서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Journal of multiple-valued logic & soft computing vol.18 no.3 2012

1542-3980 Axiomatic Decision Aid for Marine Equipment Selection in Ship Machinery Design and Installation ProjectsSELCUK CEBI, METIN CELIK AND CENGIZ KAHRAMAN223-245 Polynomial Functions Over Bounded Distributive LatticesMIGUEL COUCEIRO AND JEAN-LUC MARICHAL247-256 The Complexity of Riemann’s HypothesisELENA CALUDE257-265 A Primer in Understanding Retirement Planning with Fuzzy MathematicsIRINI ..

Journal of multiple-valued logic & soft computing vol.18 no.2 2012

ISSN 1542-3980 EditorialHAJIME MACHIDA115-116 Counting Problems and Clones of FunctionsANDREI A. BULATOV AND AMIR HEDAYATY117-138 Infinite Chains of Partial Clones Containing All Selfdual Monotonic Partial FunctionsLUCIEN HADDAD139-152 Counting the Maximal Partial Clones on a Finite SetKARSTEN SCHÖLZEL153-165 A Sheffer-Criterion for Partial 4-Valued Logic KARSTEN SCHÖLZEL167-199 Three Classes of..

Journal of multiple-valued logic & soft computing vol.18 no.1 2012

ISSN 1542-3980 Foreword: Special Issue on Reversible ComputationROLF DRECHSLER, IREK ULIDOWSKI AND ROBERT WILLE1-3 Optimizing Reversible Simulation of Injective FunctionsTETSUO YOKOYAMA, HOLGER BOCK AXELSEN AND ROBERT GLÜCK5-24 Reversible Implementation of a Discrete Integer Linear TransformationALEXIS DE VOS, STÉPHANE BURIGNAT AND MICHAEL KIRKEDAL THOMSEN25-35 Non-degenerate 2-State Reversible ..

Journal of nonlinear and convex analysis vol.13 no.1 2012

1345-4773 Various convergence results in strong law of large numbers for double array of random sets in Banach spacesCharles Castaing, Nguyen Van Quang and Duong Xuan Giap1-30 Unicast decentralized algorithm for solving centralized optimization problems in network resource allocationHideaki Iiduka31-48 Separation by linear interpolation familiesMihály Bessenyei and Zsolt Páles49-56 Optimality co..