Society of Exploration Geophysicists 0016-8033  
966 Georgian mathematical journal Plenum Publishers Corp 1072-947X  
967 Geoscience : newsletter National Univ. of Seoul. Dept. of Geology    
968 Geoscience Canada Geological Association of Canada 0315-0941 2012년 구독
969 Geoscience Journal The Geological Society of Korea 1226-4806  
970 Geosystem engineering The Korean Institute of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers 1226-9328  
971 Geotectonics American Geophysical Union 0016-8521  
972 Geothermics Pergamon Press [etc.] 0375-6505  
973 Geotimes American Geological Institute 0016-8556  
974 Geowissenschaften in unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie 0723-0834  
975 GFF Geological Society of Sweden 1103-5897 2012년 구독
976 Glasgow mathematical journal Oliver and Boyd 0017-0895  
977 Glasgow mathematical journal Scottish Academic Press [etc.] 0017-0895  
978 Glasnik matematicki Drustvo matematicara i fizicara S.R. Hrvatske 0017-095X  
979 Global and planetary change Elsevier 0921-8181  
980 Global biogeochemical cycles American Geophysical Union 0886-6236 2012년 구독
981 Global climate change digest Elsevier 0897-4268  
982 Global tectonics and metallogeny Laboratory of Global Tectonics and Metallogeny 0163-3171  
983 GPS world Aster Pub. Corp 1048-5104  
984 Graduate School of Oceanography Collected Reprints University of Rhode Islands    
985 Graphs and combinatorics Springer-Verlag 0911-0119  
986 Ground water monitoring & remediation Ground Water Pub. Co 1069-3629 2012년 구독
987 Groupe d'Étude d'analyse ultramétrique : [Exposés] Secrétariat mathéatique    
988 Groupe d'étude en théorie analytique des nombres : [exposés] Secrétariat mathématique    
989 Groups, geometry and dynamics European Mathematical Society 1661-7207 2012년 구독
990 GSA today The Society 1052-5173  
991 Hadronic journal Hadronic Press] 0162-5519  
992 Heat and mass transfer Springer-Verlag 0947-7411  
993 Heat transfer research Scripta Technica, Inc., in cooperation with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1064-2285  
994 Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen Biologische Anstalt Helgoland 0174-3597  
995 Helvetica chimica acta Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta 0018-019X  
996 Helvetica physica acta E. Birkhauser 0018-0238  
997 Hemisphere Australia Dept. of Education 0018-0300  
998 Henkel-Referate Henkel KGaA 0720-9428  
999 Heterocycles Sendai Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry 0385-5414 2012년 구독
1000 Heterocyclic communications Freund publishing house 0793-0283 2012년 구독
1001 High pressure research Gordon and Breach 0895-7959 2012년 구독
1002 High temperature and materials science Humana Press 1080-1278  
1003 High temperature science Humana Press [etc.] 0018-1536  
1004 Highlights of astronomy D. Reidel    
1005 High-performance liquid chromatography. v.1-5 Academic Press 0270-8531  
1006 Hiroshima mathematical journal Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University 0018-2079  
1007 Historia mathematica Academic Press, [etc.] 0315-0860  
1008 Historical studies in the natural sciences University of California Press 1939-1811 2012년 구독
1009 Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences University of California Press 0890-9997  
1010 Historical studies in the physical sciences University of California Press [etc.] 0073-2672  
1011 History of geophysics. v.2 American Geophysical Union    
1012 History of science Science History Publications [etc.] 0073-2753  
1013 Ho tzu k'o hsueh Atomic Energy Council of the Republic of China 0029-5647  
1014 Hokkaido mathematical journal Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University 0385-4035 2012년 구독
1015 Hokkaido mathematical journal Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University 0385-4035  
1016 Hölder continuity of weak solutions to subelliptic equations with rough coefficients , no. 847 American Mathematical Society    
1017 Homology, Homotopy and Applications International Press 1532-0073 2012년 구독
1018 Honam mathematical journal Jeolla and Jeju mathematical Society    
1019 Hongik journal of science and technology Research Institute for Science and Technology Hong-ik University    
1020 Houston journal of mathematics Dept. of Mathematics, University of Houston] 0362-1588 2012년 구독
1021 Human factors Pergamon Press 0018-7208  
1022 Hvar Observatory bulletin The Faculty 0351-2657  
1023 Hydrographic Journal International Federation of Hydrographic Societies 0309-7846 2012년 구독
1024 Hydrological processes Wiley 0885-6087  
1025 Hydrological sciences bulletin Blackwell Scientific Publications 0303-6936  
1026 Hydrological sciences journal Published for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0262-6667 2012년 구독
1027 Hydrology and earth system sciences European Geophysical Society 1027-5606 2012년 구독
1028 Icarus Academic Press 0019-1035  
1029 ICR annual report Kyoto university, Institute for Chemical Research 1342-0321  
1030 IEEE ASSP magazine Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers 0740-7467  
1031 IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics IEEE 1077-260X  
1032 IEEE microwave magazine Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1527-3342  
1033 IEEE photonics technology letters Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1041-1135  
1034 IEEE sensors journal IEEE Sensors Council 1530-437X  
1035 IEEE signal processing magazine Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers 1053-5888  
1036 IEEE transactions on plasma science Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0093-3813  
1037 IET optoelectronics Institution of Engineering and Technology 1751-8768 2012년 구독
1038 Il Nuovo cimento Societa italiana di fisica 0029-6341  
1039 Il Nuovo cimento Societa italiana di fisica 0369-3546  
1040 Il Nuovo cimento Societa italiana di fisica 0369-3554  
1041 IL Nuovo Cimento B: Basic topics in physics Societa Italiana di Fisica (S I F) 2037-4895  
1042 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori 0390-5551  
1043 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori 0369-4097  
1044 Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori 0369-4100  
1045 Illinois journal of mathematics University of Illinois Press, etc.] 0019-2082 2012년 구독
1046 IMA journal of applied mathematics Academic Press 0272-4960 2012년 구독
1047 IMA journal of numerical analysis Academic Press 0272-4979 2012년 구독
1048 IMSL library : reference manual IMSL    
1049 Indagationes mathematicae Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij 0019-3577  
1050 Index of mathematical papers American Mathematical Society 0019-3917  
1051 Indian journal of earth sciences Indian Society of Earth Sciences 0379-5128  
1052 Indian journal of mathematics Allahabad Mathematical Society 0019-5324  
1053 Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics National Institute of Sciences of India 0019-5588  
1054 Indiana University mathematics journal Dept. of Mathematics, Indiana University 0022-2518 2012년 구독
1055 Industrial and engineering chemistry American Chemical Society 0096-4484  
1056 Industrial mathematics Industrial Mathematics Society 0019-8528  
1057 Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability, and related topics World Scientific 0219-0257 2012년 구독
1058 Information and computation Academic Press 0890-5401  
1059 Information and control Academic Press 0019-9958  
1060 Infrared physics Pergamon Press 0020-0891  
1061 Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; a project planned by and carried out with the advice of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth sampling National Science Foundation; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off    
1062 Inorganic chemistry American Chemical Society 0020-1669 2012년 구독
1063 Inorganic chemistry communications Elsevier 1387-7003  
1064 Inorganic chemistry of the transition elements Chemical Society 0305-9774  
1065 Inorganic syntheses Wiley [etc.] 0073-8077  
1066 Inorganica chimica acta Elsevier Sequoia [etc.] 0020-1693  
1067 Institut D'Astrophysique de Paris L'Institut    
1068 Instrumentation science & technology Marcel Dekker, Inc 1073-9149  
1069 Integral equations and operator theory Birkhauser 0378-620X  
1070 Integral transforms and special functions Gordon and Breach Science Pub 1065-2469 2012년 구독
1071 Integrated technology plan for the civil space program Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration    
1072 International communications in heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press 0735-1933  
1073 International decade of ocean exploration : progress report The Service 0092-0002  
1074 International directory of marine scientists Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations    
1075 International geology review V.H. Winston & Sons, etc 0020-6814 2012년 구독
1076 International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 0363-9061  
1077 International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2040-7939 2012년 구독
1078 International journal for numerical methods in fluids Wiley 0271-2091 2012년 구독
1079 International journal of algebra and computation World Scientific 0218-1967 2012년 구독
1080 International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics IOS Press    
1081 International journal of applied electromagnetics in materials Elsevier 0925-2096  
1082 International journal of applied mechanics Imperial College Press 1758-8251 2012년 구독
1083 International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering World Scientific 0218-1274 2012년 구독
1084 International journal of biomathematics World Scientific 1793-5245 2012년 구독
1085 International journal of biometeorology The Society 0020-7128  
1086 International journal of chemical kinetics Wiley 0538-8066 2012년 구독
1087 International journal of climatology Wiley 0899-8418  
1088 International journal of computational geometry & applications World Scientific 0218-1959  
1089 International journal of computational methods World Scientific 0219-8762 2012년 구독
1090 International journal of environmental analytical chemistry Gordon and Breach 0306-7319  
1091 International Journal of Flow Control Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd 1756-8250 2012년 구독
1092 International journal of fluid mechanics research Begell House    
1093 International journal of game theory Physica-Verlag 0020-7276  
1094 International journal of geometric methods in modern physics World Scientific 0219-8878 2012년 구독
1095 International journal of heat and mass transfer Pergamon Press 0017-9310  
1096 International journal of infrared and millimeter waves Plenum Press 0195-9271  
1097 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0020-7381  
1098 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes Elsevier 0168-1176  
1099 International journal of mathematical education in science and technology Wiley & Sons 0020-739X  
1100 International journal of mathematics World Scientific 0129-167X 2012년 구독
1101 International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences University of Central Florida [etc.] 0161-1712 2012년 구독
1102 International journal of modeling, simulation and scientific computing World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd 1793-9623 2012년 구독
1103 International journal of modern physics World Scientific 0217-751X 2012년 구독
1104 International journal of modern physics World Scientific 0217-9792 2012년 구독
1105 International journal of modern physics World Scientific 0129-1831 2012년 구독
1106 International journal of modern physics World Scientific 0218-2718 2012년 구독
1107 International journal of modern physics World Scientific 0218-3013 2012년 구독
1108 International journal of nanoscience World Scientific 0219-581X 2012년 구독
1109 International journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation Freund Pub. House 1565-1339 2012년 구독
1110 International journal of number theory World Scientific 1793-0421 2012년 구독
1111 International journal of numerical analysis and modeling Institute for Scientific Computing and Information 1705-5105 2012년 구독
1112 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley 0360-8832  
1113 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley Subscription Services, Inc 0020-7608  
1114 International journal of quantum chemistry J. Wiley & Sons    
1115 International journal of quantum chemistry Wiley 0161-3642  
1116 International journal of quantum information World Scientific 0219-7499 2012년 구독
1117 International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation Pergamon 0883-2889  
1118 International journal of science education Taylor & Francis 0950-0693  
1119 International journal of solids and structures Pergamon Press 0020-7683  
1120 International journal of speleology Swets & Zeitlinger 0392-6672  
1121 International journal of theoretical physics Plenum Press 0020-7748  
1122 International journal of thermophysics Springer 0195-928X  
1123 International journal of uncertainty, fuzziness, and knowledge-based systems World Scientific 0218-4885 2012년 구독
1124 International journal of wavelets, multiresolution and information processing World Scientific 0219-6913 2012년 구독
1125 International Lead Zinc Research Organization International Lead Zinc Research Organization    
1126 International marine science Unesco 1013-2813  
1127 International polymer science and technology Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain 0307-174x 2012년 구독
1128 International reviews in physical chemistry Butterworths 0144-235X 2012년 구독
1129 International statistical review Longman 0306-7734  
1130 Inventiones mathematicae Springer-Verlag 0020-9910  
1131 Inverse problems Institute of Physics 0266-5611 2012년 구독
1132 Inverse problems and imaging American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1930-8337 2012년 구독
1133 Ion exchange M. Dekker 0075-0328  
1134 Ion exchange and solvent extraction M. Dekker 0092-0193  
1135 Ionospheric data in Korea The Laboratory    
1136 Iowa science teachers journal Iowa Academy of science 0021-0676  
1137 IPNS progress report The Laboratory    
1138 Isis Publication and Editorial Office, Dept. of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania [etc.] 0021-1753  
1139 Isotope geoscience Elsevier 0167-6695  
1140 Israel journal of earth sciences National Council for Research and Development 0021-2164  
1141 Israel journal of mathematics Weizmann Science Press of Israel 0021-2172  
1142 Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Haifa Collected Reprints Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research    
1143 Izvestiya American Mathematical Society 1064-5632  
1144 Izvestiya American Geophysical Union 0001-4338  
1145 Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR American Geophysical Union 0001-4354  
1146 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Georg Reimer 0012-0456  
1147 JAMSTEC 深海硏究 海洋科學技術センタ- 1340-7848  
1148 Janus Janus 0021-4264  
1149 Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics Kinokuniya 0916-7005  
1150 Japan Marine Science and Technoloty Center Annual Report Japan Marine Science and Technoloty Center    
1151 Japanese journal of applied physics Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 0021-4922  
1152 Japanese journal of applied physics [Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics] 0021-4922  
1153 Japanese journal of applied physics Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 0021-4922  
1154 Japanese journal of astronomy and geophysics National Research Council of Japan    
1155 Japanese journal of geology and geography Science Council of Japan 0021-5058  
1156 Japanese journal of mathematics National Research Council of Japan 0075-3432  
1157 Japanese journal of physics National Research Council of Japan    
1158 Japanese progress in climatology Japanese Climatological Seminar, Laboratory of Climatology, Tokyo University of Education    
1159 JCMCC Charles Babbage Research Centre] 0835-3026  
1160 JETP letters American Institute of Physics 0021-3640  
1161 JETP letters American Institute of Physics 0021-3640  
1162 Joides journal Joint Oceanographic Institutions    
1163 Jokull [s.n.] 0449-0576 2012년 구독
1164 Journal - National Research Council of Thailand National Research Council of Thailand 0028-0011  
1165 Journal d'analyse mathematique Weizman Science Press of Israel 0021-7670  
1166 Journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique Societe de chimie physique 0021-7689  
1167 Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees Gauthier-Villars [etc.] 0021-7824  
1168 Journal de physique Les Editions de physique 1155-4320  
1169 Journal de physique Les Editions de physique 1155-4304  
1170 Journal de physique Les Editions de physique 1155-4312  
1171 Journal de physique Societe francaise de physique 0302-0738  
1172 Journal de physique Editions de physique 0302-072X  
1173 Journal de physique Societe francaise de physique 0449-1947  
1174 Journal de physique Les Editions de physique 1155-4339  
1175 Journal de physique theorique et appliquee Societe francaise de physique    
1176 Journal de recherches atmospheriques Universites de Clermont-Ferrand et de Toulouse 0021-7972  
1177 Journal for occultation astronomy International Occultation Timing Association 0737-6766 2012년 구독
1178 Journal for research in mathematics education National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0021-8251 2012년 구독
1179 Journal for the history of astronomy Science History Publications [etc.] 0021-8286  
1180 Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik W. de Gruyter 0075-4102 2012년 구독
1181 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik W. de Gruyte 0075-4102  
1182 Journal fur praktische Chemie J. A. Barth 0021-8383  
