서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)는 국내 모든 연구자에게 자연과학 분야 원문복사 서비스를 무료로 제공하고 있습니다.

CURRENT CONTENTS/Earth Science 514

International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling vol9 no.2 2012

Real-time multiscale detection of defective pills during manufacturingC. Douglas, L. Deng, Y. Efendiev, G. Haase, A. Kucher and R. Lodder169- Spatial entropy based mutual information in hyperspectral band selection for supervised classificationB. Wang, X. Wang and Z. Chen181- GPU accelerated parallel branch prediction for multi/many-core processor simulationL. He, G. Zhang and J. Jiang193- Resea..

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences vol370 no.1969 2012

Research article: Pressure effects on water vapour lines: beyond the Voigt profile N. H. Ngo, H. Tran, R. R. Gamache, and J. M. Hartmann2495-2508 Research article: Spectroscopic measurement of the vapour pressure of ice K. Bielska, D. K. Havey, G. E. Scace, D. Lisak, and J. T. Hodges2509-2519 Research article: Development and recent evaluation of the MT_CKD model of continuum absorption Eli J. M..