ISSN 0010-2571
The universal Cannon–Thurston map and the boundary of the curve complex
Christopher J. Leininger, Mahan Mj and Saul Schleimer
pp. 769–816
Comparison of dynamical degrees for semi-conjugate meromorphic maps
Tien-Cuong Dinh and Viêt-Anh Nguyên
pp. 817–840
Λ-adic modular symbols over totally real fields
Baskar Balasubramanyam and Matteo Longo
pp. 841–865
Heegner points and p-adic L-functions for elliptic curves over certain totally real fields
Chung Pang Mok
pp. 867–945
Bounding the regularity of subschemes invariant under Pfaff fields on projective spaces
Joana D. A. Cruz and Eduardo Esteves
pp. 947–965
Prescription de la multiplicité des valeurs propres du laplacien de Hodge–de Rham
Pierre Jammes
pp. 967–984
Erratum to “Central extensions of Lie superalgebras” (Comment. Math. Helv. 76 (2001), 110–154)
Kenji Iohara and Yoshiyuki Koga
pp. 985–986