1183 Journal of accelerator and plasma research Korea Accelerator and Plasma Research Association 1225-9896  
1184 Journal of Advances in Chemical Physics Cambridge International Science Publishing 1479-4810  
1185 Journal of aerosol science Pergamon Press 0021-8502  
1186 Journal of African earth sciences Elsevier 1464-343X  
1187 Journal of algebra Academic Press 0021-8693  
1188 Journal of algebra and its applications World Scientific 0219-4988 2012년 구독
1189 Journal of algebraic combinatorics Kluwer Academic Publishers 0925-9899  
1190 Journal of algebraic geometry University Press 1056-3911  
1191 Journal of algorithms Academic Press 0196-6774  
1192 Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry Royal Society of Chemistry 0267-9477  
1193 Journal of AOAC International AOAC International 1060-3271 2012년 구독
1194 Journal of AOAC International The Association 0004-5756  
1195 Journal of applied crystallography Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 0021-8898 2012년 구독
1196 Journal of applied electrochemistry Chapman and Hall 0021-891X  
1197 Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics Pergamon Press 0021-8928  
1198 Journal of applied meteorology American Methorological Society 0894-8763  
1199 Journal of applied meteorology American Meteorological Society 0021-8952  
1200 Journal of applied meteorology and climatology American Meteorological Society 1558-8424 2012년 구독
1201 Journal of applied physics American Institute of Physics 0021-8979  
1202 Journal of applied probability Applied Probability Trust 0021-9002 2012년 구독
1203 Journal of applied statistics Sheffield City Polytechnic 0266-4763  
1204 Journal of approximation theory Academic Press 0021-9045  
1205 Journal of Asian earth sciences Elsevier Science Ltd 1367-9120  
1206 Journal of astrophysics and astronomy Indian Academy of Sciences 0250-6335  
1207 Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology The Society 0739-0572 2012년 구독
1208 Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics Elsevier Science Ltd 1364-6826  
1209 Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics Pergamon Press [etc.] 0021-9169  
1210 Journal of atmospheric chemistry D. Reidel 0167-7764  
1211 Journal of biobased materials and bioenergy American Scientific Publishers 1556-6560  
1212 Journal of carbohydrate chemistry M. Dekker 0732-8303  
1213 Journal of catalysis Academic Press 0021-9517  
1214 Journal of chemical and engineering data American Chemical Society] 0021-9568 2012년 구독
1215 Journal of chemical crystallography Springer 1074-1542  
1216 Journal of chemical ecology [Plenum Pub. Corp.] 0098-0331  
1217 Journal of chemical education Section of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society 0021-9584  
1218 Journal of chemical information and computer sciences American Chemical Society 0095-2338  
1219 Journal of chemical information and modeling American Chemical Society 1549-9596  
1220 Journal of chemical research The Chemical Society 0308-2350  
1221 Journal of chemical research Chemical Society 0308-2342  
1222 Journal of chemical research Science Reviews 1747-5198 2012년 구독
1223 Journal of chemometrics Wiley 0886-9383  
1224 Journal of chromatographic science Preston Publications 0021-9665  
1225 Journal of chromatography Elsevier 1570-0232  
1226 Journal of chromatography Elsevier 0021-9673  
1227 Journal of chromatography Elsevier 0021-9673  
1228 Journal of climate American Meteorological Society 0894-8755 2012년 구독
1229 Journal of climate and applied meteorology The Society 0733-3021  
1230 Journal of coastal research Coastal Education and Research Foundation 0749-0208  
1231 Journal of college science teaching National Science Teachers Association 0047-231X  
1232 Journal of colloid and interface science Elsevier [etc.] 0021-9797  
1233 Journal of colloid science Academic Press 0095-8522  
1234 Journal of combinatorial designs Wiley Subscription Services, Inc 1063-8539  
1235 Journal of combinatorial theory Academic Press 0097-3165  
1236 Journal of combinatorial theory Academic Press 0095-8956  
1237 Journal of combinatorial theory Academic Press 0021-9800  
1238 Journal of combinatorics, information & system sciences Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0250-9628  
1239 Journal of complexity Academic Press 0885-064X  
1240 Journal of computational acoustics World Scientific 0218-396X 2012년 구독
1241 Journal of computational analysis and applications Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 1521-1398 2012년 구독
1242 Journal of computational and applied mathematics Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging 0377-0427  
1243 Journal of computational and graphical statistics The Association 1061-8600 2012년 구독
1244 Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience American Scientific 1546-1955 2012년 구독
1245 Journal of computational chemistry Wiley 0192-8651  
1246 Journal of computational mathematics Science Press 0254-9409 2012년 구독
1247 Journal of computational physics Academic Press 0021-9991  
1248 Journal of computer-assisted microscopy Plenum Press 1040-7286  
1249 Journal of contaminant hydrology Elsevier 0169-7722  
1250 Journal of convex analysis Heldermann 0944-6532 2012년 구독
1251 Journal of coordination chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Pub 0095-8972  
1252 Journal of coordination chemistry section A Gordon and Breach Science Publishers    
1253 Journal of coordination chemistry section B Gordon and Breach Science Publishers    
1254 Journal of crystal growth North-Holland Pub. Co 0022-0248  
1255 Journal of crystallographic and spectroscopic research Plenum Press 0277-8068  
1256 Journal of difference equations and applications Gordon and Breach Publishers 1023-6198 2012년 구독
1257 Journal of differential equations Elsevier 0022-0396  
1258 Journal of differential geometry Lehigh University] 0022-040X 2012년 구독
1259 Journal of dispersion science and technology M. Dekker] 0193-2691 2012년 구독
1260 Journal of dynamics and differential equations Plenum Press 1040-7294  
1261 Journal of earthquake and tsunami World Scientific Pub 1793-4311 2012년 구독
1262 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry Elsevier Sequoia 1572-6657  
1263 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry Elsevier Sequoia [etc.] 0022-0728  
1264 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry Elsevier Sequoia [etc.]   0022-0728  
1265 Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications VNU Science Press 0920-5071  
1266 Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0368-2048  
1267 Journal of energy American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0146-0412  
1268 Journal of engineering mathematics Springer 0022-0833  
1269 Journal of environmental & engineering geophysics EEGS 1083-1363 2012년 구독
1270 Journal of environmental hydrology International Association for Environmental Hydrology 1058-3912  
1271 Journal of experimental and theoretical physics American Institute of Physics 1063-7761  
1272 Journal of fluid mechanics Cambridge University Press [etc.] 0022-1120 2012년 구독
1273 Journal of functional analysis Academic Press 0022-1236  
1274 Journal of general chemistry of the U.S.S.R. in English translation Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0022-1279  
1275 Journal of geochemical exploration Elsevier 0375-6742  
1276 Journal of geological education Association of Geology Teachers 0022-1368  
1277 Journal of geometry Birkhauser Verlag 0047-2468  
1278 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1279 Journal of geophysical research William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 0148-0227  
1280 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227  
1281 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1282 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1283 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1284 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1285 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1286 Journal of geophysical research American Geophysical Union 0148-0227 2012년 구독
1287 Journal of geophysical research William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 0148-0227  
1288 Journal of geophysical research B American Geophysical Union 0196-6936  
1289 Journal of geophysical research. Oceans and atmospheres American Geophysical Union 0148-0227  
1290 Journal of geophysics Springer-Verlag 0340-062X  
1291 Journal of geoscience education The Association 1089-9995  
1292 Journal of global optimization Springer 0925-5001  
1293 Journal of graph theory Wiley Subscription Services, Inc 0364-9024  
1294 Journal of group theory Walter de Gruyter & Co 1433-5883  
1295 Journal of heat transfer American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0022-1481  
1296 Journal of heterocyclic chemistry HeteroCorporation] 0022-152X  
1297 Journal of heterocyclic chemistry HeteroCorporation 0022-152X  
1298 Journal of hydrologic environment International Hydrologic Environmental Society 1738-8449  
1299 Journal of hydrology Elsevier, etc 0022-1694  
1300 Journal of hydrometeorology American Meteorological Society 1525-755X 2012년 구독
1301 Journal of hyperbolic differential equations World Scientific 0219-8916 2012년 구독
1302 Journal of inequalities and applications Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1025-5834 2012년 구독
1303 Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry Pergamon Press 0022-1902  
1304 Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry Pergamon Press 0022-1902   
1305 Journal of inverse and ill-posed problems VSP BV 0928-0219  
1306 Journal of island studies World Association for Island Studies 1226-881X  
1307 Journal of knot theory and its ramifications World Scientific 0218-2165 2012년 구독
1308 Journal of Lie theory Heldermann Verlag 0949-5932 2012년 구독
1309 Journal of lightwave technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0733-8724  
1310 Journal of liquid chromatography Dekker 0148-3919  
1311 Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies Marcel Dekker 1082-6076 2012년 구독
1312 Journal of low temperature physics Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0022-2291  
1313 Journal of luminescence North-Holland 0022-2313  
1314 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker 1060-1325  
1315 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker 0022-2348  
1316 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker 0022-233X  
1317 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker 0022-2356  
1318 Journal of macromolecular science M. Dekker 0736-6574  
1319 Journal of macromolecular science Marcel Dekker, Inc 1532-1797  
1320 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press 1064-1858  
1321 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press 1064-1866  
1322 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press 1090-7807  
1323 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press 0022-2364  
1324 Journal of magnetic resonance Academic Press 0022-2364  
1325 Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials North-Holland Pub. Co 0304-8853  
1326 Journal of marine research Sears Foundation for Marine Research 0022-2402 2012년 구독
1327 Journal of marine research Sears Foundation for Marine Research 0022-2402  
1328 Journal of marine systems Elsevier 0924-7963  
1329 Journal of mass spectrometry Wiley 1076-5174  
1330 Journal of mathematical analysis and applications Academic Press 0022-247X  
1331 Journal of mathematical analysis and applications Academic Press 0022-247X  
1332 Journal of mathematical logic World Scientific 0219-0613 2012년 구독
1333 Journal of mathematical physics American Institute of Physics 0022-2488  
1334 Journal of mathematical sciences Springer 1072-3374  
1335 Journal of mathematical sciences, the University of Tokyo The University 1340-5705  
1336 Journal of mathematics and physics The Institute 0097-1421  
1337 Journal of mathematics and physics  The Institute  0097-1421  
1338 Journal of mathematics of Kyoto University Kinokuniya 0023-608X  
1339 Journal of mathematics of Kyoto University Kinokuniya 0023-608X   
1340 Journal of metamorphic geology Blackwell Scientific Publications 0263-4929 2012년 구독
1341 Journal of meteorology American Meteorological Society 0095-9634  
1342 Journal of micromechanics and microengineering IOP 0960-1317  
1343 Journal of Micropalaeontology Geological Society of London 0262-821X 2012년 구독
1344 Journal of microscopy Blackwell Scientific 0022-2720  
1345 Journal of modern dynamics American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1930-5311 2012년 구독
1346 Journal of modern optics Taylor & Francis 0950-0340 2012년 구독
1347 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier Sequoia 0304-5102  
1348 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier 1381-1169  
1349 Journal of molecular catalysis Elsevier 1381-1177  
1350 Journal of molecular graphics Butterworth Scientific Ltd 0263-7855  
1351 Journal of molecular liquids Elsevier 0167-7322  
1352 Journal of molecular recognition Heydon & Son 0952-3499  
1353 Journal of molecular spectroscopy Academic Press 0022-2852  
1354 Journal of molecular spectroscopy Academic Press 0022-2852  
1355 Journal of molecular structure Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0022-2860  
1356 Journal of molecular structure Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0166-1280  
1357 Journal of multiple-valued logic and soft computing OCP Science 1542-3980 2012년 구독
1358 Journal of multiscale modelling Distributed by World Scientific Pub. Co 1756-9737 2012년 구독
1359 Journal of multivariate analysis Academic Press 0047-259X  
1360 Journal of nanomaterials Hindawi 1687-4110 2012년 구독
1361 Journal of natural history Taylor & Francis 0022-2933  
1362 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy NIR Publications 0967-0335 2012년 구독
1363 Journal of noncommutative geometry European Mathematical Society 1661-6952 2012년 구독
1364 Journal of non-crystalline solids North-Holland 0022-3093  
1365 Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics de Gruyter 0340-0204  
1366 Journal of nonlinear and convex analysis Yokohama Publishers 1345-4773 2012년 구독
1367 Journal of nonlinear mathematical physics Ukrainian Scientific Association 1402-9251 2012년 구독
1368 Journal of nonlinear optical physics & materials World Scientific 0218-8635 2012년 구독
1369 Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0377-0257  
1370 Journal of nonparametric statistics Gordon & Breach Science Publishers 1048-5252 2012년 구독
1371 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press 0022-3107  
1372 Journal of nuclear energy Pergamon Press 0368-3230  
1373 Journal of nuclear science and technology Atomic Energy Society of Japan 0022-3131 2012년 구독
1374 Journal of number theory Elsevier 0022-314X  
1375 Journal of Ocean Science and Technology Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies    
1376 Journal of oceanography Oceanographic Society of Japan 0916-8370  
1377 Journal of operator theory National Institute for Scientific and Technical Creation, Dept. of Mathematics 0379-4024  
1378 Journal of optical technology Optical Society of America 1070-9762 2012년 구독
1379 Journal of optics Institute of Physics Pub 1464-4266  
1380 Journal of optimization theory and applications Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0022-3239  
1381 Journal of organic chemistry American Chemical Society [etc.] 0022-3263  
1382 Journal of organic chemistry of the USSR Consultants Bureau Enterprises 0022-3271  
1383 Journal of organometallic chemistry Elsevier Sequoia 0022-328X  
1384 Journal of partial differential equations International Academic Publishers 1000-940X  
1385 Journal of peptide science   1075-2617 2012년 구독
1386 Journal of petrology Oxford University Press [etc.] 0022-3530  
1387 Journal of photochemistry and photobiology Elsevier Sequoia 1010-6030  
1388 Journal of photoscience Korean Society of Photoscience 1225-8555  
1389 Journal of physical and chemical reference data American Chemical Society 0047-2689  
1390 Journal of physical and chemical reference data American Chemical Society 0047-2689  
1391 Journal of physical oceanography American Meteorological Society 0022-3670 2012년 구독
1392 Journal of physical organic chemistry J. Wiley 0894-3230 2012년 구독
1393 Journal of physics IOP Pub 0954-3899 2012년 구독
1394 Journal of physics IOP Pub 1751-8113 2012년 구독
1395 Journal of physics Nuclear Energy Agency 0953-4075  
1396 Journal of physics Institute of Physics [etc.] 0022-3727 2012년 구독
1397 Journal of physics IOP Pub 0953-8984 2012년 구독
1398 Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0305-4470  
1399 Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0301-0015  
1400 Journal of physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0305-4608  
1401 Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0305-4616  
1402 Journal of physics Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0022-3700  
1403 Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0022-3719  
1404 Journal of physics of the earth Published for the Seismological Society of Japan and the Volcanological Society of Japan by the University of Tokyo Press 0022-3743  
1405 Journal of physics. E, Scientific instruments. Institute of Physics 0022-3735  
1406 Journal of planar chromatography--modern TLC Huthig 0933-4173  
1407 Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology Springer 0971-7811 2012년 구독
1408 Journal of plasma physics Cambridge University Press 0022-3778  
1409 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers 0022-3832  
1410 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers 0360-6384  
1411 Journal of polymer science Wiley 0360-8905  
1412 Journal of polymer science Wiley 0887-624X  
