ISSN 0019-2082
Editorial Board
On mathematical contributions of Paul E. Schupp
Ilya Kapovich; 1-9
Makanin–Razborov diagrams over free products
Eric Jaligot and Zlil Sela; 19-68
Windmills and extreme 2-cells
Jon McCammond and Daniel Wise; 69-87
Domains of proper discontinuity on the boundary of Outer space
Ilya Kapovich and Martin Lustig; 89-108
A linear-time algorithm to compute geodesics in solvable Baumslag–Solitar groups
Murray Elder; 109-128
Computing equations for residually free groups
Vincent Guirardel and Gilbert Levitt; 129-135
Combinatorial descriptions of multi-vertex 2-complexes
Jon McCammond; 137-154
Embeddings of local automata
Marie-Pierre Béal, Sylvain Lombardy and Dominique Perrin; 155-174
Computing fixed closures in free groups
Enric Ventura; 175-186
Sublinear time algorithms in the theory of groups and semigroups
Vladimir Shpilrain; 187-197
Characterization of group radicals with an application to Mal’cev products
Jorge Almeida, Stuart Margolis, Benjamin Steinberg and Mikhail Volkov; 199-221
On the intersection of free subgroups in free products of groups with no 2-torsion
Warren Dicks and S. V. Ivanov; 223-248
The automorphism group of a graph product with no SIL
Ruth Charney, Kim Ruane, Nathaniel Stambaugh and Anna Vijayan; 249-262
SLk-tilings of the plane
François Bergeron and Christophe Reutenauer; 263-300
On the conjugacy growth functions of groups
Victor Guba and Mark Sapir; 301-313
Some reflections on proving groups residually torsion-free nilpotent. I
Gilbert Baumslag; 315-325
Growth in free groups (and other stories)—twelve years later
Igor Rivin; 327-370
Exponentially generic subsets of groups
Robert Gilman, Alexei Miasnikov and Denis Osin; 371-388
On conjugacy growth for solvable groups
Emmanuel Breuillard and Yves de Cornulier; 389-395