Canyon morphology on a modern carbonate slope of the Bahamas: Evidence of regional tectonic tilting
T. Mulder, E. Ducassou, H. Gillet, V. Hanquiez, E. Tournadour, J. Combes, G.P. Eberli, P. Kindler, E. Gonthier, G. Conesa, C. Robin, R. Sianipar, J.J.G. Reijmer, and A. Fran?ois
New Zealand and UK Holocene flooding demonstrates interhemispheric climate asynchrony
Mark G. Macklin, Ian C. Fuller, Anna F. Jones, and Mark Bebbington
Periglacial weathering and headwall erosion in cirque glacier bergschrunds
Johnny W. Sanders, Kurt M. Cuffey, Jeffrey R. Moore, Kelly R. MacGregor, and Jeffrey L. Kavanaugh
Oxidation state of subarc mantle
K.A. Evans, M.A. Elburg, and V.S. Kamenetsky
The offshore export of sand during exceptional discharge from California rivers
Jonathan A. Warrick and Patrick L. Barnard
New on-fault evidence for a great earthquake in A.D. 1717, central Alpine fault, New Zealand
G.P. De Pascale and R.M. Langridge
Disequilibrium dihedral angles in dolerite sills: A new proxy for cooling rate
Marian B. Holness, Chris Richardson, and Rosalind T. Helz
Dynamic branched fractures in pulverized rocks from a deep borehole
Amir Sagy and Dorit Korngreen
Gravity fluctuations induced by magma convection at K?lauea Volcano, Hawai‘i
Daniele Carbone and Michael P. Poland
How steady are steady-state landscapes? Using visible?near-infrared soil spectroscopy to quantify erosional variability
Kristin E. Sweeney, Joshua J. Roering, Peter Almond, and Till Reckling
Thickness of the chemical weathering zone and implications for erosional and climatic drivers of weathering and for carbon-cycle feedbacks
A. Joshua West
Deep-time evidence of a link between elevated CO2 concentrations and perturbations in the hydrological cycle via drop in plant transpiration
Margret Steinthorsdottir, F. Ian Woodward, Finn Surlyk, and Jennifer C. McElwain
The 8.2 ka event?Calendar-dated glacier response in the Alps
Kurt Nicolussi and Christian Schl?chter
Neogene aridification of the Northern Hemisphere
Jussi T. Eronen, M. Fortelius, A. Micheels, F.T. Portmann, K. Puolam?ki, and Christine M. Janis
Origin of giant wave ripples in snowball Earth cap carbonate
Michael P. Lamb, Woodward W. Fischer, Timothy D. Raub, J. Taylor Perron, and Paul M. Myrow
Active extension in Taiwan’s precollision zone: A new model of plate bending in continental crust
Ryan Lester, Luc L. Lavier, Kirk McIntosh, Harm J.A. Van Avendonk, and Francis Wu
Coral reefs at 34°N, Japan: Exploring the end of environmental gradients
Hiroya Yamano, Kaoru Sugihara, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Michiyo Shimamura, and Kiseong Hyeong
Shallow-water methane-seep faunas in the Cenomanian Western Interior Seaway: No evidence for onshore-offshore adaptations to deep-sea vents
Steffen Kiel, Frank Wiese, and Alan L. Titus
Explaining the Phanerozoic Ca isotope history of seawater
Clara L. Bl?ttler, Gideon M. Henderson, and Hugh C. Jenkyns
Coupling meteoric 10Be with pedogenic losses of 9Be to improve soil residence time estimates on an ancient North American interfluve
Allan R. Bacon, Daniel deB. Richter, Paul R. Bierman, and Dylan H. Rood
Seismicity and the strange rubbing boulders of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile
Jay Quade, Peter Reiners, Christa Placzek, Ari Matmon, Martin Pepper, Lujendra Ojha, and Kendra Murray
Influence of drainage divide structure on the distribution of mountain peaks
James A. Spotila
Glacier expansion in southern Patagonia throughout the Antarctic cold reversal
Juan L. Garc?a, Michael R. Kaplan, Brenda L. Hall, Joerg M. Schaefer, Rodrigo M. Vega, Roseanne Schwartz, and Robert Finkel
How deep and how steady is Earth’s surface?
Suzanne P. Anderson