1413 Journal of polymer science Wiley 0887-6266  
1414 Journal of polymer science Wiley 0887-6258  
1415 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers 0360-6376  
1416 Journal of polymer science Interscience Publishers 0098-1273  
1417 Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines Wiley 1088-4246 2012년 구독
1418 Journal of pure and applied algebra North-Holland Pub. Co 0022-4049  
1419 Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer Pergamon Press 0022-4073  
1420 Journal of quaternary science Published for the Quaternary Research Association [by] Longman 0267-8179 2012년 구독
1421 Journal of radiation research Japan Radiation Research Society [etc.] 0449-3060  
1422 Journal of Raman spectroscopy Wiley [etc.] 0377-0486 2012년 구독
1423 Journal of research in science teaching Wiley Subscription Services, Inc 0022-4308  
1424 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau 0091-0635  
1425 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau 0022-4316  
1426 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards National Bureau of Standards; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 0022-4332  
1427 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards The Bureau 1060-1783  
1428 Journal of rheology Society of Rheology 0148-6055 2012년 구독
1429 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0075-4366  
1430 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0386-3026  
1431 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0386-3018  
1432 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0386-3034  
1433 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0368-4113  
1434 Journal of science of the Hiroshima University Hiroshima University 0439-173X  
1435 Journal of sedimentary petrology [Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists] 0022-4472  
1436 Journal of sedimentary research SEPM 1527-1404 2012년 구독
1437 Journal of sedimentary research SEPM 1073-130X  
1438 Journal of sedimentary research SEPM 1073-1318  
1439 Journal of separation science Wiley-VCH 1615-9306 2012년 구독
1440 Journal of Shanghai University Shanghai University Press 1007-6417  
1441 Journal of sol-gel science and technology Springer Science+Business Media 0928-0707  
1442 Journal of solid state chemistry Academic Press 0022-4596  
1443 Journal of solution chemistry Springer 0095-9782  
1444 Journal of sound and vibration Elsevier [etc.] 0022-460X  
1445 Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences Pergamon 0743-9547  
1446 Journal of Soviet mathematics Consultants Bureau 0090-4104  
1447 Journal of statistical computation and simulation Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0094-9655  
1448 Journal of statistical physics Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0022-4715  
1449 Journal of statistical planning and inference North-Holland 0378-3758  
1450 Journal of structural chemistry Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0022-4766  
1451 Journal of structural geology Pergamon Press 0191-8141  
1452 Journal of symplectic geometry International Press 1527-5256 2012년 구독
1453 Journal of synchrotron radiation MUNKSGAARD 0909-0495 2012년 구독
1454 Journal of systematic palaeontology Cambridge University Press 1477-2019 2012년 구독
1455 Journal of the American Chemical Society American Chemical Society] 0002-7863 2012년 구독
1456 Journal of the American Mathematical Society The Society 0894-0347  
1457 Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society American Oil Chemists' Society 0003-021X  
1458 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Elsevier Science Pub. Co 1044-0305  
1459 Journal of the American Statistical Association American Statistical Association 0162-1459  
1460 Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists The Association 0004-5756  
1461 Journal of the atmospheric sciences American Meteorological Society 0022-4928 2012년 구독
1462 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society J. Wright and Sons 0263-6115  
1463 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society The Society 1446-7887  
1464 Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Sociedade Brasileira de Qui?mica 0103-5053 2012년 구독
1465 Journal of the British Astronomical Association The Association 0007-0297  
1466 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society 0022-4952  
1467 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society 0022-4944  
1468 Journal of the Chemical Society The Society 0022-4936  
1469 Journal of the Chemical Society The Society 0956-5000  
1470 Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Society 0045-6470  
1471 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry 0300-922X  
1472 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry 0300-9580  
1473 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry 0300-9246  
1474 Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Division of the Chemical Society 0300-9599  
1475 Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Division of Chemical Society 0300-9238  
1476 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry    
1477 Journal of the Chemical Society Royal Society of Chemistry    
1478 Journal of the Chemical Society The Society    
1479 Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions I Faraday Division of the Chemical Society 0300-9599  
1480 Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions II  Faraday Division of the Chemical Society    
1481 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society : Chung-kuo hua hs?eh hui hui chih The Society 0009-4536  
1482 Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society = 충청수학회지 Chungcheong Mathematical Society 1226-3524  
1483 Journal of the College of Science, King Saud University University Libraries, King Saud University 0735-9799  
1484 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Society 0013-4651 2012년 구독
1485 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Princeton Microfilm Corp 0013-4651  
1486 Journal of the European Mathematical Society Springer-Verlag New York 1435-9855 2012년 구독
1487 Journal of the European Optical Society Institute of Physics Pub 1355-5111  
1488 Journal of the European Optical Society Institute of Physics    
1489 Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo The University 0040-8980  
1490 Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo The University 0368-220X  
1491 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo The University 0373-4722  
1492 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo The University 0368-2196  
1493 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo The University 0368-2250  
1494 Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo The University    
1495 Journal of the Franklin Institute Pergamon Press [etc.] 0016-0032  
1496 Journal of the Geological Society Published for the Geological Society of London by Scottish Academic Press 0016-7649 2012년 구독
1497 Journal of the Geological Society of Australia The Society 0016-7614  
1498 Journal of the Geological Society of India Geological Society of India 0016-7622  
1499 Journal of the Geological Society of Tokyo Geological Society of Tokyo    
1500 Journal of the Institute of Energy Institute of Energy] 0144-2600  
1501 Journal of the Institute of Fuel The Institute of Fuel 0020-2886  
1502 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Academic Press 0020-2932  
1503 Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology [Plenum Pub. Corp.] 0020-5958  
1504 Journal of the Korea Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Korea Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1226-9433  
1505 Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society The Korean Astronomical Society 1225-4614  
1506 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society The Korean Magnetic Resonance Society 1226-6531  
1507 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society Korean Mathematical Society 0304-9914  
1508 Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography The Society 1225-1283  
1509 Journal of the London Mathematical Society London Mathematical Society 0024-6107  
1510 Journal of the London Mathematical Society London Mathematical Society, etc.] 0024-6107  
1511 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Ser. 1 London Mathematical Society, etc 0024-6107  
1512 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. ser.2 London Mathematical Society 0024-6107   
1513 Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda The University 0025-0422  
1514 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan MSJ 0025-5645  
1515 Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids Pergamon Press 0022-5096  
1516 Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan [Meteorological Society of Japan] 0026-1165 2012년 구독
1517 Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan Oceanographical Society of Japan 0029-8131  
1518 Journal of the Optical Society of America The Society 0030-3941  
1519 Journal of the Optical Society of America Optical Society of America 1084-7529 2012년 구독
1520 Journal of the Optical Society of America Optical Society of America 0740-3224 2012년 구독
1521 Journal of the Optical Society of America The Society 0740-3232  
1522 Journal of the Optical Society of Korea Optical Society 1226-4776  
1523 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan The Society 0031-9015  
1524 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia The Society 0035-922X  
1525 Journal of the Royal Statistical Series B Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 1369-7412  
1526 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society The Society 0964-1998  
1527 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Royal Statistical Society [etc.] 0035-9254 2012년 구독
1528 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Royal Statistical Society 0952-8385  
1529 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Royal Statistical Society 0035-9246  
1530 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Royal Statistical Society 0035-9238  
1531 Journal of the scientific laboratories, Denison University Denison University 0096-3755  
1532 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0368-4245  
1533 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0368-4245  
1534 Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology Society for Underwater Technology 0141-0814  
1535 Journal of thermal analysis Heyden & Son 0368-4466  
1536 Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry Springer 1388-6150  
1537 Journal of time series analysis Tieto, Ltd 0143-9782  
1538 Journal of topology and analysis World Scientific Pub 1793-5253 2012년 구독
1539 Journal of vacuum science & technology Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 0734-2101 2012년 구독
1540 Journal of vacuum science & technology Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 1071-1023 2012년 구독
1541 Journal of volcanology and geothermal research Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0377-0273  
1542 Journal of wood chemistry and technology Marcel Dekker 0277-3813  
1543 Journal of X-ray science and technology Academic Press 0895-3996  
1544 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press 1673-1581  
1545 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press 1009-3095  
1546 Journal of Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Press 1673-565X  
1547 Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles Société mathématique de France    
1548 Junge Wissenschaft Erhard Friedrich Verlag 0179-8529  
1549 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie Verlag Chemie 0075-4617  
1550 Kangweon-Kyungki mathematical journal Kangweon-Kyungki Mathematical Society    
1551 Kasetsart journal. Natural sciences Kasetsart University    
1552 Key abstracts INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers 0950-4818  
1553 Key abstracts INSPEC, The Institution of Electrical Engineers 0953-1262  
1554 KIGAM annual report Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources    
1555 Kinetics and catalysis Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0023-1584  
1556 Kobe journal of mathematics Kobe University 0289-9051  
1557 Kodai mathematical journal Kinokuniya Book-Store] 0386-5991 2012년 구독
1558 Kōdai mathematical journal Kinokuniya Book-Store] 0386-5991  
1559 Kolloidchemische Beihefte Steinkopff    
1560 Kolloid-Zeitschrift Steinkopff    
1561 Kolloid-Zeitschrift Steinkopff    
1562 Kolloid-Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift fur Polymere Steinkopff 0023-2904  
1563 Korea polymer journal The Polymer Society of Korea 1225-5947  
1564 Korea-Australia rheology journal Korean Society of Rheology 1226-119X  
1565 Korean journal of geophysical research Korean National Committee for IUGG    
1566 Korean journal of hydrosciences Korean Association of Hydrological Sciences    
1567 Korean journal of the atmospheric sciences Korean Meteorological Society 1229-0173  
1568 K-theory D. Reidel Publishing Company 0920-3036  
1569 Kumamoto journal of science Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University 0385-6763  
1570 Kumamoto journal of science Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University    
1571 Kumamoto journal of science Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University 1343-3520  
1572 Kwansei Gakuin University natural sciences review The University 1342-887X  
1573 Kyungpook mathematical journal Kyungpook University 1225-6951  
1574 Kyushu journal of mathematics Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University 1340-6116  
1575 La droite de Berkovich sur Z , 334 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
1576 La Matematica nella societa e nella cultura Nicola Zanichelli 1972-7356 2012년 구독
1577 La mer 日佛海洋學會    
1578 La Meteorologie CHIRON 0026-1181  
1579 La Recherche Societe d'editions scientifiques] 0029-5671  
1580 La Rivista del Nuovo cimento Editrice Compositori 0035-5917  
1581 La Rivista del Nuovo cimento Editrice Compositori 0393-697X 2012년 구독
1582 LabGuide American Chemical Society    
1583 Land degradation & development Wiley 1085-3278 2012년 구독
1584 Langmuir American Chemical Society 0743-7463  
1585 Laser interaction and related plasma phenomena Plenum Press 0148-0987  
1586 Laser physics letters Wiley-VCH 1612-2011 2012년 구독
1587 Le Journal de physique et le radium Societe francaise de physique    
1588 Le Mouvement Scientifique en Belgique Federation Belge des Societes Scientifiques    
1589 Leaflets Astronomical Society of the Pacific 0044-9547  
1590 Lectures in theoretical physics : lectures delivered at the Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder Interscience 0081-9360  
1591 Leningrad mathematical journal American Mathematical Society 1048-9924  
1592 L'Enseignement mathematique G. Carre et C. Naud 0013-8584 2012년 구독
1593 Les pre?faisceaux comme mode?les des types d'homotopie , 308 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
1594 Lettere al Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica Editrice Compositori 0375-930X  
1595 Letters in mathematical physics Springer 0377-9017  
1596 Liebigs Annalen VCH 0947-3440  
1597 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 0170-2041  
1598 Limnology and oceanography American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 0024-3590 2012년 구독
1599 Linear & multilinear algebra Gordon and Breach 0308-1087 2012년 구독
1600 Linear algebra and its applications North Holland [etc.] 0024-3795  
1601 Lithos Universitetsforlaget 0024-4937  
1602 Lithosphere Geological Society of America 1941-8264 2012년 구독
1603 Lithuanian mathematical journal Consultants Bureau 0363-1672  
1604 Lithuanian mathematical transactions Consultants Bureau 0148-8279  
1605 Low temperature physics : LT Plenum Press    
1606 Luminescence Wiley & Sons 1522-7235 2012년 구독
1607 Macromolecular bioscience Wiley-VCH 1616-5187  
1608 Macromolecular chemistry and physics Huthig & Wepf 1022-1352  
1609 Macromolecular materials and engineering Wiley-VCH 1438-7492 2012년 구독
1610 Macromolecular rapid communications Huthig & Wepf 1022-1336  
1611 Macromolecular reports M. Dekker 1060-278X  
1612 Macromolecular research The Polymer Society of Korea 1598-5032  
1613 Macromolecular reviews John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0076-2083  
1614 Macromolecular symposia Wiley-VCH 1022-1360  
1615 Macromolecular syntheses Wiley 0076-2091  
1616 Macromolecular syntheses. Collective volume Wiley 0163-6189  
1617 Macromolecular theory and simulations Huthig & Wepf 1022-1344  
1618 Macromolecules American Chemical Society 0024-9297  
1619 Magnetic resonance in chemistry Wiley Heyden 0749-1581  
1620 Magnetic resonance review Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0097-7330  
1621 Mahasagar : Bulletin of the National Institute of Oceanography National Institute of Oceanography 0542-0938  
1622 Main group metal chemistry Freund Pub. House 0792-1241 2012년 구독
1623 Major activities in the atomic energy programs U.S. G.P.O. [For sale by the Supt. of Docs.] 0498-5745  
1624 Manuscripta mathematica Springer-Verlag 0025-2611  
1625 Marine & freshwater research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 1323-1650 2012년 구독
1626 Marine and petroleum geology Butterworth Scientific Ltd 0264-8172  
1627 Marine chemistry Elsevier [etc.] 0304-4203  
1628 Marine geology Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0025-3227  
1629 Marine geophysical researches D. Reidel 0025-3235  
1630 Marine georesources & geotechnology Taylor & Francis 1064-119X 2012년 구독
1631 Marine geotechnology Taylor & Francis [etc.] 0360-8867  
