서울대학교 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)

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Mathematical and computer Modelling of dynamical systems v.17 n.3 2011

ISSN 1387-3954 Modelling a hormone-inspired controller for individual- and multi-modular robotic systems Thomas Schmickl; Heiko Hamann; Karl Crailsheim Pages 221 - 242 Construction of kinetic models for metabolic reaction networks: Lessons learned in analysing short-term stimulus response data I. Emrah Nikerel; André B. Canelas; Stefan J. Jol; Peter J. T. Verheijen; Joseph J. Heijnen Pages 243 -..

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience v.8 n.7 2011

ISSN 1546-1955 REVIEW Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Viscous Flow and Heat Conduction in Liquid Crystals Sten Sarman and Aatto Laaksonen J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 1081-1100 (2011) RESEARCH ARTICLES Physical Mechanism of Nitrogen Implantation Into Silicon Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation Te-Hua Fang, Win-Jin Chang, Sung-Shui Chi, and Jia-Hung Liao J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 1101-1105 ..

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics v.43 n.7 2011

ISSN 0538-8066 Synthesis of hydroxyethylhydrazine by the Raschig process and comparison with synthesis by the alkylation process (pages 331–344) V. Goutelle, V. Pasquet, A. El Hajj, A. J. Bougrine and H. Delalu Quasiclassical trajectory study of the rotational distribution for the O+NO(v = 0) fundamental vibrational excitation (pages 345–352) B. R. L. Galvão, J. A. Corzo-Espinoza, P. J. S. B. Ca..