Characters of Springer representations on elliptic conjugacy classes |
Dan M. Ciubotaru and Peter E. Trapa |
Duke mathematical journal (0012-7094) |
2013 |
vol.162 no.2 pp.201-223 | |
Syzygies of Segre embeddings and $\Delta$-modules |
Andrew Snowden |
Duke mathematical journal (0012-7094) |
2013 |
vol.162 no.2 pp.225-277 | |
The elliptic Hall algebra and the $K$-theory of the Hilbert scheme of $\mathbb{A}^{2}$ |
Olivier Schiffmann and Eric Vasserot |
Duke mathematical journal (0012-7094) |
2013 |
vol.162 no.2 pp.279-366 | |
Contracting exceptional divisors by the K?hler?Ricci flow |
Jian Song and Ben Weinkove |
Duke mathematical journal (0012-7094) |
2013 |
vol.162 no.2 pp.367-415 | |
Sharp inequalities for the Beurling?Ahlfors transform on radial functions |
Rodrigo Ba?uelos and Adam Ose?kowski |
Duke mathematical journal (0012-7094) |
2013 |
vol.162 no.2 pp.417-434 | |