1632 Marine science communications [M. Dekker] 0098-8383  
1633 Marine science contents tables. Actualites des sciences de la mer. Indices de revistas sobre ciencias marinas Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 0025-3308  
1634 Marine Technology Society journal Marine Technology Society 0025-3324  
1635 Maritime sediments and Atlantic geology The Editorial Board 0711-1150  
1636 Maritimes : University of Rhode Island Marine Programes Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island    
1637 Mass spectrometry Chemical Society 0305-9987  
1638 Mass spectrometry reviews John Wiley & Sons 0277-7037  
1639 Match Institut f?r Strahlenchemie im Max-Planck-Institut f?r Kohlenforschung 0340-6253 2012년 구독
1640 Matematica aplicada e computacional Editora Campus 0101-8205  
1641 Materials research bulletin Pergamon Press 0025-5408  
1642 Mathematica Japonicae [sic] Meiwa Shoin 0025-5513  
1643 Mathematica scandinavica Societates Mathematicae [etc.] 0025-5521 2012년 구독
1644 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: methods, tools and applications in engineering and related sciences Taylor & Francis Ltd 1387-3954 2012년 구독
1645 Mathematical biosciences Elsevier 0025-5564  
1646 Mathematical biosciences Elsevier 0025-5564  
1647 Mathematical finance Basil Blackwell 0960-1627 2012년 구독
1648 Mathematical geology Springer Science+Business Media B.V 0882-8121  
1649 Mathematical Geoscience Springer Science+Business Media B.V 1874-8961  
1650 Mathematical inequalities & applications Element 1331-4343 2012년 구독
1651 Mathematical logic quarterly J.A. Barth 0942-5616 2012년 구독
1652 Mathematical methods in the applied sciences Chichester 0170-4214  
1653 Mathematical methods of statistics Allerton Press, Inc    
1654 Mathematical models & methods in applied sciences World Scientific 0218-2025 2012년 구독
1655 Mathematical notes Consultants Bureau 0001-4346  
1656 Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Consultants Bureau 0001-4346  
1657 Mathematical Olympiads Canberra College of Advanced Education 0813-409X  
1658 Mathematical physics, analysis and geometry Kluwer Academic Publishers 1385-0172  
1659 Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge Philosophical Society 0305-0041  
1660 Mathematical proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy The Academy 1393-7197  
1661 Mathematical programming North-Holland Pub. Co 0025-5610  
1662 Mathematical programming study North-Holland Pub. Co 0303-3929  
1663 Mathematical research letters International Press 1073-2780 2012년 구독
1664 Mathematical reviews American Mathematical Society 0025-5629 2012년 구독
1665 Mathematical social sciences North-Holland 0165-4896  
1666 Mathematical systems theory Springer-Verlag 0025-5661  
1667 Mathematical transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR Consultants Bureau 0094-1719  
1668 Mathematics and computer education Mathematics and Computer Education 0730-8639  
1669 Mathematics contests : the Australian scene Australian Mathematics Trust 1323-6490  
1670 Mathematics education research journal Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia 1033-2170 2012년 구독
1671 Mathematics in school Longman Group on behalf of the Mathematical Association 0305-7259 2012년 구독
1672 Mathematics magazine Mathematical Association of America] 0025-570X  
1673 Mathematics of computation National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council 0025-5718  
1674 Mathematics of operations research Institute of Management Sciences] 0364-765X  
1675 Mathematics of the USSR American Mathematical Society 0025-5726  
1676 Mathematics of the USSR American Mathematical Society 0025-5734  
1677 Mathematics teaching Association of Teachers of Mathematics 0025-5785  
1678 Mathematics teaching in the middle school The Council 1072-0839  
1679 Mathematik in der Schule Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag 0323-5114  
1680 Mathematika Dept. of Mathematics, University College 0025-5793  
1681 Mathematische Annalen J. Springer [etc.] 0025-5831  
1682 Mathematische Nachrichten Akademie-Verlag 0025-584X  
1683 Mathematische Semesterberichte Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht 0720-728X  
1684 Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht Ferd Dummlers Verlag 0025-5866  
1685 Mathematische Zeitschrift J. Springer 0025-5874  
1686 Mausam India Meteorological Dept 0252-9416  
1687 Measure theoretic laws for lim sup sets , no. 846 American Mathematical Society    
1688 Mechanics of solids Faraday Press 0025-6544  
1689 Mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic reactions Plenum Press 0740-8900  
1690 Mechanisms of reactions of sulfur compounds Intra-Science Research Foundation 0543-2081  
1691 Meetings on atomic energy International Atomic Energy Agency 0047-6641  
1692 Membership directory - American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society 0162-7988  
1693 Memoire Societe mathematique de France 0249-633X 2012년 구독
1694 Memoire de la Societe Mathematique de France Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 0037-9487  
1695 Memoires de l'Institut Oceanographique Mémoires de l'Institut Océanographique    
1696 Memoirs University of Kyushu Press 0023-6187  
1697 Memoirs of numerical mathematics s.n.] 0385-9398  
1698 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University The Faculty 0916-7390  
1699 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyūsyū Imperial University. Series A, Mathematics = Kyūshū Teikoku Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō The Faculty    
1700 Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University 0287-6507  
1701 Memoirs of the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University The Institute 0078-6705  
1702 Memoirs of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University] 0369-0369  
1703 Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society Priestley and Weale 0369-1829  
1704 Mendeleev communications Academy of Sciences of the USSR 0959-9436  
1705 Mercury The Society 0047-6773  
1706 Meteoritics & planetary science Meteoritical Society at the University of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1086-9379  
1707 Meteorologische Zeitschrift Borntraeger 0941-2948 2012년 구독
1708 Meteorology and atmospheric physics Springer-Verlag 0177-7971  
1709 Methods and applications of analysis International Press 1073-2772 2012년 구독
1710 Methods in carbohydrate chemistry Academic Press    
1711 Methods in cell physiology Academic Press 0091-6579  
1712 Meyniana Veroffentlichungen aus dem Institut fur Geowissenschaften der Universitat Kiel 0076-7689  
1713 Michigan academician Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 0026-2005  
1714 Microporous and mesoporous materials Elsevier 1387-1811  
1715 Microscopy research and technique Wiley-Liss 1059-910X  
1716 Mikrochemie E. Haim and Co. [etc.] 0369-0261  
1717 Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochemica acta E. Haim and Co. [etc.] 0369-0261  
1718 Mikrochimica acta Springer-Verlag 0026-3672  
1719 Mineralium deposita Springer-Verlag 0026-4598  
1720 Mineralogical journal Mineralogical Society of Japan 0544-2540  
1721 Mineralogical magazine Mineralogical Society 0026-461X  
1722 Mineralogy and petrology Springer-Verlag 0930-0708  
1723 Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 1389-5575  
1724 Minimal resolutions via algebraic discrete morse : theory , no. 923 American Mathematical Society    
1725 Mini-reviews in organic chemistry Bentham Science Publishers 1570-193X 2012년 구독
1726 Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change : an international journal devoted to scientific, engineering, socio-economic and policy responses to environmental change Kluwer Academic Pub 1381-2386  
1727 Mixed-norm inequalities and operator space Lp embedding theory , no. 953 American Mathematical Society    
1728 Modern aspects of electrochemistry Plenum Press [etc.] 0076-9924  
1729 Modern geology Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0026-7775  
1730 Modern physics letters World Scientific Pub. Co 0217-9849 2012년 구독
1731 Modern physics letters A World Scientific 0217-7323 2012년 구독
1732 Modern quaternary research in Southeast Asia Balkema 0168-6151  
1733 Modern synthetic methods : conference paper of the International Workshop on Modern Synthetic Methods The Association 0176-7615  
1734 Molecular modeling annual Springer-Verlag    
1735 Molecular photochemistry M. Dekker] 0026-8968  
1736 Molecular physics Taylor & Francis 0026-8976 2012년 구독
1737 Molecular simulation Gordon and Breach 0892-7022 2012년 구독
1738 Monatlicher Witterungsbericht Deutscher 0435-7965  
1739 Monatshefte fur Chemie Springer-Verlag 0026-9247  
1740 Monatshefte fur Mathematik Springer-Verlag 0026-9255  
1741 Monographs of the Western North American naturalist Published for the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum by Brigham Young University Press 1545-0228  
1742 Monthly and seasonal weather outlook United States. Dept. of Commerce    
1743 Monthly bulletin of the atmospheric physics laboratory University of Ptras    
1744 Monthly climatic data for world Division of Climatological and Hydrologic Services 0027-0296  
1745 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Priestley and Weale 0035-8711  
1746 Monthly weather review War Dept., Office of the Chief Signal Officer 0027-0644 2012년 구독
1747 Monthly weather review War Dept., Office of the Chief Signal Officer 0027-0644   
1748 Moscow mathematical journal Independent University of Moscow 1609-3321 2012년 구독
1749 Moscow University mathematics bulletin Allerton Press, inc. [etc.] 0027-1322  
1750 Multiscale modeling & simulation Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1540-3459  
1751 NAGA Report Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California    
1752 Nagoya mathematical journal Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University 0027-7630 2012년 구독
1753 Nagoya mathematical journal Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University 0027-7630  
1754 Nano World Scientific Pub 1793-2920 2012년 구독
1755 Nanoscale and microscale thermophysical engineering Taylor and Francis 1556-7265 2012년 구독
1756 Nanta mathematica Lee Kong Chian Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanyang University [etc.] 0077-2739  
1757 National Institute of Oceanography Annual Report National Institute of Oceanography    
1758 National Institute of Oceanography Collected Reprints National Institute of Oceanography    
1759 National newsletter Royal Astronomical Society of Canada    
1760 National patterns of r & d resources National Science Foundation 1057-6886  
1761 National Science Council review National Science Council 0255-4399  
1762 Natur und Museum Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft 0028-1301  
1763 Natural and applied science bulletin College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines [etc.] 0028-0682  
1764 Natural hazards and earth system sciences European Geophysical Society 1561-8633 2012년 구독
1765 Natural hazards review American Society of Civil Engineers 1527-6988  
1766 Natural history American Museum of Natural History 0028-0712  
1767 Natural history research Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba 0915-9444  
1768 Natural product letters Harwood Academic Publishers 1057-5634  
1769 Natural product reports Royal Society of Chemistry 0265-0568  
1770 Natural product reports Royal Society of Chemistry 0265-0568  
1771 Natural product updates Royal Society of Chemistry 0950-1711  
1772 Natural resource modeling Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 0890-8575 2012년 구독
1773 Natural Resources and Development Institute for Scientific Co-operation 0340-2797  
1774 Nature Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 0028-0836  
1775 Nature and Human Activities Museum of Nature and Human Activities 1342-0054  
1776 Nature chemical biology Nature Pub. Group 1552-4450  
1777 Nature chemistry Nature Pub. Group 1755-4330 2012년 구독
1778 Nature Climate Change Nature Publishing Group 1758-678x 2012년 구독
1779 Nature geoscience Nature Pub. Group 1752-0894 2012년 구독
1780 Nature nanotechnology Nature Pub. Group 1748-3387  
1781 Nature photonics Nature Pub. Group 1749-4885 2012년 구독
1782 Naturwissenschaften im unterricht chemie Erhard Friedrich Verlag 0946-2139  
1783 Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Physik Erhard Friedrich Verlag 0946-2147  
1784 Navigation Institute of Navigation 0028-1522 2012년 구독
1785 Near surface geophysics EAGE PublicationsBV 1569-4445 2012년 구독
1786 Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Annual Report Netherlands Institute for Sea Research    
1787 Netherlands journal of sea research Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee 0077-7579  
1788 Network IOP Pub 0954-898X  
1789 Networks Wiley, etc 0028-3045 2012년 구독
1790 Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie E. Schweizerbart 0028-3630  
1791 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie E. Schweizerbart 0077-7757  
1792 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie E. Schweizerbart 0028-3649  
1793 Neutrino physics World Scientific 0031-8949 (0281-1847) Royal swedish academy of sciences  
1794 New journal of chemistry CNRS/Gauthier-Villars 1144-0546  
1795 New mathematics and natural computation World Scientific Pub. Co 1793-0057 2012년 구독
1796 New scientist New Science Publications 0262-4079  
1797 New scientist New Science Publications] 0028-6664  
1798 New Zealand journal of mathematics New Zealand Mathematical Society and Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Auckland 1171-6096  
1799 New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Collected Reprints New Zealand Oceanographic Institute    
1800 News bulletin The Council 0277-1365  
1801 Newsletter of the regional network for the chemistry of natural products in southeast Asia Natural Products Research Institute    
1802 Nieuw archief voor wiskunde Weytingh & Brave 0028-9825  
1803 Nihon Tōkei Gakkai shi Dō Gakkai 0389-5602  
1804 NLL translations bulletin National Lending Library for Science and Technology 0547-0692  
1805 NOAA U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Public Affairs 0014-0821  
1806 NOAA technical report NESDIS U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Earth Satellite, Data, and Information Service 0888-9767  
1807 Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis with Applications to Probability , v. 78 Polish Academy of Sciences    
1808 Non-doubling Ahlfors measures, perimeter measures, and the characterization of the trace spaces of Sobolev functions in Carnot-carath?odory spaces , no. 857 American Mathematical Society    
1809 Nonlinear analysis Pergamon Press 0362-546X  
1810 Nonlinear analysis Pergamon Press 1468-1218  
1811 Nonlinear analysis, Hybrid systems Pergamon Press 1751-570x  
1812 Nonlinear functional analysis and applications Kyungnam University Press 1229-1595  
1813 Nonlinear processes in geophysics European Geophysical Society 1023-5809 2012년 구독
1814 Nonlinear world de Gruyter 0942-5608  
1815 Nonlinearity Institute of Physics and the London Mathematical Society 0951-7715  
1816 Norsk geologisk tidsskrift Norwegian Journal of Geology 0029-196X  
1817 Northwest science Published by the Washington State University Press with collaboration of Northwest Scientific Association 0029-344X  
1818 Notices of the American Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society 0002-9920  
1819 Notre Dame journal of formal logic University of Notre Dame 0029-4527  
1820 Novi Sad journal of mathematics Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad 0352-0900  
1821 NRCP research bulletin National Research Council of the Philippines 01151304  
1822 NSC review National Science Council 0255-4399  
1823 NSTA science education suppliers National Science Teachers Association    
1824 Nuclear data Academic Press 0550-306X  
1825 Nuclear data sheets Academic Press 0090-3752  
1826 Nuclear data tables Academic Press 0090-0214  
1827 Nuclear data tables Academic Press 0090-5518  
1828 Nuclear engineering and design North-Holland Pub. Co 0029-5493  
1829 Nuclear engineering and design/fusion North-Holland 0167-899X  
1830 Nuclear fusion International Atomic Energy Agency 0029-5515 2012년 구독
1831 Nuclear fusion International Atomic Energy Agency 0589-1469  
1832 Nuclear instruments & methods North Holland Pub. Co 0029-554X  
1833 Nuclear instruments & methods North Holland Pub. Co 0029-554X  
1834 Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research North-Holland Pub. Co 0167-5087  
1835 Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research North-Holland 0168-9002  
1836 Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research North-Holland Physics Pub 0168-583X  
1837 Nuclear magnetic resonance Royal Society of Chemistry 0305-9804  
1838 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc    
1839 Nuclear news American Nuclear Society 0029-5574 2012년 구독
1840 Nuclear physics North-Holland 0920-5632  
1841 Nuclear physics North Holland Pub. Co 0375-9474  
1842 Nuclear physics North Holland 0550-3213  
1843 Nuclear safety Technical Information Center of the U.S. Dept. of Energy 0029-5604  
1844 Nuclear science and engineering Academic Press 0029-5639 2012년 구독
1845 Nuclear science applications Harwood Academic Publishers 0191-1686  
1846 Nuclear technology American Nuclear Society] 0029-5450 2012년 구독
1847 Nucleic acids research Information Retrieval Limited 0305-1048  
1848 Nucleonics McGraw-Hill 0096-6207  
1849 Number theory, including algebraic geometry Springer-Verlag 0720-2563  
1850 Numerical algorithms J.C. Baltzer 1017-1398  
1851 Numerical Analysis Springer-Verlag 0720-258X  
1852 Numerical functional analysis and optimization M. Dekker 0163-0563  
1853 Numerical linear algebra with applications Wiley 1070-5325  
1854 Numerical methods for partial differential equations Wiley 0749-159X  
1855 Numerische Mathematik Springer-Verlag 0029-599X  
1856 Oberwolfach reports EMS Pub. House 1660-8933 2012년 구독
1857 Observatoire de Meudon Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Universite    
1858 Ocean and polar research Korea Ocean Research and Development 1598-141X  
1859 Ocean development and international law Crane, Russak & Co 0090-8320  
1860 Ocean modelling Elsevier 1463-5003  
1861 Ocean research Korea Ocean Research and Development 1011-2723  
1862 Ocean science and engineering Dekker 0275-2220  
1863 Ocean science journal Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute 1738-5261  
1864 Ocean science news Nautilus Press 0029-8069  
1865 Oceanography The Society 1042-8275  
1866 Oceanography and marine biology Aberdeen University Press [etc 0078-3218  
1867 Oceanologia Zakad Narodowy im Ossoli?skich 0078-3234 2012년 구독
1868 Oceanology American Geophysical Union 0001-4370  
1869 Oceans Oceanic Society 0029-8174  
1870 OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals OECD    
1871 Official methods of analysis of AOAC International AOAC International 1080-0344  
1872 Ofioliti Pitagora editrice 0391-2612 2012년 구독
1873 OMS. Organic mass spectrometry Wiley Heyden [etc.] 0030-493X  
1874 On higher Frobenius-Schur indicators , no. 855 American Mathematical Society    
1875 On maps from loop suspensions to loop spaces and the shuffle relations on the Cohen groups , no. 851 American Mathematical Society    
1876 Operator algebras for multivariable dynamics , no. 982 American Mathematical Society    
1877 Optica acta Taylor & Francis, ltd. [etc.] 0030-3909  
1878 Optical society of America s.n    
1879 Optics and photonics news Optical Society of America 1047-6938 2012년 구독
1880 Optics and spectroscopy American Institute of Physics] 0030-400X  
1881 Optics communications Elsevier 0030-4018  
1882 Optics letters Optical Society of America 0146-9592 2012년 구독
1883 Optics news Optical Society of America] 0098-907X  
1884 Optimization Gordon & Breach, etc 0233-1934 2012년 구독
1885 Optimization methods & software Gordon & Breach Science Publishers 1055-6788 2012년 구독
1886 Ore geology reviews Elsevier 0169-1368  
1887 Organic & biomolecular chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry 1477-0520  
1888 Organic electronics North-Holland 1566-1199  
1889 Organic letters American chemical society 1523-7060  
1890 Organic photochemistry M. Dekker 0078-6152  
1891 Organic preparations and procedures international Organic Preparations and Procedures, Inc.] 0030-4948  
1892 Organic reactions John Wiley & Sons 0078-6179  
1893 Organic syntheses J. Wiley & Sons, inc. [etc.] 0078-6209  
1894 Organic syntheses Wiley 0078-6217  
1895 Organic synthesis JAI Press 1047-773X  
1896 Organized assemblies in chemical analysis JAI Press    
1897 Organometallic chemistry Chemical Society 0301-0074  
1898 Organometallic chemistry reviews : Annual surveys, silicon, germanium, tin, lead Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co    
1899 Organometallic chemistry reviews : Annual surveys, silicon, tin, lead Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co    
1900 Organometallics American Chemical Society 0276-7333  
1901 Osaka journal of mathematics Dept. of Mathematics, Osaka University 0030-6126 2012년 구독
1902 Osaka mathematical journal Univ. of Osaka. Dept. of Mathematics    
1903 OSU School of zoceanography of Data Report Dedpartment of Oceanography School of Science, Oregon State University    
1904 Otsuchi marine science 東京大學海洋硏究所大槌臨海硏究センタ- 1344-8420  
1905 Pacific geology Tokai University Press [etc.] 0552-7333  
1906 Pacific journal of mathematics Pacific Journal of Mathematics, etc.] 0030-8730 2012년 구독
1907 Paleoceanography American Geophysical Union 0883-8305 2012년 구독
1908 Pangea Le Centre 0760-1751  
1909 Papers in meteorology and geophysics Meteorological Research Institute 0031-126X  
1910 Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters Published for the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters by the University of Michigan Press [etc.] 0096-2694  
1911 Papers presented at the meeting American Chemical Society. Division of Polymer Chemistry    
1912 Partial differential equations Springer-Verlag 0720-261X  
1913 Particles and nuclei Consultants Bureau    
1914 Peptide and protein reviews Marcel Dekker 0731-1753  
1915 Periodica mathematica Hungarica Akademiai Kiado 0031-5303  
1916 Periodica polytechnica Technical University 1216-0563  
1917 Perkin 1 Royal Society of Chemistry 1470-4358  
1918 Perkin 2 Royal Society of Chemistry 1470-1820  
1919 Permafrost and periglacial processes Wiley 1045-6740 2012년 구독
1920 Perspectives in Operator Theory , v. 75 Polish Academy of Sciences    
1921 Perspectives on Science The MIT Press 1063-6145 2012년 구독
1922 Petroleum geoscience Geological Society Pub. House for the Geological Society, London and the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers 1354-0793 2012년 구독
1923 Phase transitions Gordon and Breach 0141-1594 2012년 구독
1924 Phase transitions and critical phenomena Academic Press 1062-7901  
1925 Philosophia naturalis A. Hain 0031-8027  
1926 Philosophia scientiae Kimé 1281-2463  
1927 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis 1478-6435  
1928 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis 0141-8610  
1929 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis 0141-8637  
1930 Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis 0958-6644  
1931 Philosophical magazine letters Taylor and Francis 0950-0839 2012년 구독
1932 Philosophical transactions Royal Society 1364-503X 2012년 구독
1933 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London The Society 0080-4614  
1934 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London The Society 0264-3952  
1935 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London The Society 0962-8428  
1936 Philosophy of science Philosophy of Science Association [etc.] 0031-8248  
1937 Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements Gordon and Breach 0308-664X  
1938 Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements Gordon and Breach 1042-6507  
1939 Photochemistry and photobiology Pergamon Press 0031-8655  
1940 Photochemistry and photobiology Pergamon Press 0031-8655  
1941 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing American Society of Photogrammetry 0099-1112  
1942 Phycologia International Phycological Society 0031-8884 2012년 구독
1943 Physica North Holland [etc.] 0031-8914  
1944 Physica North-Holland 0921-4526  
1945 Physica North-Holland 0921-4534  
1946 Physica A North-Holland Pub. Co 0378-4371  
1947 Physica B + C North-Holland Pub. Co 0378-4363  
1948 Physica D North-Holland 0167-2789  
1949 Physica E Elsevier Science, North-Holland 1386-9477  
1950 Physica scripta Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 0281-1847  
1951 Physica scripta IOP pub 0031-8949 2012년 구독
1952 Physica status solidi Wiley-VCH 1862-6300  
1953 Physica status solidi Wiley-VCH 1862-6351  
1954 Physica status solidi Akademie-Verlag 0370-1972  
1955 Physica status solidi Wiley-VCH 1862-6254  
1956 Physica status solidi Akademie-Verlag 0031-8965  
1957 Physica status solidi Wiley-VCH 0370-1972  
1958 Physica status solidi, a/b Akademie-Verlag    
1959 Physical acoustics : principles and methods Academic Press 0893-388X  
1960 Physical chemistry chemical physics Royal Society of Chemistry 1463-9076  
1961 Physical review Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1098-0121  
1962 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 0556-2813  
1963 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 1550-7998  
1964 Physical review Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1539-3755  
1965 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics [etc.] 0031-899X  
1966 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 0556-2791  
1967 Physical review Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1063-651X  
1968 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 0556-2805  
1969 Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 0163-1829  
1970 Physical review and Physical review letters index American Institute of Physics 0094-0003  
1971 Physical review letters American Physical Society 0031-9007  
1972 Physical review. A Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 1050-2947  
1973 Physics The Society 0148-6349  
1974 Physics Physics Pub. Co 0554-128X  
1975 Physics and chemistry of fission : proceedings International Atomic Energy Agency    
1976 Physics and chemistry of liquids Taylor and Francis [etc.] 0031-9104 2012년 구독
1977 Physics and chemistry of minerals Springer International 0342-1791  
1978 Physics and chemistry of the earth Pergamon [etc.] 0079-1946  
1979 Physics and contemporary needs Plenum Press 0163-2051  
1980 Physics education Macmillan India Ltd 0970-5953  
1981 Physics education Institute of Physics, etc.] 0031-9120 2012년 구독
1982 Physics in Canada Canadian Association of Physicists 0031-9147 2012년 구독
1983 Physics letters North-Holland Pub. Co 0375-9601  
1984 Physics letters North-Holland Pub. Co 0370-2693  
1985 Physics of atomic nuclei American Institute of Physics 1063-7788  
1986 Physics of fluids American Institute of Physics 1070-6631  
1987 Physics of fluids The Institute 0899-8213  
1988 Physics of fluids The Institute 0899-8221  
1989 Physics of low-dimensional structures VSV Co. Ltd 0204-3467  
1990 Physics of particles and nuclei American Institute of Physics 1063-7796  
1991 Physics of plasmas American Institute of Physics 1070-664X  
1992 Physics of the earth and planetary interiors Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.] 0031-9201  
1993 Physics of the solid state American Institute of Physics 1063-7834  
1994 Physics of thin films : advances in research and development Academic Press 0079-1970  
1995 Physics reports North-Holland Pub. Co 0370-1573  
1996 Physics Review Philip Allan Updates 0959-8472 2012년 구독
1997 Physics today American Institute of Physics 0031-9228  
1998 Physics world IOP Pub. Ltd.] 0953-8585 2012년 구독
1999 Physics, Uspekhi American Institute of Physics 1063-7869  
2000 Physik in der Schule Padagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH & Co 0031-9244  
2001 Physik in unserer Zeit Verlag Chemie 0031-9252  
2002 Physik und didaktik Bayerischer Schulbuchverlag 0340-8515  
2003 Physikalische Berichte Vieweg and Sohn 0031-9260  
2004 Physikalische Blatter Physik-Verlag [etc.] 0031-9279  
2005 Physikalische Zeitschrift S. Hirzel    
2006 Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion Volkskommissariat fur Schwerindustrie der USSR    
2007 Physis L. S. Olschki 0031-9414  
2008 Planetary and space science Pergamon Press 0032-0633  
2009 Plasma chemistry and plasma processing Springer Science+Business Media B.A 0272-4324  
2010 Plasma physics Pergamon Press 0032-1028  
2011 Plasma physics and controlled fusion IOP 0741-3335 2012년 구독
2012 Plasma physics reports American Institute of Physics 1063-780X  
2013 Plasma processes and polymers Wiley-VCH 1612-8850 2012년 구독
2014 Plasma sources science & technology IOP Pub 0963-0252 2012년 구독
2015 Polyhedral computation , 48 American Mathematical Society    
2016 Polyhedron Pergamon Press 0277-5387  
2017 Polymer Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 0032-3861  
2018 Polymer communications Butterworth Scientific Ltd., Journals Division 0263-6476  
2019 Polymer electrolyte reviews Elsevier Applied Science    
2020 Polymer journal Society of Polymer Science, Japan 0032-3896 2012년 구독
2021 Polymer reviews Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 1558-3724  
2022 Polymer science MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Pub 1560-0904  
2023 Polymer science Pergamon Press 0965-545X  
2024 Polymer science Interperiodica Pub    
2025 Polymer science MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Pub    
2026 Positivity Kluwer Academic Publishers 1385-1292  
2027 Potential analysis Kluwer Academic Publishers 0926-2601  
2028 Pour la science Belin 0153-4092  
2029 PRACI, proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Royal Australian Chemical Institute    
2030 Praxis der Mathematik Aulis Verlag Deubner 0032-7042  
2031 Praxis der naturwissenschaften Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co KG 0177-8374  
2032 Praxis der naturwissenschaften physik in der schule Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co KG 1617-5689 2012년 구독
2033 Precambrian research [Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., etc.] 0301-9268  
2034 Preliminary report Ocean drilling Program, Texas A&M University    
2035 Preparation of catalysts : scientific bases for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts : proceedings of the international symposium held at the Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co    
2036 Preprints The Division 0569-3799  
2037 Prime Number The Mathematical Association of Victoria 0816-9349 2012년 구독
2038 PRIMUS Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1051-1970  
2039 Probability and stochastic processes Springer-Verlag 0720-2628  
2040 Probability measures on groups and related structures : proceedings Oberwolfach World Scientific Pub. Co    
2041 Probability theory and related fields Springer-Verlag 0178-8051  
2042 Proceedings The Society 0962-8444  
2043 Proceedings The Society 0308-2105  
2044 Proceedings Royal Society 1364-5021  
2045 Proceedings The Society    
2046 Proceedings The Society 0080-4541  
2047 Proceedings Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology    
2048 Proceedings - The Nebraska Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies Nebraska Academy of Sciences 0077-6343  
2049 Proceedings : Biological sciences Royal Society of London 0962-8452  
2050 Proceedings of the ... annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry Association for Computing Machinery 1055-6257  
2051 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia] 0097-3157  
2052 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society 0002-9939  
2053 Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Electrochemistry Symposium Publications Division, Pergamon Press 0067-1827  
2054 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Cambridge Philosophical Society [etc.] 0008-1981  
2055 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Mathematical and physical sciences Cambridge Philosophical Society 0008-1981  
2056 Proceedings of the Chemical Society Burlington    
2057 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Scottish Academic Press 0013-0915  
2058 Proceedings of the Faculty of Science of Tokai University Faculty of Science, Tokai University 0563-6795  
2059 Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". v.1- Academic Press 0074-784X  
2060 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Japan Academy 0021-4280  
2061 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Japan Academy 0386-2208  
2062 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Japan Academy 0386-2194  
2063 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Oxford University Press [etc.] 0024-6115  
2064 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 0027-8424  
2065 Proceedings of the National Science Council The Council 0250-1643  
2066 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China The Council 0253-6870  
2067 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China The Council 0253-8415  
2068 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China The Council 1017-7124  
2069 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China The Council 0255-6588  
2070 Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China The Council 0255-6596  
2071 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Part A, Initial report The Program 0884-5883  
2072 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific results The Program 0884-5891  
2073 Proceedings of the Physical Society Institute of Physics and the Physical Society    
2074 Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Royal Australian Chemical Institute    
2075 Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain The Institution 0035-8959  
2076 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Royal Irish Academy    
2077 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy The Academy 0035-8983  
2078 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Royal Irish Academy 0035-8975  
2079 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Harrison and Son 0080-4630  
2080 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Printed for the Royal Society and sold by Harrison  Sons 0080-4649  
2081 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Harrison and Son 0080-4630  
2082 Proceedings of the School of Science of Tokai University School of Science, Tokai University 0919-5025  
2083 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society  Geological Society of London 0044-0604 2012년 구독
2084 Proceedings, the ... international symposium National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea    
2085 Program and proceedings The Academy 1529-1162  
2086 Program of the meeting - Acoustical Society of America American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 0163-0962  
2087 Progress in bioorganic chemistry John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0079-6077  
2088 Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials Pergamon Press 0960-8974  
2089 Progress in inorganic chemistry Wiley [etc.] 0079-6379  
2090 Progress in macrocyclic chemistry Wiley 0195-4237  
2091 Progress in mathematics Plenum Press 0079-6433  
2092 Progress in natural science Science Press 1002-0071  
2093 Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Pergamon Press 0079-6565  
2094 Progress in nuclear physics Pergamon Press [etc.] 0079-659X  
2095 Progress in oceanography Pergamon Press 0079-6611  
2096 Progress in optics North-Holland Pub. Co 0079-6638  
2097 Progress in particle and nuclear physics Pergamon Press 0146-6410  
2098 Progress in physical organic chemistry John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0079-6662  
2099 Progress in polymer science Pergamon Press 0079-6700  
2100 Progress in polymer science, Japan Kodansha 0286-2999  
2101 Progress in quantum electronics Pergamon Press 0079-6727  
2102 Progress in reaction kinetics Pergamon Press 0079-6743  
2103 Progress in solid mechanics North-Holland Pub. Co    
2104 Progress in solid state chemistry Pergamon Press [etc.] 0079-6786  
2105 Progress in superconductivity The Korean Superconductivity Society 1229-4764  
2106 Progress in surface science Pergamon Press 0079-6816  
2107 Progress in the science and technology of the rare earths Pergamon Press 0079-6840  
2108 Progress of theoretical physics Research Institute for Fundamental Physics 0033-068X  
2109 Progress of theoretical physics Kyoto University 0375-9687  
2110 Progress of theoretical physics and Supplement Research Institute for Fundamental Physics    
2111 Pseudo limits, biadjoints, and pseudo algebras : categorical foundations of conformal field theory , no. 860 American Mathematical Society    
2112 Public understanding of science Published by the Institute of Physics in association with the Science Museum 0963-6625  
2113 Publicacions matematiques El Departament de Matematiques, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 0214-1493 2012년 구독
2114 Publicationes mathematicae Institutum Mathematicum Universitatis Debreceniensis, Hungaria 0033-3883 2012년 구독
2115 Publications Published for the Astronomical Society of Australia by CSIRO Australia 1323-3580  
2116 Publications mathematiques Univ. de France Press 0073-8301  
2117 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan Astronomical Society of Japan 0004-6264  
2118 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Astronomical Society of the Pacific 0004-6280 2012년 구독
2119 Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto University of Toronto Press 0070-2927  
2120 Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Govt. Print. Bureau 0078-6950  
2121 Publications of the Korean National Astronomical Observatory KNAO    
2122 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 0034-5318  
2123 Pure and applied chemistry Blackwell Scientific Publications [etc.] 0033-4545 2012년 구독
2124 Pure and applied geophysics Birkhauser Verlag 0033-4553  
2125 Pure and applied mathematics quarterly International Press 1558-8599 2012년 구독
2126 Quaestiones mathematicae South African Mathematical Society 1607-3606 2012년 구독
2127 Quantum information & computation Rinton Press 1533-7146 2012년 구독
2128 Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Geological Society of London 1470-9236 2012년 구독
2129 Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Royal Meteorological Society 0035-9009  
2130 Quarterly of applied mathematics Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics 0033-569X 2012년 구독
2131 Quarterly reviews - Chemical Society The Society 0009-2681  
2132 Radiation effects and defects in solids Gordon & Breach 1042-0150 2012년 구독
2133 Radiation research Academic Press 0033-7587  
2134 Radio science American Geophysical Union [etc.] 0048-6604 2012년 구독
2135 Radiocarbon American journal of science 0033-8222 2012년 구독
2136 Radioisotopes Nihon Hoshasei Doi Genso Kyokai 0033-8303  
2137 RAIRO Dunod 0764-583X  
2138 Random & computational dynamics Marcel Dekker, Inc 1061-835X  
2139 Random structures & algorithms J. Wiley 1042-9832  
2140 Rapid communications in mass spectrometry Heyden 0951-4198  
2141 Rare earth bulletin Multi-Science Publ. Co 0307-8531  
2142 Reaction kinetics Chemical Society    
2143 Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters Akademiai Kiado 0304-4122  
2144 Reactive intermediates John Wiley & Sons 0190-8375  
2145 Reactivity and Structure : Concepts in Organic Chemistry Springer-Verlag    
2146 Reactor technology U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Office of Information Services 0034-0332  
2147 Reagents for organic synthesis Wiley    
2148 Real analysis Springer-Verlag 0720-2601  
2149 Real analysis exchange s.n.] 0147-1937 2012년 구독
2150 Recent progress in many-body theories Plenum 1041-8083  
2151 Recent progress of natural sciences in Japan Science Council of Japan    
2152 References to contemporary papers on acoustics American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 0163-0970  
2153 Regional catalogue of earthquakes [International Seismological Centre] 0034-334X  
2154 Rehovot Weizmann Institute 0036-8504  
2155 Relatively hyperbolic groups : intrinsic geometry, algebraic properties, and algorithmic problems , no. 843 American Mathematical Society    
2156 Rendiconti - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fische Mathematiche e Naturall La Accademia 0001-4435  
2157 Rendiconti della Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL L'Accademia 0392-4130  
2158 Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni Oderisi 1120-7183  
2159 Report Oregon State University    
2160 Report annual Commissariat a l'Energie Automique    
2161 Reports of statistical application research Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers 0034-4842  
2162 Reports on progress in physics The Institute of Physics 0034-4885  
2163 Repre?sentations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques , 319, 330-331 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
2164 Representations p-adiques de groupes p-adiques I : representations galoisiennes et ([phi, gamma])-modules , 319 Societe mathematique de France    
2165 Research in mathematical education = 數學敎育硏究 Korea Society of Mathematical Education 1226-6191  
2166 Research in science & technological education Carfax Pub. Co 0263-5143  
2167 Research in science education Australasian Science Education Research Association 0157-244X  
2168 Researches in science and engineering Institute of Science and Engineering, Chuo University    
2169 Resource and energy economics Elsevier Science Publishers 0928-7655  
2170 Resources and energy North-Holland Pub. Co 0165-0572  
2171 Resume des principaux resultats scientifiques et techniques du Service geologique national Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres    
2172 Résumés des travaux : abstracts of papers ORSTOM, Nouméa    
2173 Reviews in chemical engineering De Gruyter 0167-8299 2012년 구독
2174 Reviews in computational chemistry VCH 1069-3599  
2175 Reviews in inorganic chemistry Freund 0193-4929 2012년 구독
2176 Reviews in mathematical physics World Scientific 0129-055X 2012년 구독
2177 Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry Mineralogical Society of America 1529-6466 2012년 구독
2178 Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 1793-6268 2012년 구독
2179 Reviews of geophysics American Geophysical Union 8755-1209 2012년 구독
2180 Reviews of geophysics and space physics American Geophysical Union 0034-6853  
2181 Reviews of modern physics American Physical Society 0034-6861  
2182 Reviews of plasma physics Consultants Bureau 0080-2050  
2183 Revista colombiana de matematicas Universidad Nacional de Colombia 0034-7426  
2184 Revista matema?tica iberoamericana Revista Matema?tica Iberoamericana 0213-2230 2012년 구독
2185 Revista mexicana de astronom?a y astrof?sica Instituto de Astronom?a, Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico 0185-1101 2012년 구독
2186 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Serie de Conferencias Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Astronomia 1405-2059  
2187 Revue de geologie dynamique et de geographie physique Masson 0241-1407  
2188 Revue de geomorphologie dynamique Edition de la Societe d'edition d'enseignement 0556-7432  
2189 Revue de physique appliquee Societe francaise de physique 0035-1687  
2190 Revue d'histoire des sciences Presses universitaires de France 0151-4105  
2191 Revue roumaine de mathematiques pures et appliquees Editions de l'Academie Republique populaire roumaine 0035-3965  
2192 Rheologica acta D. Steinkopff Verlag 0035-4511  
2193 Rheology abstracts Published by Pergamon Press for the British Society of Rheology 0035-452X  
2194 Ricerche di matematica Istituto di Matematica dell' Universita 0035-5038  
2195 Rikusui-gaku zasshi Japanese Society of Limnology 0021-5104  
2196 Risk analysis Plenum Press 0272-4332 2012년 구독
2197 Rivers S.E.L. & Associates 0898-8048  
2198 RNODC newsletter for WestPac Responsible National Oceanographic Data for Western Pacific    
2199 Rock mechanics Springer Verlag 0035-7448  
2200 Rock mechanics and rock engineering Springer-Verlag 0723-2632  
2201 Rocks and minerals in Canada Earth Science Publications [etc.] 0035-7537  
2202 Romanian journal of physics Editura Academiei Romane 1221-146X 2012년 구독
2203 Romanian reports in physics Editura Academiei Romane 1221-1451 2012년 구독
2204 Rozprawy matematyczne Pastwowe Wydawn. Naukowe 0860-2581  
2205 Russian chemical bulletin Consultants Bureau 1066-5285  
2206 Russian electrochemistry Consultants Bureau 1070-3276  
2207 Russian journal of electrochemistry Interperiodica 1023-1935  
2208 Russian journal of general chemistry Plenum Pub. Corp 1070-3632  
2209 Russian journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling VSP BV 0927-6467  
2210 Russian journal of organic chemistry Consultants Bureau 1070-4280  
2211 Russian mathematical surveys London Mathematical Society ; distributed by Cleaver-Hume Press 0036-0279  
2212 Russian mathematics Allerton Press 1066-369X  
2213 Russian meteorology and hydrology Allerton Press 1068-3739  
2214 SAFE : Seismological Association of the Far East Seismological Institute Hanyang University    
2215 Saitama mathematical journal Saitama University 0289-0739  
2216 Sankhya Statistical Publishing Society 0581-572X  
2217 Sankhya Statistical Publishing Society 0581-5738  
2218 Sbornik American Mathematical Society 1064-5616 2012년 구독
2219 Scandinavian journal of statistics, theory and applications Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co 0303-6898 2012년 구독
2220 Scanning microscopy Scanning Microscopy International 0891-7035  
2221 School science and mathematics s.n.] 0036-6803  
2222 Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Leemann 0036-7699  
2223 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science [etc.] 0036-8075 2012년 구독
2224 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science 0036-8075  
2225 Science & education Springer 0926-7220  
2226 Science activities Heldref Publications, etc.] 0036-8121  
2227 Science and children National Science Teachers Association 0036-8148 2012년 구독
2228 Science education Wiley & Sons 0036-8326  
2229 Science in China Chinese Academy of Sciences 1001-6511  
2230 Science in China Chinese Academy of Sciences 1001-652X  
2231 Science in dispute Gale Group 1538-6635  
2232 Science in progress Yale University Press 0097-0611  
2233 Science in Russia Nauka Publishers 0203-4638  
2234 Science in USSR USSR Academy of Sciences 0203-4638  
2235 Science journal industrial Iliffe Industrial    
2236 Science news letter Science Service] 0096-4018  
2237 Science progress John Murray 0036-8504  
2238 Science reports College of General Education, Osaka University 0474-781X  
2239 Science reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba Instiute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba 0388-6174  
2240 Science reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba The Institute 0388-6182  
2241 Science reports of the research institutes Tōhoku University 0040-8808  
2242 Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University Univ. of Tokyo Press    
2243 Science reports of the Yokohama National University Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University 0513-5613  
2244 Science reports of the Yokohama National University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Yokohama National University 0085-8366  
2245 Science scope National Science Teachers Association 0887-2376 2012년 구독
2246 Science year World-Book Childcraft International [etc.] 0080-7621  
2247 Sciences geologiques Universite Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, Institut de Geologie 0302-2692  
2248 Scientiae mathematicae Japonicae Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences 1346-0862 2012년 구독
2249 Scientific activities Weizmann Institute of Science 0083-7849  
2250 Scientific American Scientific american Inc 0036-8733 2012년 구독
2251 Scientific American MIND Scientific American 1555-2284  
2252 Scientific bulletin , 3580 The Office    
2253 Scientific papers Iwanami Syoten    
2254 Scientific papers of the College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo The College 0289-7520  
2255 Scientific papers of the College of General Education University of Tokyo, College of General Education 0040-8964  
2256 Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research The Institute 0020-3092  
2257 Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research The Institute 0020-3092  
2258 Scientific prospectus Texas A&M University    
2259 Scientific research McGraw-Hill 0582-2521  
2260 Scientific world World Federation of Scientific Workers 0036-8857  
2261 SciQuest American Chemical Society] 0190-597X  
2262 Scottish journal of geology Scottish Academic Press [etc.] 0036-9276 2012년 구독
2263 Scripps Institution of Oceanography contributions California University    
2264 Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California    
2265 Se?minaire Bourbaki : volume 2007/2008 : expose?s 982-996 , 326 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
2266 Se?minaire Bourbaki : volume 2008/2009 : expose?s 997-1011 , 332 Socie?te? mathe?matique de France    
2267 Sea frontiers International Oceanographic Foundation 0036-9993  
2268 Sea secrets International Oceanographic Foundation 0037-0029  
2269 Sea technology [Compass Publications, Inc.] 0093-3651  
2270 Search Australian & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, ANZAAS 0004-9549  
2271 Secondary ion mass spectrometry : SIMS- ... : proceedings of the ... International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS ... ) Springer-Verlag    
2272 Sedimentary geology [Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.] 0037-0738  
2273 Sedimentology Blackwell Scientific Publishers [etc.] 0037-0746 2012년 구독
2274 Seismological research letters Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America 0895-0695 2012년 구독
2275 Selected tables in mathematical statistics American Mathematical Society 0094-8837  
2276 Selected topics in graph theory Academic Press    
2277 Selected translations in mathematical statistics and probability American Mathematical Society 0065-9274  
2278 Self-Similar Solutions of Nonlinear PDE , v. 74 Polish Academy of Sciences    
2279 Selmer complexes , 310 Société mathématique de France    
2280 Semi annual report - Unesco. Regional Office for Science and Technology for Southeast Asia (ROSTSEA) and Office of the Unesco Representative to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore Unesco    
2281 Semiannual report of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission U.S.G.P.O    
2282 Semiconductors American Institute of Physics 1063-7826  
2283 Semigroup forum Springer-Verlag New York 0037-1912  
2284 Séminaire "Sophus Lie" : [exposés] Secrétariat mathématique    
2285 Séminaire A. Grothendieck : Algèbre homologique Secrétariat mathématique    
2286 Seminaire Bourbaki Benjamin    
2287 Séminaire Bourbaki W.A. Benjamin    
2288 Seminaire Bourbaki : volume 2005/2006 : exposes 952-966 , 311 Societe mathematique de France    
2289 Seminaire Bourbaki. volume 2004/2005 (exposes 938-951) , 307 Société mathématique de France    
2290 Seminaire Bourbaki. volume 2006/2007 : exposes 967-981 , 317 Societe mathematique de France    
2291 Séminaire C. Chevalley Secrétariat mathématique    
2292 Séminaire de théorie des nombres : Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou Brikhäuser 1046-5952  
2293 Séminaire de topologie et géométrie différentielle : [compte rendu] Sécretariat mathématique    
2294 Séminaire d'initiation à l'analyse Université Pierre et Marie Curie    
2295 Séminaire équations aux dérivées partielles Le Centre    
2296 Séminaire H. Cartan et C. Chevalley : [exposeés] Secrétariat mathématique    
2297 Séminaire Henri Cartan : [exposés] Secrétariat mathématique    
2298 Séminaire Henri Cartan : [exposés] Secrétariat mathématique    
2299 Séminaire M. Krasner Secretariat mathematique de la Faculte des sciences    
2300 Seminaire Paul Dubreil et Charles Pisot Secretariat mathematique 0479-5865  
2301 Séminaire Pierre Lelong (Analyse) : [exposés] Springer    
2302 Séminaire sur la géométrie des espaces de Banach : [exposés] Le Centre    
2303 Separation and purification reviews Marcel Dekker, Inc 1542-2119 2012년 구독
2304 Separation science M. Dekker 0037-2366  
2305 Separation science and technology Taylor & Francis 0149-6395  
2306 Sequential analysis Marcel Dekker 0747-4946 2012년 구독
2307 Short book reviews The Institute    
2308 Short course handbook Mineralogical Association of Canada 0381-1743  
2309 Short papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology Univ. of Tokyo. Institute of Geology and Paleontology    
2310 SIAM journal on algebraic and discrete methods Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0196-5212  
2311 SIAM journal on applied mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1399  
2312 SIAM journal on control and optimization Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0363-0129  
2313 SIAM journal on discrete mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0895-4801  
2314 SIAM journal on mathematical analysis Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1410  
2315 SIAM journal on mathematical analysis Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1410  
2316 SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0895-4798  
2317 SIAM journal on numerical analysis Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1429  
2318 SIAM journal on optimization Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1052-6234  
2319 SIAM journal on scientific computing SIAM 1064-8275  
2320 SIAM news The Society    
2321 SIAM review Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1445  
2322 SIAM review Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1445  
2323 Siberian advances in mathematics Allerton Press 1055-1344  
2324 Siberian mathematical journal Consultants Bureau 0037-4466  
2325 Siberian mathematical journal Consultants Bureau 0037-4466  
2326 Sigma-Aldrich techware : laboratory equipment and supplies Sigma Chemical    
2327 Signum newsletter Special Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics of the Association for Computing Machinery] 0163-5778  
2328 Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe der K.B. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München F. Straub    
2329 Sky and telescope Sky Pub. Corp.] 0037-6604 2012년 구독
2330 Sky and telescope ky Pub. Corp 0037-6604  
2331 Smarandache notions journal Erhus University Press 1084-2810  
2332 Smithsonian Smithsonian Associates 0037-7333  
2333 Smithsonian contrubutions to the marine sciences Smithsonian Instutution Press    
2334 Smithsonian year Smithsonian Institution 0096-8404  
2335 Social studies of science SAGE Publications] 0306-3127  
2336 SOEST ... report School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii    
2337 Soft matter Royal Society of Chemistry 1744-683X  
2338 Solar bulletin American Association of Variable Star Observers, Solar Division 0271-8480 2012년 구독
2339 Solar physics Springer 0038-0938  
2340 Solid state communications Pergamon Press 0038-1098  
2341 Solid state ionics North-Holland Pub. Co 0167-2738  
2342 Solid state physics Academic Press 0081-1947  
2343 Solid state sciences Elsevier 1293-2558  
2344 Soochow journal of mathematics Soochow University 0250-3255  
2345 South African journal of geology Bureau for Scientific Publications at the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology 1012-0750 2012년 구독
2346 South African Journal of Marine Science Sea Fisheries Research Institute    
2347 South African statistical journal s.n.] 0038-271X  
2348 South Pacific study Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific 0916-0752  
2349 Southeast Asian bulletin of mathematics Southeast Asian Mathematical Society 0129-2021  
2350 Soviet astronomy American Institute of Physics 0038-5301  
2351 Soviet astronomy American Institute of Physics 0038-5301  
2352 Soviet astronomy letters American Institute of Physics 0360-0327  
2353 Soviet astronomy letters  American Institute of Physics 0360-0327   
2354 Soviet astronomy. AJ American Institute of Physics 0278-3495  
2355 Soviet astronomy. AJ American Institute of Physics 0278-3495   
2356 Soviet electrochemistry Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0038-5387  
2357 Soviet geology and geophysics Allerton Press 0361-7149  
2358 Soviet hydrology American Geophysical Union 0038-5425  
2359 Soviet journal of low temperature physics American Institute of Physics 0360-0335  
2360 Soviet journal of nuclear physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5506  
2361 Soviet journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling VNU Science Press 0169-2895  
2362 Soviet journal of optical technology Published for the Optical Society of America by the American Institute of Physics 0038-5514  
2363 Soviet journal of particles and nuclei American Institute of Physics 0090-4759  
2364 Soviet journal of plasma physics American Institute of Physics 0360-0343  
2365 Soviet mathematics American Mathematical Society 0038-5573  
2366 Soviet mathematics Allerton Press 0197-7156  
2367 Soviet mathematics - Doklady American Mathematical Society 0197-6788  
2368 Soviet mathematics-doklady American Mathematical Society    
2369 Soviet meteorology and hydrology Allerton Press 0146-4108  
2370 Soviet oceanography American Geophysical Union    
2371 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-562X  
2372 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5689  
2373 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5654  
2374 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5662  
2375 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5670  
2376 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5646  
2377 Soviet physics American Institute of Physics 0038-5700  
2378 Soviet physics, crystallography American Institute of Physics 0038-5638  
2379 Soviet physics. Semiconductors American Institute of Physics 0038-5700   
2380 Soviet scientific reviews. Section E, Astrophysics and space physics reviews Harwood Academic 0143-0432  
2381 Space science reviews D. Reidel Pub. Co 0038-6308  
2382 Special contributions of the Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University 0454-7837  
2383 Special papers in palaeontology The Palaeontological Association 0038-6804 2012년 구독
2384 Special studies - Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, Utah Dept. of Natural Resources 0098-115X  
2385 Special studies - Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey 0566-4128  
2386 Spectral line shapes : proceedings ... international conference W. de Gruyter    
2387 Spectrochimica acta Pergamon 1386-1425  
2388 Spectrochimica acta Elsevier [etc.] 0584-8547  
2389 Spectrochimica acta Pergamon Press 0584-8539  
2390 Spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds Royal Society of Chemistry 0584-8555  
2391 Spectroscopy letters M. Dekker 0038-7010 2012년 구독
2392 St. Petersburg mathematical journal American Mathematical Society 1061-0022  
2393 StarDate McDonald Observatory Public Information Office, The University of Texas at Austin 0889-3098 2012년 구독
2394 Statistica Neerlandica Vereniging voor Statistiek 0039-0402 2012년 구독
2395 Statistica Sinica Statistica Sinica 1017-0405 2012년 구독
2396 Statistical science The Institute 0883-4237 2012년 구독
2397 Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics The Institute    
2398 Statistics Akademie-Verlag 0233-1888 2012년 구독
2399 Statistics & decisions Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 0721-2631 2012년 구독
2400 Statistics & Decisions : an international mathematical journal for stochastic methods and models R. Oldenbourg    
2401 Statistics & probability letters North-Holland Pub. Co 0167-7152  
2402 Steroids Butterworth-Heinemann [etc.] 0039-128X  
2403 Stochastic analysis and applications M. Dekker 0736-2994  
2404 Stochastic models Marcel Dekker, Inc 1532-6349 2012년 구독
2405 Stochastic processes and their applications North-Holland Pub. Co 0304-4149  
2406 Stochastics and dynamics World Scientific Pub. Co 0219-4937 2012년 구독
2407 Stratigraphy Micropaleontology Press 1547-139X 2012년 구독
2408 Structural control & health monitoring Wiley 1545-2255  
2409 Structure reports Bohn, Scheltema & Hokema 0166-7033  
2410 Studia geophysica et geodaetica Academia [etc.] 0039-3169  
2411 Studia mathematica Polska Akademia Nauk, Institut Matematyczny 0039-3223  
2412 Studia scientiarum mathematicarum Hungarica Akademiai Kiado 0081-6906 2012년 구독
2413 Studies in applied mathematics The MIT Press 0022-2526 2012년 구독
2414 Studies in applied mathematics The MIT Press 0022-2526  
2415 Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences Pergamon 1369-8486  
2416 Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics Pergamon 1355-2198  
2417 Studies in history and philosophy of science Pergamon Press, etc.] 0039-3681  
2418 Studies in history and philosophy of science Pergamon 1355-2198  
2419 Studies in science education Centre for Studies in Science Education, University of Leeds 0305-7267  
2420 Studies in statistical mechanics North-Holland    
2421 Sudhoffs Archiv F. Steiner 0039-4564  
2422 Sudhoffs Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften F. Steiner 0365-2610  
2423 Sūgaku expositions The Society 0898-9583  
2424 Sulfur letters Harwood Academic 0278-6117  
2425 Sulfur reports Harwood Academic 0196-1772  
2426 Sum formula for SL_2 over a totally real number field , v. 197, no. 919 American Mathematical Society    
2427 Summation Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York    
2428 Sunworld International Solar Energy Society 0149-1938  
2429 Superconductor Week Peregrine Communications 0894-7635 2012년 구독
2430 Superlattices and microstructures Academic Press 0749-6036  
2431 Supplemento al Nuovo cimento Societa italiana di fisica    
2432 Supramolecular chemistry Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1061-0278 2012년 구독
2433 Sur les caracteres des groupes reductifs finis a centre non connexe : applications aux groupes speciaux lineaires et unitaires , 306 Societe mathematique de France    
2434 Surface science North-Holland Pub. Co 0039-6028  
2435 Surface science reports North-Holland Pub. Co 0167-5729  
2436 Surveying and land information systems The Congress 1052-2905  
2437 Surveying and mapping The Congress 0039-6273  
2438 Surveys in differential geometry Lehigh University 1052-9233 2012년 구독
2439 Surveys in geophysics Springer 0169-3298  
2440 Surveys on mathematics for industry Springer-Verlag 0938-1953  
2441 Symposia mathematica Academic Press 0082-0725  
2442 Symposia of the Faraday Society Faraday Society 0301-5696  
2443 Symposium (International) on Combustion : [papers] Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia 0082-0784  
2444 Symposium on Combustion and Flame, and Explosion Phenomena Williams & Wilkins Company 1062-2896  
2445 Synchrotron radiation news Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0894-0886  
2446 Synfacts Georg Thieme Verlag 1861-1958 2012년 구독
2447 Synlett Georg Thieme Verlag 0936-5214 2012년 구독
2448 Synthesis Thieme 0039-7881  
2449 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry Marcel Dekker] 0094-5714  
2450 Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic, metal-organic, and nano-metal chemistry Taylor & Francis 1553-3174  
2451 Synthetic communications [M. Dekker] 0039-7911  
2452 Tables de comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences Gauthier-Villars    
2453 Tables de comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences Gauthier-Villars    
2454 Tables des comptes rendus Gauthier-Villars    
2455 Tables des comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences Gauthier-Villars    
2456 Taiwanese journal of mathematics Mathematical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 1027-5487 2012년 구독
2457 Talanta Pergamon Press 0039-9140  
2458 Talanta Pergamon Press 0039-9140  
2459 Tamkang journal of mathematics Tamkang University [etc.] 0376-4079  
2460 Tamkang journal of science and engineering Tamkang University 1560-6686  
2461 TAO Meteorological Society, Geological Society and Geophysical Society of the R.O.C 1017-0839  
2462 Targets in heterocyclic systems : chemistry and properties Italian Society of Chemistry 1724-9449  
2463 Teaching children mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1073-5836  
2464 Teaching mathematics and its applications Published by the Institute in association with Cranfield Press of Cranfield Institute of Technology 0268-3679 2012년 구독
2465 Teaching statistics Teaching Statistics Trust 0141-982X  
2466 Technical report of ISSP University of Tokyo. Institute for Solid State Physics 0082-4798  
2467 Technical report of ISSP Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo 0082-4801  
2468 Technical translations U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Institute for Applied Technology; [ 0497-0497  
2469 Tectonics American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society 0278-7407 2012년 구독
2470 Tectonophysics Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co 0040-1951  
2471 Tellus Swedish Geophysical Society [etc.] 0040-2826  
2472 Tellus Swedish Geophysical Society 0280-6509  
2473 Tellus Swedish Geophysical Society 0280-6495  
2474 Temperature Reinhold Pub. Corp 0091-9322  
2475 Tenside, surfactants, detergents C. Hanser Verlag 0932-3414 2012년 구독
2476 Tensor The Tensor Society 0040-3504  
2477 Terpenoids and steroids Chemical Society 0300-5992  
2478 TER-QUA Symposium series Nebraska Academy of Sciences    
2479 Terra nova Blackwell Scientific Publications 0954-4879 2012년 구독
2480 Téthys Station Marine d'Endoume    
2481 Tetrahedron Pergamon Press 0040-4020  
2482 Tetrahedron Pergamon Press 0563-2072  
2483 Tetrahedron letters Pergamon Press 0040-4039  
2484 Tetrahedron, asymmetry Pergamon 0957-4166  
2485 Textes des conférences Secrétariat mathématique    
2486 Thammasat international journal of science and technology Thammasat University Press 0859-4074  
2487 The Advancement of science British Association for the Advancement of Science 0001-866X  
2488 The Alkaloids Academic Press 0099-9598  
2489 The Alkaloids. Chemistry and biology Academic Press    
2490 The Alkaloids. Chemistry and physiology Academic Press 0099-9598  
2491 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists 0002-7464  
2492 The American journal of science J.D. & E.S. Dana 0002-9599 2012년 구독
2493 The American mathematical monthly The Association 0002-9890  
2494 The American mathematical monthly Mathematical Association of America, etc.] 0002-9890  
2495 The American mineralogist Mineralogical Society of America 0003-004X 2012년 구독
2496 The Analyst Royal Society of Chemistry [etc.] 0003-2654  
2497 The Annals and magazine of natural history Taylor and Francis, Ltd 0374-5481  
2498 The Annals of applied probability The Institute 1050-5164 2012년 구독
2499 The Annals of mathematical statistics Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0003-4851  
2500 The Annals of probability Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0091-1798 2012년 구독
2501 The Annals of statistics Institute of Mathematical Statistics [etc] 0090-5364  
2502 The ANZIAM journal Australian Mathematical Society, Mathematics Dept., Australian National University 1446-1811  
2503 The Arithmetic teacher National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0004-136X  
2504 The Asian journal of mathematics International Press, Inc 1093-6106 2012년 구독
2505 The Astronomer Astronomer 0950-138x 2012년 구독
2506 The Astronomical journal American Institute of Physics 0004-6256 2012년 구독
2507 The Astronomical journal American Institute of Physics 0004-6256  
2508 The Astrophysical journal Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 0004-637X 2012년 구독
2509 The Astrophysical journal Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 0067-0049 2012년 구독
2510 The Astrophysical journal Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 0004-637X  
2511 The astrophysical journal University of Chicago 0004-637X  
2512 The astrophysical journal. Supplement series University of Chicago Press 0067-0049  
2513 The Australasian journal of combinatorics Dept. of Mathematics, University of Queensland 1034-4942 2012년 구독
2514 The Australian mathematics teacher Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers 0045-0685 2012년 구독
2515 The Australian science teachers' journal Australian Science Teachers Association 0045-0855  
2516 The best American science and nature writing Houghton Mifflin Co    
2517 The British journal for the history of science British Society for the History of Science 0007-0874  
2518 The British journal for the philosophy of science T. Nelson and Sons 0007-0882  
2519 The bulletin of symbolic logic Association for Symbolic Logic 1079-8986 2012년 구독
2520 The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society London Mathematical Society] 0024-6093 2012년 구독
2521 The calculus of one-sided M-ideals and multipliers in operator spaces , no. 842 American Mathematical Society    
2522 The Canadian applied mathematics quarterly The Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 1073-1849 2012년 구독
2523 The Canadian journal of statistics Statistical Science Association of Canada 0319-5724  
2524 The Canadian mineralogist Mineralogical Association of Canada 0008-4476 2012년 구독
2525 The Cartographic journal British Cartographic Society 0008-7041  
2526 The Chemical formulary Chemical Pub. Co    
2527 The College mathematics journal The Association 0746-8342  
2528 The Common Denominator The Mathematical Association of Victoria 0814-9585 2012년 구독
2529 The Computer journal Published on behalf of the British Computer Society by Cambridge University Press [etc.] 0010-4620  
2530 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1286-0042 2012년 구독
2531 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1434-6044  
2532 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1434-6060  
2533 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1434-6001  
2534 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1434-6028  
2535 The European physical journal EDP Sciences 1292-8941 (printed version)  
2536 The European Physical Journal. Special Topics Springer 1951-6355  
2537 The Fibonacci quarterly Fibonacci Association] 0015-0517  
2538 The Gelfand mathematical seminars Birkhäuser 1068-7122  
2539 The Geophysical journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Published for the Royal Astronomical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0016-8009  
2540 The global atmosphere and ocean system Gordon and Breach 1023-6732  
2541 The Holocene E. Arnold 0959-6836  
2542 The International hydrographic review International Hydrographic Bureau 0020-6946  
2543 The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes Pergamon Press 0020-708X  
2544 The Irish astronomical journal [s.n] 0021-1052  
2545 The island arc Blackwell Scientific 1038-4871  
2546 The ITC journal ITC 0303-2434  
2547 The Journal of chemical physics American Institute of Physics 0021-9606  
2548 The Journal of chemical thermodynamics Academic Press 0021-9614  
2549 The journal of combinatorics International Press of Boston 2156-3527 2012년 구독
2550 The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd 1757-482x 2012년 구독
2551 The Journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching Association for Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 0731-9258 2012년 구독
2552 The journal of fourier analysis and applications CRC Press 1069-5869  
2553 The Journal of geology University of Chicago Press 0022-1376 2012년 구독
2554 The Journal of geology University of Chicago Press 0022-1376  
2555 The Journal of geometric analysis CRC Press 1050-6926  
2556 The Journal of glaciology British Glaciological Society 0022-1430 2012년 구독
2557 The Journal of integral equations and applications Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 0897-3962  
2558 The Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society 1520-6106 2012년 구독
2559 The Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society 1932-7447 2012년 구독
2560 The Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society [etc.] 0022-3654  
2561 The Journal of physical chemistry American Chemical Society 1089-5639 2012년 구독
2562 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids Elsevier 0022-3697  
2563 The Journal of symbolic logic Association for Symbolic Logic 0022-4812 2012년 구독
2564 The Journal of Symplectic Geometry International Press 1527-5256  
2565 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 0001-4966 2012년 구독
2566 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) The Society 0388-2861  
2567 The journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers American Association of Variable Star Observers 0271-9053 2012년 구독
2568 The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Published for the Australian Mathematical Society by Jerusalem Academic Press 0334-2700  
2569 The journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Jerusalem Academic Press [etc.] 0004-9735  
2570 The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Published for the Australian Mathematical Society by Jerusalem Academic Press 0334-3316  
2571 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society Indian Mathematical Society 0019-5839 2012년 구독
2572 The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science The Academy 0896-8381  
2573 The Journal of the Korean Physical Society Korean Physical Society 0374-4884  
2574 The Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Korean Statistical Society 1226-3192  
2575 The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 0035-872X  
2576 The Journal of vacuum science and technology Published for the American Vacuum Society by the American Institute of Physics 0022-5355  
2577 The Journal of weather modification Weather Modification Association 0739-1781  
2578 The Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for tame harmonic bundles and an application , 309 Société mathématique de France    
2579 The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science Taylor & Francis    
2580 The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science Taylor & Francis    
2581 The Mathematica journal Advanced Book Program, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1047-5974  
2582 The Mathematical gazette Bell and Hyman, etc 0025-5572 2012년 구독
2583 The Mathematical intelligencer Springer-Verlag 0343-6993  
2584 The Mathematics education Printed and published by S. D. Prasad 0047-6269  
2585 The Mathematics educator Mathematics Education Student Association, the Univsity of Georgia 1062-9017  
2586 The Mathematics teacher National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 0025-5769 2012년 구독
2587 The Messenger European Southern Observatory 0722-6691  
2588 The Meteorological magazine H.M.S.O 0026-1149  
2589 The Michigan mathematical journal University of Michigan Press 0026-2285 2012년 구독
2590 The Observatory Editors of the Observatory] 0029-7704 2012년 구독
2591 The Ohio journal of science Ohio Academy of Science [etc.] 0030-0950  
2592 The Philosophical magazine Taylor & Francis 0031-8086  
2593 The Physical review Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics    
2594 The Physics of fluids American Institute of Physics 0031-9171  
2595 The Physics of fluids American Institute of Physics 0031-9171  
2596 The Physics teacher American Association of Physics Teachers] 0031-921X 2012년 구독
2597 The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science The Academy 0085-2236  
2598 The Pure and applied mathematics = 純粹 및 應用數學 Korea Society of Mathematical Education 1226-0657  
2599 The Pusan Kyongnam mathematical journal Pusan-Kyongnam Mathematical Society    
2600 The Quarterly journal of mathematics Clarendon Press 0033-5606 2012년 구독
2601 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London s.n 0370-291X  
2602 The Quarterly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Published for the Royal Astronomical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications 0035-8738  
2603 The Ramanujan journal Kluwer Academic 1382-4090  
2604 The recognition theorem for graded lie algebras in prime characteristic , v. 197, no. 920 American Mathematical Society    
2605 The Reports of the Laboratory for Air-Flow Measurements The Laboratory 0910-8548  
2606 The Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 0035-7596 2012년 구독
2607 The role of true finiteness in the admissible recursively enumerable degrees , no. 854 American Mathematical Society    
2608 The School science review J. Murray] 0036-6811 2012년 구독
2609 The Science reports of the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan [s.n.] 0082-464X  
2610 The Science reports of the Tōhoku University, Sendai, Japan The University    
2611 The Science teacher American Science Teachers Association 0036-8555 2012년 구독
2612 The Sciences New York Academy of Sciences 0036-861X  
2613 The Scientific monthly American Association for the Advancement of Science, etc.] 0096-3771  
2614 The Sky Sky Pub. Corp. [etc.] 0361-8242  
2615 The University of Kansas science bulletin University of Kansas 0022-8850  
2616 The Yellow Sea International Society of Yellow Sea Research 1226-7090  
2617 The Yokohama mathematical journal Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Yokohama Municipal University 0044-0523  
2618 Theoretica chimica acta Springer 0040-5744  
2619 Theoretical and applied climatology Springer-Verlag 0177-798X  
2620 Theoretical chemistry accounts Springer 1432-881X  
2621 Theory of computing systems Springer 1432-4350  
2622 Theory of probability and its applications Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0040-585X  
2623 Theory of probability and mathematical statistics American Mathematical Society 0094-9000 2012년 구독
2624 Thermochimica acta Elsevier 0040-6031  
2625 TIMS/ORSA bulletin TIMS] 0161-0295  
2626 Tōhoku mathematical journal [Tōhoku University] 0040-8735 2012년 구독
2627 Tōkyō Daigaku Jishin Kenkyūjo ihō bessatsu Tōkyō Daigaku Jishin Kenkyūjo 0915-0862  
2628 Tokyo journal of mathematics Kinokuniya Book Store Company 0387-3870 2012년 구독
2629 Topics in catalysis Springer 1022-5528  
2630 Topics in stereochemistry John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0082-500X  
2631 Topological methods in nonlinear analysis Juliusz Schauder Center 1230-3429  
2632 Topologie et géométrie différentielle Institut Henri Poincaré    
2633 Topology Pergamon Press 0040-9383  
2634 Topology and its applications North-Holland Pub. Co 0166-8641  
2635 Topology proceedings Auburn University Mathematics Department and the Institute for Medicine and Mathematics at Ohio University] 0146-4124 2012년 구독
2636 Toroidalization of dominant morphism of 3-folds , no. 890 American Mathematical Society    
2637 Transactions - American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union 0002-8606  
2638 Transactions - American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union 0002-8606  
2639 Transactions of the American Crystallographic Association American Crystallographic Association 0065-8006  
2640 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society 0002-9947  
2641 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society American Mathematical Society 0002-9947  
2642 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society Academic Press 0003-018X  
2643 Transactions of the ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0022-1481  
2644 Transactions of the Faraday Society Faraday Society 0014-7672  
2645 Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science W.Y. Morgan 0022-8443  
2646 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society for the year American Mathematical Society 0077-1554  
2647 Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology The Academy 0115-8848  
2648 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Univ. of Nebraska 0077-6351  
2649 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and affiliated societies The Academy 0163-9013  
2650 Transactions of the Society of Rheology John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0038-0032  
2651 Transformation groups Birkhauser Boston 1083-4362  
2652 Transition metal chemistry M. Dekker 0082-5921  
2653 Trends in analytical chemistry Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0165-9936  
2654 Trends in analytical chemistry Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 0167-2940  
2655 Trends in applications of pure mathematics to mechanics Pitman    
2656 Trends in mathematics 수리과학연구정보센터 1229-1404  
2657 Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen Springer-Verlag 0369-1497  
2658 Tsinghua science and technology Tsinghua University 1007-0214  
2659 Tsukuba journal of mathematics Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba 0387-4982 2012년 구독
2660 Turkish journal of earth sciences Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey 1300-0985 2012년 구독
2661 Turkish journal of physics Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey 1300-0101 2012년 구독
2662 Twisted tensor products related to the cohomology of the classifying spaces of loop groups , no. 849 American Mathematical Society    
2663 Two-dimensional Markovian holonomy fields , 329 Societe? mathe?matique de France    
2664 Two-year college mathematics journal Published by Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, in collaboration with the Mathematical Association of America 0049-4925  
2665 Ukrainian mathematical journal Consultants Bureau 0041-5995  
2666 Ukrainian mathematical journal Consultants Bureau 0041-5995  
2667 Ultrasonics Butterworth Scientific Ltd., etc.] 0041-624X  
2668 Ultrasonics sonochemistry Butterworth Heinemann 1350-4177  
2669 Undersea technology Sheffield Pub. Co 0041-6533  
2670 Undersea technology and oceanology international & offshore technology [Compass Publications] 0886-7925  
2671 Unesco technical papers in marine science Division of Marine Sciences, UNESCO 0503-4299  
2672 Unfolding CR singularities , no. 962 American Mathematical Society    
2673 United States Geological Survey yearbook The Survey 0892-3442  
2674 Uspekhi khimii Uchpedgiz Narkomprosa RSFSR 0042-1308 2012년 구독
2675 Utah geology Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, Utah Department of Natural Resources 0363-1192  
2676 Utilitas mathematica Utilitas Mathematica Pub. Co 0315-3681  
2677 Vacuum Pergamon Press [etc.] 0042-207X  
2678 Vector British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers 0382-0718  
2679 Veroffentlichungen des Institut fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhavene Kommissionsverlag Franz Leuwer 0068-0915  
2680 Vestnik, Leningrad University American Mathematical Society 0146-924X  
2681 Vestnik, St. Petersburg University Allerton Press 1063-4541  
2682 Vibrational spectra and structure Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. [etc.] 0090-1911  
2683 Vibrational spectroscopy Elsevier 0924-2031  
2684 Vinculum The Mathematical Association of Victoria 0157-759x 2012년 구독
2685 Vistas in astronomy Pergamon Press 0083-6656  
2686 Vistas in astronomy Pergamon Press 0083-6656  
2687 Warme- und Stoffubertragung Springer-Verlag 0042-9929  
2688 Water resources research American Geophysical Union 0043-1397 2012년 구독
2689 Water science reviews Cambridge University Press 0266-4615  
2690 Water-resources bulletin Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey 0094-7636  
2691 Wave motion North-Holland Pub. Co 0165-2125  
2692 Waves in random and complex media Taylor & Francis 1745-5030  
2693 Weather Royal Meteorological Society 0043-1656  
2694 Weather and forecasting American Meteorological Society 0882-8156 2012년 구독
2695 Weatherwise [Heldref Publications, etc.] 0043-1672  
2696 What's happening in the mathematical sciences American Mathematical Society 1065-9358  
2697 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution collected reprints Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution    
2698 World meetings Macmillan Information [etc.] 0043-8693  
2699 World Meteorological Organization bulletin World Meteorological Organization 0042-9767  
2700 World science report UNESCO    
2701 Wuhan University journal of natural sciences Wuhan university University Press 1007-1202  
2702 X-ray spectrometry Heyden 0049-8246 2012년 구독
2703 Yearbook of asymmetric synthesis Kluwer Academic Publishers    
2704 Yeast Wiley 0749-503X  
2705 Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematickog fakulteta Fakultet 0352-0900  
2706 ZDM.  Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathematik E. Klett 0044-4103  
2707 Zeitschrift f?r Analysis und ihre Anwendungen Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften 0232-2064 2012년 구독
2708 Zeitschrift fur angewandte Geologie Akademie-Verlag 0044-2259  
2709 Zeitschrift fur angewandte mathematik und mechanik Akademie Verlag [etc.] 0044-2267  
2710 Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik Birkhauser 0044-2275  
2711 Zeitschrift fur angewandte Physik Springer Verlag 0044-2283  
2712 Zeitschrift fur anorganische Chemie Leopold Voss    
2713 Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Ambrosius Barth 0044-2313  
2714 Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Ambrosius Barth 0044-2313  
2715 Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik Springer-Verlag [etc.] 0372-8331  
2716 Zeitschrift fur geologische Wissenschaften Akademie-Verlag 0303-4534  
2717 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Gebruder Borntraeger 0372-8854  
2718 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Borntraeger 0044-2798  
2719 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Gebruder Borntraeger    
2720 Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft    
2721 Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften 0044-3050  
2722 Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie Deutscher Zentralverlag 0084-5361  
2723 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 0044-3166  
2724 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0932-0784 2012년 구독
2725 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0932-0776  
2726 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0939-5075  
2727 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0340-4811  
2728 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0341-0471  
2729 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung    
2730 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung    
2731 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0044-3174  
2732 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0340-5087  
2733 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 0341-0382  
2734 Zeitschrift fur Physik der Gesellschaft 0044-3328  
2735 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer-Verlag 0340-2193  
2736 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer-Verlag 0178-7683  
2737 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer 0340-224X  
2738 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer-Verlag 0930-1151  
2739 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer 0722-3277  
2740 Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer-Verlag 0170-9739  
2741 Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft 0942-9352 2012년 구독
2742 Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft    
2743 Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft    
2744 Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann    
2745 Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete Springer 0044-3719  
2746 Zeolites IPC Science and Technology Press 0144-2449  
2747 Zhongguo dian ji yu wen hua = Chinese classics & culture Jiangsu gu ji chu ban she 10043241  
2748 Бюллетень комиссии по изучению четвертичного периода Изд-во "Наука" 0366-0907  
2749 Вестник Российской академии наук   0869-5873  
2750 Коллоидный журнал Воронежское обл. кн-во 0023-2912  
2751 Океанологииа лзд-во Академии наук СССР 0030-1574  
2752 お茶の水女子大学自然科学報告 同 大学 0029-8190  
2753 サイエンス 島津製作所    

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